Friday, January 27, 2017

Trump "beneath the dignity" of his Office...?

So many women marching to tell us how sexist Donald is,
forgetting Bill Clinton entirely – or he never counted in this.

Wearing pink "pussies" on their heads, clowning up, exposing their supposed assets;

Madonna – who'd offered to blow any guy who'd just vote Hillary – that's a lotta head:

And this is the "voice of indignant women" now – and this is what their icons are!

But oh, Trump is “beneath their dignity“ of course, they show us how low their bar...

(And discounts for Hillary voters, Mustang Ranch told its patrons,
shows just how "politcally aware" are all those House Matrons...)

This same Madonna openly wants to blow up the White House, hardly does this surprise –

the wildest reactions I'd imagined against Obama's election never materialized,

but the riots and burning and pillaging last weekend, staged attacks on police and passersby

is par for the course for the useful idiots of the fascist "Anti"fa – T&A and gender hysteria

are their answer to Trump being "beneath their dignity" – what dignity??!

This Regressive Left has none – neither Stateside nor here in Berlin, nor in all of Germany.

Early sexualization of children from pre-school through grade – this is quite alright,

it serves their agenda, as does elite pedophilia altogether and its keeping out of sight.

The character of Hillary, the doings of her staff, the Bushes, Clintons, the open secrets,

stink to heaven with all that is by far beneath the dignity of this Office.

But Trump is "beneath their dignity", these so-called feminists who hang on Islam and Shari'a

with a very queer sort of logic, akin to defending your most deadly enemy because Trump is your pariah.

So be it then – let it be, let them draw the consequences, and Trump will go on being President;

let them burn what they want, throw rocks and molotovs, nihilistic and narcissistic and sent

there as "activists" by those for whom they are but useful idiots...and the manipulation
and media hype they will not even see through in their anti-Trump mass-turbation.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Those Who Are Awake

There is a morning call to prayer in "The-Religion-Of-Peace" toward every Muslim,
and there is a mourning call to action for those who are awake concerning them.
For those who are awake are not the ones dividing humanity into "acceptable" or not,
but rather the supremacist assertions of Qur'an, Hadith, Sunna, Shari'a, and Jihad.
Those who are awake may counter absurd accusations with absurd reflections,
of "Islamophobic" with "Kafirophobic" or "Islamophile" - to gage the reactions.
But more important still, is undistracted attention on being awake, staying awake.
Even friends may leave, or at least stop visiting.  Pressure to stop, or to fake,
gentle, soft or solid pressure, social or official pressure, media's manipulations
reassure and reassure, contradictions stir, dumbing-down desired for elite's machinations.

Those who are awake owe themselves the honesty, the respect and sovereignty
to think and reflect, include or reject, independent of the stream of the majority.
They owe this to their spouses, partners, children, and what loved ones look to them
for the one sign of integrity in the grave and testing time ahead, not far, that time.
Those awake will learn to feed their wakefulness, strengthen nerves, straighten spines,
give time to prayer, defense and meditation, inform oneself and others, read the signs.
To stand reverently firm and say yes when yes is required, and no when it's no -
this is how those awake recognize and see, the objective compassion to know
where the Zeitgeist is heading and how to respond with courage and faith.
Those who are awake are indifferent to being jeered, cheered or falling from grace.

For only those awake know really what's at stake.

Friday, January 13, 2017

"Now Is The Winter Of Our Discontent..."

The snows came late this winter, missing Christmas -
but the ice cold reality of Merkel's determinations
came prior to Christmas Eve, ruining it and all else after.

More snow is coming, another cold front is nearing -
but these, these are nothing, merely weather,
so natural to the time of year as to bear little mention.

What bears far more mention but gets less of it
than the weather - is that the families of twelve dead
and the families of forty-eight seriously injured
after the attack by Merkel's Tunesian jihadi Guest
using a Polish semi he'd hijacked after killing the driver,
these 12 and 48 families will see no compensation
from the German Regime nor from any of its agencies.

They have been informed that compensation,
for all the good this does anyone, may only be requested
of the Polish company which owned the vehicle which
had "caused" the "damages"- now THAT'S cold.

With a slap like that, who would wonder why the funeral
for the Polish driver - attended by two thousand of his landsmen,
honored by a train of Polish semis, addressed by mourning officials
including even their President - who would wonder that
not one single ranking personage representing Merkel's
slipping Republic was either there or invited.

Merkel's train of illegal Guests are slotted to arrive in larger
and further unceasing numbers; the rejection of asylum requests -
itself never actually intended - has established itself in bog-downs,
sabotage from within, promises and assurances and excuses which
cast the native population in a bad light for ever demanding answers.
Yes, these Markel publicly slanders as "the cold-hearted"!

The winter to come will prove more bitter than anything weather brings;
the climate of intimidation and silence, of politically correct lies and
disinformation, of malintent disguised as "error" - this climate
will cut to the bone with an icy sythe in weeks and months to come. 

Will the discontent reach a critical mass, and which forms will it take?
Will we see strikes, will anyone be voted out?  Will there be clashes
on the street between those overfed and those fed-up?  Will there be civil war?

I do not know.  I really do not know.  But "now is the winter of our discontent".
And Merkel must go - they all must go.
Or we will all go - and there will be no more Germany, and no more Europe
of nations and cultures.

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