Monday, September 4, 2017

Two Geman Exports

Name the first two German commercial exports which come to mind, internationally - in the West in particular - and especially in the U.S.  Mercedes and Opel?  VW and BMW?  Bratwurst and sauerkraut?  Adidas and Puma...Fanta?  I'll give you two:

How about "Nazis" and "Anti"fa!  No one loves Adolf better than the Anti"fa - no, not even the Nazi-wannabes (they're outdone when it comes to baiting) - and this for several reasons:

1)  He's still good business, just say or scream "Nazi" and you're all set to go; you are assured enormous funding and logistical support, and the merchandizing which goes with the "Anti"fa industry is not insignificant.

2) The socialism in "National-Socialism" (yeah, one conveniently forgets that when just saying "Nazi") only differentiated itself from International Socialism by five letters of a prefix.  The Communists in the Weimar years were not the antithesis to the Nazis, they were their competitors in totalitarianism.

3) "Nazism" as "something big" looming on the horizon is a dead fish - unless you consider some 500 or a thousand decayed Americans longing for some mythical past decade as a "threat" to democracy.  Decadence has produced not them, but the "Anti"fa (or Auntie-Fa, and more "SJW"s) and that's considerably large and far-reaching, very organized and very international - anti-democratic, totalitarian and doctrinaire, and nihilistically destructive.

4) "We" did not, as they claim, "defeat Hitler and the Nazis".  American GIs - ground and air troops - from the generation that lived WWII, in the '40s, they did their part to defeat Hitler - who is long since dead, folks - not we, and by Gawd not the pishers on these streets who I watched on live footage physically attacking an aged war veteran of that very generation as he sat in his wheelchair and participated with Trump supporters.  Do let that one sink in.

5) Terrorism planned and executed, on the open or obscure street, directed at public or private property or person, as we are witessing it here and abroad, is the daily nourishment and occupation of "Anti"fa and with growing but ignored frequency, jihad.  The German parliamentary parties of the SPD, The Left and the Greens court and honor old icons of the former, still not extinguished, Red Army Faction (RAF).

Socialists and Shari'a have always partnered oddly well: in bringing Shari'a to power (to the socialists' dismay) which then turns on the Useful Idiots (it being now open season on kufar) and hangs them from every lamppost - as in Iran.  Even Mohammed 'Ata and crew were exports out of Hamburg, well before September 2001.

So when you think of German exports, enjoy the burning Mercedes, VWs, Opels, BMWs you'd negligently parked on the street prior to the next "peaceful anti-Trump protest" by Marx-loving "autonomous"-wannabes - and forget your worn-out, overstated, precious clichés about "NAZIS!"

These Reds are far more Brown than you've been grasping.

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