Saturday, September 9, 2017

The Only Oppositional Party

The AfD, Alternative für Deutschland, is the one single Opposition party which can with any honesty or integrity be called that at all here. Liberal-Conservative in the most engaging and dynamic sense of what a relatively young party can offer in content and in confrontation, it can boast a percentage of by far the highest academic and professional level among its members and candidates over any other party running in this Republic's most turning-point of elections in memory (with none of the proven-faked PhD "degrees" in the other parties,incl. Merkel herself). Many have left their own respective parties after long memberships there, to join AfD. So much for massively mainstream, cheap and below-the-belt accusations of "right-extreme", "Nazi and fascist", "populist hate-mongering" - all coming from exactly those who themselves foment and practice that which they speciously and fictitiously, vehemently and viciously, AND most unprofessionally level at AfD.

The AfD already has seats in 13 of all the 16 German Federal state parliaments (and in the EU Parliament in Brussels), and in spite of ALL the propaganda against it stands such a good chance of now finding its place in the Federal Bundestag come Sept. 24th, that it's "threat" to the "Altparteien" - i.e., the long- or at least longer-sitting parties of every color - is more real and perceived by them as "more dangerous" than any or all of the truly right-wing entities I could name, one in fact being decades old, who've never made it into more than a couple state Houses and could barely keep those, much less ever ever make it into the Federal .level - because the real right-wing or right-extrreme are factually and for all intents and purposes IRRELEVANT and toothless - which is why they are left alone as strawmen so that a BONA FIDE conservative party which is determined to remain oppositional in a system which only provides for rule by Coalition and therefore compromising oneself, can be held in the public light as THE "enemy" on whom open season is declared. And this literally so.

AfD is committed to and tirelessly addresses: direct democracy according to the already long existing Swiss model, secure borders for Germany, secure borders for Europe; the consequent vetting of asylum seekers according to rights and criteria laid down in already long existing German Constitutional and European laws, statutes, and regulations; the rejection of asylum for all nonapplicable illegal demands for entry and residence in Germany; German sovereignty as a nation among every other European nation with its own sovereignty and identification as such, according to native history, culture, language and governance. That's just a thumbnail example of why the globalists and marionettes here will stoop to any methods and exert any measures in their power to snuff out real opposition, real democratic diversity, real confrontation on matters and issues which keep the German population in a stranglehold.

A population so stupid that they'll go and vote Merkel anyway, simply because the propaganda makes it all far easier than doing one's own thinking and making the bit of effort to research the (still) available internet.

For this reason, and because this election to Merkel's 4th term in (Abuse of) Office will frankly and verifiably usher in the next and gradually hardened stages of a 3rd German socialist dictatorship's hold on power: through draconic censorship of all critical free speech, defamation, slander and libel, the abetting and support by established parties (gathered as outspokenly planned in literal mobbing-formation in the Bundestag against the AfD when it takes its place there) of hightened physical attacks on the part of Left-excrementists, and more slovenly handling of the mass unchecked immigration - in fact, Planned Resettlement - for the promotion of political-correctness and a rainbow-mad national psychosis - for this reason I will withdraw from all further posting of information and commentary of developments, once the election-results are out.

The German mainstream public and the American mainstream public are not ready for hearing factual reality or reflecting truthfully, so I won't waste any further time for my part sharing with people who don't want to know. The events of the coming months and of 2018 altogether will suffice of itself. And they still won't get it. But they'll have to bite it - or to take it when it bites.

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