Sunday, September 3, 2017

While We Are Reflecting...

An exceedingly dear friend of mine in the States, from whom I am clearly at distinctly opposite perspectives politically, recently posted the following – presumably right after Charlottesville:

"I've been wondering...If any of these neo-nazi, white supremacists, were caught in a burning building, and a firefighter who was a person of color came rushing in to save their lives, would they refuse their hand? Just wondering..."

I have to take issue with this by its very premise, as it is based on serious fallacies fed by clichés which don't apply. To begin with, who set that proverbial burning building on fire in the first place? Not some "neo-nazi" and not some "white-supremacist" – and by no stretch of the imagination some Trump voter. And to pointedly take this proverbial image by the horns, I will draw on my own real-world observations and experiences here in Berlin, as with throughout Western Germany, as with all of Western EUrope, as with the many street confrontations and practices (and having carefully observed a large volume of video footage and analysis, using a wide spectrum of sources – both mainstream and alternative), and call the criminal pyromaniac by name: the "Anti"fa and its Black Bloc stormtroopers.

I happen to know who and what is certifiably right-extremist in Germany – and they are politically speaking either insignificant or irrelevant or both. Not so the extreme left. Whereas the former are constantly for that reason abetted and ignored by virtue of being under control by the authorites of State, the latter are subsidized, encouraged, provided for by legislators and foundations well-funded at the highest echelons – and assured no serious problem on the part of police action, who are not necessarily stood down as in the States but are cut back in staff, exhausted, hampered – and effectively castrated.  So instead of having the balls ever to really confront real neo-nazis, I mean hard-core right-extremist thugs, the massive thuggery of "Anti"fa is active in terrorism toward the one liberal-conservative party which poses an opposition to the system and to Merkel's ruling policies of devstation:  the AfD, hardly what you could call fascist or extremist by any stretch of the imagination (just by the Left's).

What shall we reflect on the legally registered pro-Trump rally where a teenager among them was brutally set upon by several attackers from this mob of financed thugs (in Germany they are literally subsidized by parties sitting in the Bundestag or in the Berlin Senate – namely the SPD, The Left, and The Greens, and at least passively abetted – until now, with elections in three weeks – by the CDU/CSU), and when the lad's own father moved to protect his son from certain injury if not death, of which the American "Anti"fa has proven closely capable, that father found himself under a hail of blows. They both got out of there within an inch of their lives.

What shall we reflect on the legally registered pro-Trump rally where an "Anti"fa peacemaker illegally employing a homemade blowtorch (spraycan with flame) in the face of a Trump supporter, was in turn – and only then – met with the heat his intended victim happened to be packing, albeit this latter without incurring injuries or death. Like it or not, one has the right under law to defensively pack heat, and this was pulled in self-defense. The one with the pistol was duly charged – the typically concealed and anonymous Warrior-of-Tolerance was not.

Who was that unsuspecting "white supremacist" photo-journalist I saw (who was in the habit of quietly and objectively filming street events without comment) getting jumped, slugged, and knocked down – and further kicked – by several of these Soros-Wunderkinder and Social Justice Wannabes? How shall I reflect on him having his life literally saved by a black dude with dreadlocks who threw himself onto him to protect him from the kicks and blows which only stopped because no one would continue with the black guy being in the way like that! Did this "person of color" stop and ask himself whether the photographer, who suffered injuries to his limbs and kidneys, was a "neo-nazi"? The rescued victim, during a brief interview later on, told of trying to locate his rescuer to thank him and break bread with him.

Let us reflect for a moment on the fact that the districts of Houston most affected by Harvey's flooding were statistically not Trump voters at all – but predominantly Hillary voters. The point of that being, to reflect on the compassion and the empathy of the Florida broadcast journalist who'd Tweeted with a strange relish about the "karma" of having voted for Trump (!) now visiting Texas with a vengeance. This popularized abuse of the term "karma" is why I have stopped ever using the word myself, just as I have reasons for thoroughly rejecting the Democratic Party as I'd always rejected the Republican. Until this last Presidential election. Even the broadcaster's own employer found this virally-gone Tweet way over the top, and duly fired him. Just as even some voices from the traditional Left are finally grasping and confronting the monster unleashed by their own bankrupt ideology, an ideology which I'd thought I'd shared for decades.

Speaking of floods and "Anti"fa, let me reflect here on Idumea, where refugees – bona fide according to international statutes or merely posed as such – were whipped into a frenzy of "getting out" of Greece, which by international and EU convention was where they should have stayed after leaving Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan. They were herded by NGO-supported Greens and “Anti“fa to take any risk to just make it to Merkel's Germany(!) by a forced and visibly dangerous crossing of river rapids where some (children and mothers) met their deaths, to be broadcast on German mainstream news for the cheapest maudlin propaganda, the real circumstances coming out only later by investigation and witness reports.

Apropos picking and choosing who rescues and who gets rescued: I will end by reflecting further in this vein, on the Eastern German flooding (we have those here every couple years or so, due to river banks overflowing) which occurred in recent weeks – here as well you had images resembling Houston, with houses buried in waters up to their roofs, on which sat stranded house owners. And along came actual "Anti"fa rescue boats, which were later reported by those affected, as having picked up people from those roofs – only to return them to those very roofs the moment they sized up the rescuee to be "too right-wing" in appearance. Or certainly "too German" for their taste.

I just came across the following message posted on Facebook – after previewing two or three videos which seriously tackled what I am addressing here, I found it with its one single statement, sufficient:

"Thousands of black flood victims in Texas have been rescued by 'rednecks' NOT by #blacklivesmatter and NOT by #ANTIFA."

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