Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Call To Jihad No Longer Punishable By Law - since 2007!

Dschihad-Demonstration in Gaza
"Zum Dschihad darf künftig aufgerufen werden, er darf nur nicht umgesetzt werden."

The German Federal Court has - we've just come across this from 2007 - has made the following officially allowable and unhindered on the Internet, once and for all (ten years since this article appeared) and is more palpable as ever:

1) General (i.e., non-specific, you understand) calls for Jihad against all of us unbelievers und apostates – permissable and permitted, legally framed as “freedom of opinion“.

This does not allow for any specific (i.e., manner, time, location, target) calls for Jihad – at least theoretically not, according to the letter of this current and legally binding act of goodwill for the "enrichment" of Germans and in the interest of "diversity" – and of course, in the Great Fight Against "The Nazis" (which evidently includes me, I guess).

2) Muslim, "Anti"fa, and Communist hate-propaganda and Leftist racism toward Germans themselves in particular (allowed by the courts for example is the openly stated designation of Germans as "cur race", in Doitch: Köterrasse), toward Jews, toward Israel, toward Americans.

Here is what is DECIDEDLY NOT ALLOWBLE by the Heiko Maas Regime under the neo-fascist Ministry of Justice and its former-Stasi personnel – and will NOT BE PERMITTED on any FB page, website, blog, twitter account, specifically including Youtube as well – according to actions now further implemented, with promise fo draconian measures expected to intensify in the months to come:

1) The Monday Pegida gatherings in Dresden are being as of this week erased from Youtube, which does not mean they won't be findable on internet alternatives to the compromised Youtube. The Pegida events are known, to any who would attend or watch one or listen to what is being addresed, for holding thoroughly non-violent Walks and thoroughly informed and intelligently articulated open talks, given in the spirit of Constitutionally sanctioned protest and Resistance.

2) Anything smacking of criticism toward Islam itself or toward The Merkel Plan for Muslim repopulation by fiat and the gradual erasure of German existence. This will forthwith be regarded, and quite arbitrarily at that, as "hate speech" and as "agitation".
3) Free and open discussion, debate, differentiated dialogue in the social network and on Youtube specifically.

1) Via the State organs and their subsidized organizations under Justice Ministry direction: specifically the secret services (in particular, the German version of Homeland Security, known as Verfassungsschutz or Consitutional Protection, a known and proven instigator of violent radicalism, infliltrator of both extremist and decidedly non-extremist groups for purposes of State control, and for assistance in and cover-ups of pedophile networks and of State-manipulated terrorism and disinformation), and through such bodies as former-Stasi led "anti-Nazi" foundaitons which are praciticed in the art of denunciation, defamation and character assassination.

2) The established leading mainstream media, in print and blog, in television programming, and via an enormous and zealous commercial campaign of re-education and mobilization of the general population toward self-righteous and submissive conformity and denunciation, employing a vast array of entertainment celebrities and who's-who personalities.

3) Intimidation by implication, by pressure at the workplace, and fear of defamation or worse.

4) In other words, we are back in a Stasi-State, more advanced than its former East German home ground, under a former Stasi-controlled Chancellor about to be voted into her fourth term in (abuse of) Office, and (for the past five years) under the pastoral guiding hand of a compromised former-East German President, as well as the Federal and State party, The Left – successor to the East German SED – and of course the Communism-hopeful Greens and compromised-beyond-recognition SPD (the Social Democrats which are neither social nor democratic).

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Weh euch!

Bildergebnis für luther

Das würde wohl Luther – mit Sicherheit – zu Deutschland heute, in seinem 500. Jubiläumsjahr sagen:

„Weh euch!

„Weh euch, ihr politische Eliten, aus allen Altparteien, ihr treibt mit bösartiger, dunkler Absicht Deutschland – Land und Nation, Selbstvertrauen und Identität, Volk und Bevölkerung – in den Abgrund, ihr spaltet und täuscht das Volk, mit Eurer Naivität und Heuchelei, ihr saugt die Seele aus einem über-tausendjährige Kulturentwicklung! Das Blut von jedem Attentat, von jedem Anschlag, von jedem Vergewaltigung und jedem Prügel, von jedem Mord und Totschlag, durch Merkels verdammt-bereichernden Gäste und Neuansiedler der bald-nicht-mehr-Nation – das Blut ist auf eure Hände, und die Ertrunkenen auch: Merkel, Maas, von der Leiden, Schäuble, Gabriel, u.s.w., geschweige jeden einzelne Pädo-Grüner, die Linken, etc. Ihr verdreht und lasst verwechseln, gute Menschen sein mit Gutmenschentum, ihr schreibt und treibt durch gekaufte Medienwesen und Asylindustrie globalistische Völkermord und Social-Experiment! Ihr löst eine Invasionswelle auf euer Land und Bevölkerung aus und schafft die Verteidigungskraft ab auf verräterisch miserabelster Weise, wobei das Volk völlig ausgeliefert wird, ohne Grenzenschutz! Weh euch und weh eure Lügenpresse, denn sie macht gerne mit! Gott sieht es, und wird euch
besonders richten.

„Weh euch, ihr Amtskirchen und Gemeindeleiter, ihr Heuchler, ihr falsche Priester und Pastoren, EKD und
deutschkatholisch zugleich, weh euch! Ihr verarscht euer Schafe – die wirklich Schafe sind, da sie weiter die Volksschlächter wählen, mit eure Förderung und Segensprüche! Ihr versagt bei allen Christen auf der Welt, die längst durch „die-Religion-des-Friedens“ verfolgt werden, erhängt und gekreuzigt und enthauptet werden – Man, Frau, Kind – die vergewaltigt und versklavt werden, zwangskonvertiert und vor allem von euch verlassen! Ihr Verräter Christi! Ihr predigt ein Dreck, ihr mißbraucht das Evangelium, ihr verwirrt all die, die von euch Führung erwarten! Ihr entwaffnet und entmannt diese deutsche Bevölkerung, ihr liefert euer Volk und eure Gemeinde aus an jener grausamen Gefahr! Vom Jesuiten-Papst bis auf Kumbaya-Käßmann – auf eure Hände schmiert das Blut! Ihr pisst auf mein 500. Jubiläum, ihr nicht-mehr-Protestanten-sondern-Neukatholiken, ihr seid in meinen Augen eine Schande und eine Schande für Deutschland, ihr seid keine Christen, und meiner nicht würdig! Ihr verhöhnt und verwerft sogar mich und meine 95 Thesen, euren Reformator! Ihr Pöbel, der Gotteslästerung begeht! An die Dresdener Frauenkirche lasst ihr mit drei Busse ausgestellt lästern und blockieren, gegen alle Christen und christlichen Sinne, ohne das geringste Mitgefühl für 250.000 Zivilisten die im Feuersbrunst elendisch starben – und wozu: um die al-Qa'ida-Ableger aus Aleppo zu ehren, die bekanntlich Christen und Muslimen abgeschlachtet haben, ihr verhöhnt alle deutsche Christen und treibt sie zur Ketzerei – weh euch!

„Auch die Vatikantreue, Freimaurerkatholische Kirchenhäupter! Verräterbande, Heuchlerpack,
Feiglinge alle, weh euch! Ihr wart Verräter eures Glaubens unter den National-Sozialismus, ihr wart Verräter und Spitzeln unter dem DDR-Sozialismus, ihr seid heute wieder voll dabei, unter Merkel'schen-Sozialismus in der BRDDR 2017, als Glaubensverräter des Christentums, als Landesverräter, als Menschenversager! Gott sieht es, und wird euch noch besonders, noch härter, richten.

„Weh euch, mit euren selbstsüchtigen Genderwahn und familienfeindlicher Abtreibungsindustrie, ihr treibt jeden menschlichen Norm aus der Gesellschaft und erzwingt durch Umerziehung und pausenlose Propaganda konforme und kompliante Akzeptanz von all dem was nicht den Norm entspricht, als Ersetzung jedem längst wissenschaftlich bewiesenen Norm!

„Weh euch, ihr kommunismusaffine, islamaffine, ahnungslosen nicht-antifaschistische und nicht-
autonome „Anti“fa und Schwarze Block – ein schwarzer Witz seid ihr! Nur gar nicht witzig, sondern pathetisch, armselig, abgestumpft, verloren. Unter solcher Altparteienunterstützung, unter verwässerten Kirchenunterstützung, kein Wunder ihr habt gar keine Empathie im Begriff, im Gegenteil: Apathie in Mengen! Ihr seid nichts als ein feiger Mob, ein zukunftsarmer Pöbel! Gott sieht es, wird euch auch richten, aber anders – er wird euch der Zeit überlassen, dann siehe mal wie der Wind dreht! Denn ihr seid betüddelt, verarscht, und befördert durch schwache Eltern, soziopathische Politeliten und Stasispitzeln, Machtweiber, skrupellosen Medien, kompromittierte Journalisten, und dämonisch-lächelnde Kirchen mit Programm – ihr seid schließlich nur deren nützliche Vollidioten. Ja, was ich für euch sehe, oder manche von euch: Gott wird euch ein Gewissen eröffnen, er wird eure Herzen irgendwann mal quicken, und ihr wird durchaus und unvermeidlich spüren, endlich, für wie viel Schmerz und Leid ihr euch jetzt noch mitverantwortlich macht. Und DAS wird brennen, wie tausende Molotovs, innen brennen, da wo ihr nichts lindern, nichts kratzen könnt, da wo nur harte Reflektion, schwierige Einsicht, vielleicht viel Therapie, und schließlich ein Umkehr zurück in das Menschsein, von dem ihr längst weit weg seid.

„Ihr Deutsch- und Deutschlandhassenden Pädo-Eliten, Kirchenversager, Medientreiber und Lügenpresse, Gewerkschaften und Verbände, Zentralverrat der Juden, ihr Linksterroristen – all ihr Mitläufer, alle:

„Ich sage euch nicht: „Schämt euch!“ denn ihr seid schamlos und kennt keinen Scham und
keine Demut, kein Mitgefühl und keine mitmenschliche Empathie! Ich sage nur: Weh euch!“

Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Which part of “We will strike terror in their hearts”, or “We will come, conquer you Europeans, take your women, repopulate there, subjugate you…” did you NOT understand?

And what does one do with teddy bears, votive candles and bouquets, when mass denial is in progress anyway and trust of elected and never-elected officials only numbs the will to action? What is meant today, by “getting on with our way of life,” which way of life is meant every time they take the stage and assume the right to say that?

Is it that of hyper-indoctrination in lopsided “tolerance” and “all are diverse AND the same”, of spineless permissiveness and hedonism played out on stage, exposing children’s psyches unprotected by parents who themselves have issues with finding their adultness and what role modelling and guidelines entail? Is it about exposing their own young children to early sexualisation on a penetratingly graphic and intense level via the music industry which gives them just such “artists” as were heading the evening in Manchester, and via the trending gender-madness and an agenda of set-no-limits-offer-no-guidance which prepares them to be little tarts for the pedophile networks, websites, societies?

Or was it some other “way of life” or lifestyle playing into the hands of West-hating jihadis and the child-trafficking industry?

Which part have you still not gotten, what part of “Appeasement is weakness inviting aggression” are you not grasping? And that, if you haven’t the character (or convention had re-educated and trained it out of you) to DEFEND YOUR OWN CHILDREN from predation by the sex, rap and (what passes for) music performance industry, and the elite in general (who will decidedly NOT defend your children) – HOW would you ever DEFEND THEM AGAINST OPEN TERROR?!

Which part of Theresa May’s lies have you still not gotten, when she, like Merkel, speaks of security?

No, Manchester is not united over this, not united “behind something” other than more conformity. If Manchester REALLY were united, if it were REALLY to unite now, they’d ALL be behind BRITAIN FIRST instead of slamming them and then trusting traitors who decidedly do NOT have you or your children’s interests in mind.

Are you getting this yet?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

When Those On Whose Hands

When those on whose hands the blood of innocent,
unsuspecting victims of terror, dries and is refreshed
with every incident, with every knife or machete attack
and with every nail- or car-bomb, with every heavy truck
which plows into a crowd - exclusively for the advance and glory

of the world's fastest-goring religion - and then dries again,
to be wet with crocodile tears on camera void of life or fluid;

when those on whose hands the entire responsibility
for all that has been brought into the country
and onto the continent, all the chaos, the chicanery,
the drownings to get here, the illegal trade, the abuse
of laws and regulations, of traditions and principles,
of trust and voters, of citizenship and education,
of security and borders, the criminal violence
and the denial of it, the pitting of the population
against itself to maintain the hold on power,
the denunciations of critics, the character assassination,
the staged and promoted terror using communist thugs,
the courted and shuffled terror using jihadi thugs -

when those on whose hands this blood runs,
those with smooth hands and craggy faces, dead eyes,
speak to the public of "shock and of mourning",
"decisiveness and resolve", of "standing together"
or of "carrying on with determination" - THIS IS WHY

These vampires have sucked you dry with their vicious,
plotting, self-serving hypocrisy. THEY CAN SPEAK BEFORE A CAMERA,


Take back your right to be outraged, take back your right
to mourn and to wail, take back your right to react authentically
and to weep genuinely - stop lighting those goddamned candles

and stop wasting your money on teddy bears and bouquets -

It is time to whet the axe, it is time to fell the tree of treason.

Is Manchester United? No moreso than Berlin.

Just late yesterday evening I had remarked to my fellow Monday demonstrators, where we had held speeches as usual addressing Merkel’s Despot-State and the continued execution of her Plan to flood Germany (and consequently all of EUrope) with Guests from the rich culture of The-Religion-Of-Peace – I'd remarked, as the police kept the screaming, jeering “Anti”fa mob at bay, turning to one or another of my co-demonstrators:

By current standards, if the legendary Paul Revere would ride today, he’d be charged with “hate-speech” toward the British and branded in the conventional press as “Britophobic”.

(In Doitch that ran soemthing like: “Dem heutigen Gesinnungswahn nach, wenn der legendäre Paul Revere heute reiten wurde, wäre er von Heiko Maas wegen „Hassrede“ gegen Briten angelagt worden, und von FB gesperrt, in der Mainstream-medien als „Britophob“ gebrandmarkt und beschimpft.“)

Well I could not have known, while I was saying that, that in probably that very hour a suicide bomber had just taken twenty-some unwary concert goers with him and left behind fifty-some severely injured, a city in trauma, and a Pakistani-Muslim Lord Mayor of London who calms his population with the nonchalant reassurance that “terrorism is just a part of big cities, which one must come to terms with and accept.”

Know what I’m reminded of? The 19th of December 2016 was also a Monday, here in Berlin when we were gathered exactly as we were yesterday, holding speeches addressing the very same matters as we had yesterday, likewise airing our grievance that no matter how many terrorist attacks thanks entirely to Merkel’s Plan and the EU Agenda, Soros’ Grandfatherly Guidance and a whole continent of populations who still don’t get it, the majority are still too cowed to think and to grasp, and still haven’t a shimmer of a clue to what real empathy and real mourning should be driving one to do, as a response, a reaction. No one will stop voting for Merkel, no one will take to the streets, no one will question the Lügenpresse which slams all oppositional voices as right-extreme (to be held null and void by any and all means at their disposal) and absurd (to be discarded as mad ravings).

Well I could not have known, as I'd left for home afterwards that evening, that indeed during that very hour I was catching my bus, a jihadi drove the semi truck he’d just hijacked, having shot the original Polish driver, into a dense unwary crowd gathered at a major Christmas Market in Berlin’s most central district – killing a dozen, severely injuring many, traumatizing others…..just not the Lord Mayor here, not the Interior Minister, not the mass-programmed “Welcome-Refugees” buttercups, and of course not “Mama” Merkel, the childless Despot who cautioned Berlin and all of Germany with the nonchalant reassurance that “terrorism is just a part of big cities, which one must come to terms with and accept.”

You know what I’m thinking? I'm thinking maybe, if the legendary Paul Revere had not ridden through the streets like that and just kept his fucking yap shut, and minded his own business, the British would never have come. But doesn’t that make perfect sense?

Friday, May 19, 2017

The Beauty Of Watching Change Occur

March 12, 1990
"The Stars & Stripes", editorial letter

(Well - they DID tell me, "We hope to hear from you again sometime." And as there was no threat to speak of here, this time it flew. It was occasioned by my growing disgust with the lethargic indifference in the barracks populaiton, to what was coming over the TV at an increasing pace - nind you, the Wall had fallen, the GDR was history, Germany would be one nation again, and Mandela had just been realeased! Keep in mind: there was no internet, we had only the mainstream media.)


I'd like to use the recent events in South Africa as an opportunity to remind the jaded TV addict of one obvious point, which has been redundantly expressed over the past six months, but which still deserves our attention.

Thepoint we have all "gotten tired of hearing" is that this is such a significant time in history, that the world as we know it is going through only-dreamed-of changes right before our eyes and with the rapidity of the unexpected on a daily basis.

That the majority of what is occurring is as nonviolent as it is substantial - and that each further crack in the "world as we know it" actually confronts us daily with the ominously breathtaking question: What in God's name or any other name, do we want our future to look like? - this is the stuff that should make the tube watcher feel already quite involved just by being witness to it.

When I look at Mandela on the screen, I can't ovid being deeply moved; I am looking at a replcia - in South African context - of Martin Luther King, as dignified after 27 years of prison as King would be. Twenty-seven years in lock-up sustained by one thought: that the concept of freedom is worth it.
Where did this crack begin? Tiananmen Square. It took the personal and individual convictions and clarity of some Chinese students, some East bloc Europeans, of some white, black and mixed South Africans to follow through against an immovable force - and actually move it. I am not tired of watching it and I won't be tomorrow. I'm staying here in Berlin so I can watch it some more, from a position less isolated than the States.

There are other struggles being waged that are not working out, or they would have had the same results by now. They are still at the futile stage because the intransigence of these struggles is not at the level of certainty it takes to upset the balance of tyranny. That level of certainty is peace, not the hope of peace, but the vision enacted from peace as a reference point form which to begin. It is after you acknowelge yourself to be a free person or a free people that you tap into the current which breaks chains and removes walls.

I suggest we try not to be bored with the broadcasts and interviews; I suggest we give thsi all some careful, individual thought. We might want to wake up and take notice, and let outselves for once feel a certain gratitude for being around during some interesting times.

Gandhi held no government position, yet his funeral was attended by heads of state ffrom all over the world because they were afected, and they wanted to recognize and to share in the integrity he represented. What I am saying is that we also can share that integrity just by staying awake. "It ain't over, folks, till the fat lady sings."

- Spec. Inayat-Chisti

A History of Confronting Islam

"Dear Specialist Inayat-Chisti:

"Thank you very much  for writing The Stars and Stripes.

"We appreciate the courage it took to sign your name to your letter.  We wanted to use it - as a matter of fact it already was on a page, on the presses.  But in light of current events we decided that it would be more prudent not to run this letter, especially not with your name on it.  We are concerned for your safety and the safety of those around you.

"Please understand our decision not to print your letter at this time.

"Thank you for your commnets.  We hope to hear from you again some time.

Managing Editor
March 31, 1989"
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I doubt you will have ever seen a letter of this nature coming from an editor to a mere reader, explaining why the latter's missive will not go to press.

My criticism of Islam goes back, in stages of course, farther than the present generation of college students and "SJW"s have been alive, if that is what they still are, in their present brain-numbed state.  In 1980 I'd written Khomeini directly, challenging him concerning the hostages and his State-of-mind.  It was indeed conveyed to him via one of the known North African delegates negotiating the hostage release, who had confirmed as much and added his own comment to me in short personal memo, handwritten and with State letterhead.

Later in Berlin I was outraged at Khomeini's Feb. 14th fatwa of 1989 declaring open season on Salman Rushdie's life.  I was at this time a Military Intelligence analyst, with duties directed specifically at international and domestic (German, e.g., RAF) terrorism, left and right extremism, East/West histories and confrontations in Berlin, German and European affairs.

I was at this time also addressing Islam, though critically, still from the standpoint of my background in Sufism and its influence on my sentiments and approach.  This shows in my heated and confrontative "letter to the editor" of the European U.S. Military "Stars & Stripes", addressign Khomeini directly, as it still reads rather much like today's overrated "moderate Muslim".  I had vastly underestimated the real Muslim world on matters of humor, satire, objectivity, maturity - to name four.

I never actually was a Muslim, as I never would have considered recognizing Shari'a - but if for the reader I so appear, as I intentionally used that to address this bastard, then one may write me off today as an "Ex-Muslim", as the case may be.  (As for Sufism, well, Sufis have been traditionally chased out or executed marvelously by Muslims carrying out Shari'a over many centuries, but who's counting.)

One thing is certain, and alone of relevant consequence: I had the audacity at all times, no less this, to put my name and location on that statement - to put my ass on the line in print, via "The Stars & Stripes" which didn't, and via the Stateside "Army Times" which did.  Can anyone guess why my sharing all this becomes starkly relevant all over again today, hmm?

The originals of all three are still in my possession.  The following is my letter to the editor, addressing Khomeini in full, as I'd sent it, showing in parentheses where the "Army Times" chose to edit for space and value as they saw fit.  (Note: at this same time there was an uproar over "Last Temptation" hitting the cinemas - no death threats, just some boycotting here and there.)


Speaking as an American Muslim, I'm often asked my perspective concerning the Rushdie publication.  Actually two points must be understood separately:  Why the banning campaign, and how far should this thing go?

As regards Mr. Rushdie's novel, I haven't read it yet.  Nor have I seen the film, "The last Tempatation of Christ", although I read the book years ago.  I understand perfectly well, in both cases equally, why, in both cases, the sensitivities of so many were offended, as I'm familiar with other banned works in the Islamic world and why they were banned or censored.  Censorship is a civil matter against which we have a constitutional safeguard.  Fine for us.  We also can boycott books or films if so desired - which I don't, by the way.

(No self-respecting newspaper or magazine would keep either a book- or film-reviewer on its payroll, who reviewed books or films he had not read or viewed intheir entirety.  We ought to apply the same objectivity to ourselves, whethr with Mr. Rushdie's "Verses" or Mr. Scorcese's "Temptation".  That would be to weigh in our minds the inherently controversial nature of a thing with its actual merit.

I am pointing out that,) if people wonder why Rushdie's novel antagonized the Muslim nerve, it is precisely for the same reason that Scorcese' film antagonized the American Chistian nerve.  An often-overlooked fact is that Jesus Chrsit is reverently esteemed and beloved in the real Muslim heart and mind.  So is freedom of literary expression.  Violence and arrogance are not.

The second point is the really serious issue here.  Behind the self-righteous facade of censorship looms the question:  Who does Khomeini think he is?  I demand this as a muslim.  I confront him as a believer formt he land of "The Great Satan".  This raving, blood-soaked inheritor of the Shah's regime purports to represent Islam or the Islamic world.  He represents neither, and if I were the last Muslim on earth to say it, he does not represent one shred of me.  He is an embarrassment to the Iranian Majlis (parliament) anda murderer by any standards.

That he appears to influence multitudes only makes him a godfather, but no Muslim.  God knows the truth.  And I think all of us can stand a little more faith in our lives, a stronger sense of humor, and a good deal less emotionality.

Spec. Samuel Inayat-Chisti
HHC Berlin Brigade

Monday, May 15, 2017

Entweder Merkel oder Deutschland

NRW, 14.5.2017:

Die Deutschen haben was sie wollen und werden alles kriegen, was sie dafür gar verdient haben. Man kann keinen Mensch helfen, der nicht zu helfen ist – keinen – und das sind sie eindeutlich, nicht.

Entweder Merkel muss weg oder Deutschland. Die NRW-Wähler haben mit eigener Hand und eigenen Stift, deren Entscheidung getroffen, deren Schicksal besiegelt. Sie können weder sonst jemand jemals den Schuld bzw. die Verantwortung geben, noch dürfen sie je wieder vom „3. Reich“ reden oder durch DDR-Erfahrung „gelernt“ zu haben. Sie sind zu blöd für Demokratie oder Rechtsstaat – und sind dazu immer nicht gewachsen. Sie haben dementsprechend an die Wahlurne „gehandelt“. Sie wollen einen Diktatur wieder, sie werden ihn weiter haben, und basta. Sie arrangieren sich schon mit dem straffreien Begriff gegen sich selbst: „Köterrasse“. Denn so benehmen sie sich auch.

Also doch lieber „Deutschland muss weg“. Und Merkel sorgt dafür, sie sagt: „DAS werden wir schaffen, doch das schaffen wir.“ Jetzt kann sie einmal ehrlich: „wir“ sagen.
Merkel gestern, an ihren eigenen Hype glaubend, dachte tatsächlich, das NRW-Resultat sei, extra für sie, ein Muttertagsgeschenk.

Sie wählen noch die CDU, als Abhilfe für die grottige SPD und Grünen Politik! Die selbe CDU, die ihnen die Suppe erst eingebrockt hat! Und wie ist es möglich, das die FDP 12,1% bekommt?! Ach - „nur nicht die AfD“, diese Schein „Diversity“ Schleimer halten wie unreife Sekten-Novizen an deren alten Rille. Lieber ein voll TÜV-untaugliches Auto fahren das man längst kennt, als ein stabiles neueren was den Nachbarn nicht „passt“.

Unserer Aufgabe ist es nicht, die Bevölkerung zu „ändern“ oder zu „überzeugen“. Das werden sie aus eigener Kraft und Charakter erreichen – oder auch nie. Unserer Aufgabe ist es, standhaft NEIN zu sagen, dran zu halten, dazu zu stehen, aufklärend posten bzw. Rede halten.

Durch unser NEIN, ein JA zu all dem wofür wir stehen, wofür wir friedlich und entschlossen auf die Strasse gehen. Wenn doch etwas daraus kommt, wäre's sowieso außerhalb unserer Macht und Tun. Wenn etwas sich DOCH ändert, hat sich die Bevölkerung von sich – als Volk – erweckt.

Ich glaube nur an unser NEIN, das bleibt noch in unseren Hände. Aber wir stehen weiterhin zur Realität und bleiben weiterhin bei unserem NEIN, komme was mag.

Noch ein kurze Wort zur Heimatslage, mein AmiLand:
Ein Facebook-Mitkommendierender aus der Heimat schlug als amtlicher Name Trumps ironisch vor: „Präsident der der Vereinigten Terrorisierten Staaten“. Meine Reflektion darauf lautete wie folgt:

Ich habe schon seit Monaten die Terroristen auf den Straßen gesehen, an legitime registrierte Veranstaltungen Einschüchtern, bedrohlich und angreifend, am Schädigen Journalisten-Kameras, am Brände Stiften, am Zerstörung des öffentlichen und privaten Eigentums, immer selber maskiert, weil ihr Terror nur durch ihre Feigheit abgestimmt ist, mal im idiotischen „Pussy-Zeug“ gekleidet, und Redner und Teilnehmer bei Vorträge oder Symposien anschreien, wenn nicht auch mit Pfefferspray, Steinen werfen oder Stöcke angreifend.

Ja, ich habe diese Terroristen in Staaten wie Kalifornien, Oregon, Washington, New York und einigen anderen gesehen. Ich habe ihr schrilles Jammern gehört oder ihre unerklärlich prellungenfreie Gesichter im Interview gesehen, als es darum ging, endlich einen echten Body-Check von jemandem bekommen zu haben, den sie versuchten einzuschüchtern. Ich kenne diese Terroristen hier in Deutschland, und sie sind die selben in Frankreich und in den Staaten. Sie sind alle direkt bzw. indirekt von Soros finanziert und jenen eliten, abgestumpften politischen Parteien. Ich habe diese Terroristen gesehen, wie sie ihre Brownshirt-Taktik (nur heute ist es schwarz oder auch Regenbogen) auf die Anhänger eines derzeit sitzenden Präsidenten üben, wie ich noch nie – nie! – gesehen habe, nachdem entweder Bush oder Obama gewählt wurden (im letzteren Fall meine schlimmsten Ängste auf dies erwies sich als unbegründet).

Ich habe für Trump gestimmt, weil „jeder“ sagte „das nicht zu tun“; ich habe auf jedem „Risiko“ gegen Hillary gestimmt, weil „jeder“ sagte „Hillary!“ und weil Madonna versprochen hatte, jeden Typ zu blasen, der Hillary wählt - und hat nicht bei ein einzigem eh gemeint. Dies sei ein sehr „überzeugendes“ Argument ihrerseits gewesen. Sie fuhr fort, sich als „führender Feminist*in“ zu bezeichnen, vor dem Mob-On-Washington (DC) ihren Wunsch zu erkundigen, sie könnte das Weiße Haus ab-blasen, also sprengen. Weil der Donald gewonnen hat. Natürlich mag er keine Lösung sein, geschweige denn „die“ Lösung, natürlich könnte er viele Wähler enttäuschen. Alles ist möglich. Mein eigener hauptsächliche Lackmus-Test bei ihm ist, ob er tatsächlich seine Agenda um Maßnahmen gegen dem Pädophil-Netzwerk, wie versprochen, durchsetzt. Aber eines kann ich sagen, wir haben nicht die Alternative: wir haben keine Hillary im Oval. Und das mag schon ein Anfang sein.

A fellow commentator suggested "President Of United Terrorized States" as "not a bad acronym" as an afterthought to his mis-typing "POTUS".

Reflecting on this - the suggestion, not the mis-typing - my response was as follows:

I've seen the terrorists on the streets since months now, breaking up legitimate registered rallies, intimidating, threatening and attacking, breaking journalists' cameras, setting fires, destroying public and private property, masking themselves because their terror is matched only by their cowardice, wearing idiotic "pussy-gear" and screaming down speakers and attendees of lectures, symposiums, when not macing, stoning or clubbing them. Yes, I've seen these terrorists in States like California, Oregon, Washington, New York, and some others. I've heard their shrill whining or seen their curiously unbruised faces in interviews when it came to finally getting a real body-check from someone they were trying to intimidate. I know these terrorists here in Germany, and they are the same ones in France, and in the States. They're all directly/indirectly financed by Soros and those elite, jaded political parties (I've mentioned on the German side of the matter) who suit their step with his. I've seen these terrorists bring their brownshirt tactics (only today it's black or else rainbow) down on supporters of a currently sitting President such as I had never ever seen after either Bush or Obama were elected (in the latter case my worst fears on this proved unfounded). I'd voted for Trump because "everyone" said "not to", I'd voted at any "risk" against Hillary because "everyone" said "Hillary!" and because Madonna had promised to blow any guy who would - and didn't anyway. This being a very "convincing" argument on her part, she went on to address as "leading feminist" that Mob-On-Washington, wishing she could blow (up) the White House. Because The Donald won. Of course, he may not be a solution, let alone "the", of course he may wind up disappointing a lot of voters. Anything's possible. My own main litmus test with him is whether he actually pushes his agenda on the matter of pedophila as promised. But one thing I can say, we don't have the alternative, we don't have Hillary in the Oval. And that may be a start.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Not This Jew

This video clip is a prime example of the worst propaganda I know - no, not "antisemitic" propaganda - anti-European! Anti-French, anti-Swedish, anti-Dutch, anti-German. Fine, if Jews want to move to Israel. But to report WHY they're leaving France in fear of attacks and NOT REPORTING FROM WHOM (NOT ONE WORD!) leaves the typically misinformed/ disinformed public to guess and surmise (as it is intended to) that "right-extremists" and "nationalist-nazis" are driving Jews out of EUrope. WRONG. It is ISLAMIC Jew-hatred (for they are semites too, right?), period, which is sending Jews in a mixture of reluctance and panic out of Sweden (Malmö) and Scandinavia in general, out of Holland, Spain, Italy, out of France, and - those driving this are hoping - out of Germany. In fact, out of EUrope altogether.

And who fills this vacuum? Merkel's Guests and their cheerleaders on the Left. There is such a double-feigning sleight of hand and fake-out afoot here, a grand manipulation which defies the imagination. Speaking as a Jew with certain old close ties to Muslims, which ties have inside of this decade gone through ever closer objective (and painful) scrutiny, and speaking as one who came here three decades ago with all good intent and wishes toward Europeans and toward Germans specifically - I find myself shoulder to shoulder with patriots who do not exlude Jews, and in fact welcome any Jew who sees himself prepared to fight for free speech and for direct democracy on the very soil of the country and continent he has made his second home. Against the onslaught of world socialism, whether neo-con or neo-lib. Against the planned and pernicious flooding of EUrope with some genuine refugees fleeing another proxy war, and a vast majority of posing "refugees" who are looters "#Welcomed" by losers and invited here by leeches who should be in prison.

The "Jewish Exodus" from Western EUrope is a planned action by globalist directives coming from UNO, from the EU, from Washington since years now - decades - and yes, from Jewish agencies themselves, from the likes of Barbara Spectre, whose countenance alone betrays the psychopath she is - or Judith Butler, or Anetta Kahane, or the usual "faves" of the conspiracy theorists (who may just partly have something there). These may be Jews, but I don't regard them as Jewish. Fine - they wouldn't regard me as Jewish either. They are socialists, atheists, Jews only by birth and liberal culture. The rabbis I just watched gloating over the mutation and ethnic destruction of EUrope are arrogant and reaching at hubris - and they'll have it.

So they want Jews to move out of EUrope. And they want Jews to "run" the new EUrope (Spectre). So which is it, Barb? Which is it, Rabbis? After post-WWII generations of raising families here, in Sweden, in France, in the Netherlands, in Germany, you just keep that victim-role warm and toasty, leaving these countries to "The-Religion-Of-Peace" - which appears to be a good idea to the rabbis I just now watched speaking on camera - 's that it? No staying here and fighting for what hard-won gains and futures you'd built with your own hands and shared lives together with your non-Jewish ethnic European fellow citizens? Is that it? And then shoving it all conveniently off, according to EU and Merkel-style REAL-populist scare tactics, on the so-called "looming right wing extremism" which is in truth as nearly irrelevant in any political power structure or future as is the return of the GDR in actual fact well in progress toward becoming a reality - the reality. So that's it?

NOT THIS JEW. As I will not stand for the destruction of Israel I will also not stand for the destruction of Germany. Or of Europe. THIS JEW is for nations with borders, for direct democracy, for freedom of speech and of assembly without molestation. THIS JEW takes a stand against collective group-think and socialism whether brown or red, "national" or "international". THIS JEW is and will remain politically incorrect for the Left, for the (actual) Right, and for many many Jews. THIS JEW is not friendless and can stand on his own feet and his own arguement. THIS JEW is not leaving here - he's not some romantic adventurer who'd run off to Spain to fight someone else's civil war. He is committed to fighting the one here where he has planted his feet, goes to work, raises family. And he will not budge from his co-patriots' side. 
Jewish Exodus from Western Europe Sets New Record

A Climate and a State of Denunciation

(Below is a video-commentary (in Doitch) addressing a case which recently came up in the West German state of North-Rhein-Westfalen (NRW). It ties in with points I will address below and then come back to the video's content.)

Josef Joffe, celebrated and highly courted publisher of the weekly "Die Zeit" and formerly "Suddeutche Zeitung", who has also been carried in U.S. papers, appeared a short time back in a TV-talk show discussion for some good AfD-bashing. He's a media-formidable figure in the trans-Atlantic cult of the globalist-dominated neo-liberal community of influence.

He laconically suggested, without batting an eye - nor did anyone else on stage or in the audience, nor for that matter in any media reaction thereafter - that in order to "get rid of" Donald Trump, who merely happens to be the currently elected and sitting U.S. President, it may "just take shooting him". This is permitted to be openly expressed in the most public of arenas by one of the most highly regarded high-brow publishers on both sides of the Atlantic. Maybe there's a similarly "simple" way to "get rid of" Josef Joffe, I don't know. I don't pack heat myself. Presumably neither does Josef Joffe, but his words influence considerably more of "what's out there" than anything I'd ever be caught saying.

Another once "high brow" publication here, "Der Spiegel", had actually posted on its cover(!) a cartoon-Trump holding Miss Liberty's blood-dripping head, IS-style, demonstrating in this act of professional journalism all the style and taste of Julius Streicher's "Stürmer" in the heydey of the Third Reich. The media is the fourth pillar in Merkel's plans for a Fourth Reich.

Meanwhile, there is a severe - with a draconically escalating severity - campaign by the very elite here to whom Mr. Joffe most certainly belongs, of persecution by character assassination, career-ending, censorship, mobbing, denunciation, harrassment and heavy fining, financing of "Anti"fa terror (demo-and-seminar-crashing, arson, destruction of property, stalking, physical assault, death threats, things like that) DIRECTED AGAINST any conservative viewpoint or its expression, and frankly toward any nonappeasing critical viewpoint not appreciated by the extreme Left, which has become a redundant phrase unto itself. This includes so much as questioning the despotic acting-Chancelorship of Merkel. All this for the "Kampf" against "the right" - accompanied with all the weird arbitrariness of this Regime's and this venomous climate's role-model (and Merkel's roots), that socialist wonder, the GDR.

And meanwhile, the demonstrably-incompetent-among-demonstrably-incompetents, acting-Minister of Defense (soon War), former Minister of Family, Ursula von der Leyen, has completely betrayed and defamed "her" Bundeswehr by calling all of its soldiers "right-wing-extremists" by implication and association - she has denounced people she does not even know, has nothing on, and betrayed any trust in her position or her character. This on the occasion of an extremely media-frenzied hype of the "apprehension" of an allegedly "right-wing" German lieutenant who'd easily managed to pass himself off as a "Syrian refugee" because no one checks while handing out checks, and receive bonus dough from the Refugee Receiving Make-A-Wish Agency of this acting-government. The "story" itself is so unbelievably convoluted, its inventive persuasion could only be swallowed by the most gullible of morons. And THAT is what this population, and regrettably the Bundeswehr itself, is being effectively groomed for: gullibility and unquestioning docility. THAT is the "feminism" of today - with all the cheek, the narcissism, the arrogance, and the backstabbing which characterizes Frau Merkel, Frau von der Leyen, the Greens, much if not all of The Left, most of the SPD, and Merkel's own CDU. The chief denunciators in their respective posts are acting-Minister of Justice Maas and his thoroughly Stasi-trained "watchdog" over all these "Nazis" in the woodwork of public and private discourse, Anetta Kahane.

Apropos Nazis and Bundeswehr - like the former East German NVA (they'd always denied this), the Bundeswehr at its very founding grew out of the (likewise former) Wehrmacht. With this no one seemed to have a problem. It was an open secret that an affinity toward those roots operated and remained intact over decades. Today's average Bundeswehr soldier does not meet the age requirements to be lumped with a prior generation. The decades-old going-nowhere-and-staying-there party, NPD - at least its structure and its entire leadership - does retain this quirky affinity for the National-Socialist years of "glory". No one has ever exerted a fraction of the effort to finish off the NPD, that the entire system presently levels against the democratic and conservative AfD party which has shown itself to be the only oppostional challenger to the Regime of decadent elites today.

There are indeed existing "Comradeships" and associations of REAL hard-core Jew-baiting, democracy-hating, racial-bashing neonazis. No one goes after these, not really. The German equivalent of Homeland Security is far more part OF the problem than any kind of agent against these or any other violent elements. The "Anti"fa which shares their socialist love of a scrap and violence toward the unarmed - and receives carte blanche to do so - would never have the balls to confront or attack or even mess with the the real Right. The Left's tactic is to transfer the onus of these criminals onto those of us simply critical and oppositional to a monstrous socialism - whether it's brown or red.

I am personally not liked by either of them to put it mildly, insofar as they know me, and some do from both - likewise am I not likely to win points with the system-appeasing Central Council of Jews or Jewish Community here.  And that's the way it must be.

Furthermore, heretofore well-published journalists and authors, as I have often enough mentioned, are having their careers destroyed by just this communist style culture of denunciation and character assassination, as thanks for their critical analyses or assertions toward either the EU, globalisation, Merkel's despotic rule and teflon hide. Add to these personages an artist like the very popular crooner Xavier Naidoo, himself of parentage bespeaking German, Irish, Iranian and African roots. Because of his latest song's (for him first ever) critical look at the elite class driving this country to polarized chaos and destruction, this darling of German teenagers who has held his place high in the charts and become an institution in popular music, is now being roundly pilloried and the industry and all the wolves of "Welcome Tolerance" are literally out to destroy him. This love-child if ever there was one is now a "right-extremist" and a "Nazi". How 'bout that.

How bad does it get here? Now we come to the video-commentary below, "Germany - Confrontation With The Enemy". Addressed quite poignantly and as objectively as can be done, is the matter of a 16 year old student in that most Left-groomed and dominated of West German states, NRW, who had posted a cartoon on his instagram, which he'd come across. It's critical message was as reflective of his own politically oppositional position - toward TTIP, the EU, Merkel's abominably disastrous course, political correctness, and such - as it was harmless in its nature. Well he hadn't thought of the Thought Police, had he.

He was denounced by another student in this climate of cultivated fascism - sorry, socialism - and wound up being called to the rector's office for three one-on-ones where he stood his ground against accusations of "right-extremism" and "being a Nazi". This made the rounds, he became ostracized in school, verbally and physically assaulted by SJWs - the German version of this American import less refreshing than Coke - and, having now become persona non grata everywhere he'd turned, he was "offered" the options by the rector of a) going to re-education GDR-style, and b) accepting psychological "counseling" by a school-picked "expert", and c) facing the threat of Youth Services taking him from his family. OR he could confess and recant and submit to spiritual and intellectual castration, i.e., grovel to the brainwashing Cult of Diversity. I have no further update on this episode of isolation - but I can assure you, there is nothing isolated about it. 
Deutschland -- Konfrontation mit dem Feind