Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Try To Remember / Dare To Imagine

Try to remember a time in September
when patriots filled streets in hundreds of thousands.

Dare to imagine that September hour
when Merkel fell and all her power.

Dare to imagine that September day
when Germans all joined up with AfD.

Dare to imagine, and try to remember:
Pegida began upon one such September...

Try to remember, just as the GDR
fell apart by the will of a sovereign people...

Strive to resist DeepState and NWO-"Diversity" -
stay true, stand firm by your patriotic legacy!

For your children will remember a time in September...
and follow, follow follow follow follow .........

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The "Denazification" Which Never Happened

NOW IMAGINE THIS: You have MERKEL with Georgia On Her Mind - no, not our Georgia, the one in the Caucasus, that Georgia - and she's singing along with this men's choir, a song which the GDR claimed as its own (and is Merkel's own stated FAVORITE), but was IN FACT composed under the "Third Reich". You read that right, now read it again: a Wehrmacht song, "We Love The Storm", by National-Socialists, included in the repertoire of the GDR-Socialists, and - while ALL traditional military songs have now been stricken from all Bundeswehr songbooks, by InterNational-Socialist Merkel's arrogantly and destructively incompetent, fatuously unfit, and unsuitably inexperienced Defense-Functionary Uschi von der Leyen, in the State's massively-hyped and excessively over-budgeted "Fight-Against-Rightwingness" - MERKEL goes and sings this with visible delight along with these Georgians.  (I haven't seen her like this since she's swooned like a five-year-old in Obama's arms.)

Meanwhile, you see, also present - and clearly uncomfortable with hearing a well-known Nazi-composed song being struck up and Germoney's own sitting (when she's not waddling) ChanceLiar making a point of joining in - the supposedly "Nazi" AfD representatives at a corner table quite wishing they were elsewhere. At the end you see MERKEL weirdly casting a "side-glance of triumph" their way, indicating that at least in HER mind she's still really sitting securely in her fourth abysmal term in (flagrant abuse of) Office.

When Q indicated that she was "Hitler's daughter" what was meant was daughter-in-spirit, because, as Q also pointed out, Germoney - whose Federal Republic was and still is a provisional government entity, and still not sovereign; that it is in FACT still governed (minus certain points) under the "Third Reich" books, it is still in that sense National-Socialist. The much touted but largely bogus "Denazification" never took place, or rather was never a fait accompli. This doesn't mean Germoney has that "Nazi problem" as it's shamelessly hyped by the political elite and the media - it DOES mean that the Nazi problem is the political elite themselves, and Merkel herself above all. She is in fact fulfilling Hitler's own plans for EUrope, just without the military MO.

Q has stated in no uncertain terms, as has the International Court in a decision just recently ruling against post-WWII German reparations to Italians likewise stated - and was reported (completely unnoticed of course) on mainstream TV-news - that the German Federal Republic is factually (not "open to interpretation" but factually) still the legal successor to the National-Socialist "Third Reich", and as such still held on enemy footing, i.e., occupied status, i.e., not sovereign.

By not completing any Denazification whatsoever, Germoney never became sovereign, and with the Bundeswehr being deconstructed under Uschi's motherly hand, and the ethnic German populace being replaced by a world of Muslim Diversity from Afghanistan to Morocco and an open door policy beginning in December for a lion king's share of 250-300 million Africans to take Europe by storm (Oh, did I say storm again? Shame on me.), this soon to be ex-nation among ex-nations under the New Soviet umbrella of the EU out of Brussels will never get that chance it might have had to denazify itself and actually pay(!) reparations, co-sign actual peace accords, or to become sovereign and actually democratic.

Of course, doing so would be to vote AfD and bring responsible democratic political change and a return from this inevitable socialist extremism (brown or red) back to a conservative and balanced system of governing, a rule by constitutional law and intelligent decision-making, a case for sovereignty once and for all - and secure borders.

But instead - and alas, I'm afraid we're still stuck with Merkel, and her singing Nazis:

Sunday, September 23, 2018

March For Life 2018 Addresses Death Cult of Red-Merkel's Germany

"Everyone asks themselves, how do we bring women about, to have more children. But no one is asking, why 100,000 pregnant women per year have abortions. Is that not astonishing?"

March For Life 2018 addresses the Death Cult of Red-Merkel's Germany -
and this latter in turn, sees itself threatened by the facts of the matter.
Ephesians 6:10-20.
John 15:18-25
Matthew 10:14-22

The March For Life is well known, it was initiated decades back in the States, back when I'd never dreamed I'd find myself participating in one, my first being in 2016 here in Berlin (see photo at top) after years of only gradually grasping that the enormous threat confronting us all not only today but which has been all along, primarily speaking, is from the Left.  Now more than ever.  And one pillar of that threat is the over-extended "feminist"-at-all-cost issue of abortion "rights" - a right to which, I finally figured out, not only in fact (and not interpretation) entails murder - but that abortion itself astounds one in its frequent and seemingly nonchalant preference over the simple choice of contraception!  Is this coming across?

Abortion - very very liberally applied in the GDR, by the way - as a form of contraception!!  And I realized, this is what this has been, or at the very least where it has been meant to take us, all this time.  So yes, I'll be participating in this March every year I can, and viewing the pro-forces and the con-forces with their respective arguments and their respective debate behaviors and street persuasion, it is a no-brainer to see that the NoBrainers are prepared to stoop to any measures to force us down and to gag and muzzle us.  That alone tells me that we are hardly "right-wing", just in the right - on this as with many other pillar issues which urgently demand civil action.

With unspeakable dismay I have further (finally) become aware that abortions are by no means limited to any kind of first trimester, indeed they are performed into the ninth month as well.  100,000 annually, here.  Just mentioning this alone, I could vomit.

And I have become aware of the industry behind it, the BraveNewWorld-style of...well, styling the abortion market to fit a learned demand for gender-engineering, for actual disabilities-"euthanasia", the same ideology and industry which is making headway pushing assisted suicide.  And they call us "Nazis"!

"Anti"fa of course did what they only do best:  spew verbal excrement while pissing their pants and calling this orgasm.  No, really - they demons/trated their capacity for something still more: physical violence on thoroughly unsuspecting persons in at least two cases I can specifically name, and then the naturally lame cowardice (that hallmark of all such urban "anarchists" skipping off, holding their asses in their hands).

We find ourselves confronted today with socialist-pressured Berlin police permitting the socialist-schooled "Anti"fa Mob, sent by its Undead RAF mentors-in-terrorism (openly showing themselves), to run right through our column (of silent and dignified mourners for murdered unborn - in the face of massively over-liberalized and flagrantly practiced abortions) loudly droning over us, crudely mocking and attempting to block us, physically attacking us, and screaming through their froth: every smear-and-slander slogan they ever drew in their crayola coloring books while sucking off their parents' permissive pockets:

Why should this be any surprise, when the Chance-Liar and Chief-Functionary under whom we have such a climate of ex-Stasi-schooled smear and denunciation, character assassination and career shattering, yes - when she herself had been happily employed in her GDR days as Stasi-IM-"Erika" and in her leading posiition with the SED-Youth (FDJ) as...(drum-roll)...supervisor "for propaganda and agitation"!

After the opening addresses at Washingtonplatz behind Berlin's Main Train Station - where we'd ourselves delivered so many open addresses under siege by SA/ntifa choruses for three-and-a-half years - this March of  (by our own final estimation approx. 8-10,000) Pro-Lifers got underway, and within the first 20 minutes, having just wended our police-guided way around the Station and leaving its front facade behind, en route to the city streets awaiting us with mobs of often far too closely permitted SA/ntifa thugs able to mingle their way right into our columns - the following occurred. ...

As Rana and I walked, I carrying one of the many white crosses distributed for marchers - which I did want to carry on the one hand, yet likewise against my better judgement which was to keep both hands free - Rana carried our trusty little household Canon camera, as unassuming as anything could look (I mean the camera), she simply filmed here and there within our own ranks.  (Hardly some conspicuous photo-journalist wandering all over the street with a hot-shot extended lens getting in other people's faces - just li'l ol' us.)  I was just a half-step in front of her when from behind and to her right, one such spineless SA/ntifa thug of about age 30 with scraggly beard and knickers raced into our ranks and whacked the camera out of her hand to the ground, causing it to split open - the camera I mean, not her hand or the ground.

The thing about carrying a white wooden cross, is that I could have whacked him in the neck with it or ever so gladly split his skull.  But even in my immediate wrath I was still conscious of the fact that using this article against his person would do our silent, largely church-going crowd of Christian marchers no favor once the hungry Left-slanted press got hold of that item.  (Having myself been phlegm-spat upon about three weeks prior, by exactly such an extreme-Left SA-sympathizer - and coward of like age, on a bike - I was livid.)  So we both turned on him as I bellowed, "Come here, you asshole" as he darted out of there in a dead panic seeing that he had just whacked the wrong camera from the wrong hand of the wrong Christian German woman on the wrong day.  And that's what I mean - had I kept both hands free I would have had his left shoulder and Rana his right, and we would have held him down for the (at this juncture as at many others, conspicuously non-present) police not all too far up ahead.  Rana had herself only just registered what had happened (hence, unsuspecting) as the Brave Urban SJW ran off like the sissy he is, and we high-tailing it close at his heels.  One gentleman out of our patriotic column was right behind Rana but had to give up the chase, as did I myself, holding this wooden cross here, deciding it was better to get that camera and fit it back together before we lose sight of where it fell, this all working out after all.  Never underestimate your most modest Canon.

Rana, who I should add, was very athletic in her own soccer and handball years, was still giving chase to that Model of Moral Socialist Strength and Valor, as he eluded her after all by racing up the steps of the Station and disappearing, looking over his shoulder in visible panic toward Rana.  I think that was wise of him, as having Rana behind him in hot pursuit on the high steps might have been still worse than my breaking his nose and crushing his windpipe.  So we were back together in our mixed membership of those ready to defend our right to free assembly and free speech, our right to unmolested person and property - and those who still haven't gotten the Left's message that the Berlin-and-State-financed SA/ntifa are at this point capable of not only vandalism and psychological intimdation, but of physical harm and even manslaughter - if not also murder.

Later, as it turned out - we learned this from an announcement at the end of the day of a police request that witnesses to an incident please give their statements to the officers in charge (apparently because no one already had, or they needed more than one?) - an elderly man within the March for Life, consisting of as normal and peaceable next-door folks as you can still find in this town, had been knocked to the ground and injured during the route, by two SA/ntifa SJW-Heroes (who of course fled, obviously - hence the need for witnesses).

As you see in the chronologically following six images:
a.  I was pissed off the whole time, and did not smile and wave back at the (unpoliced) jeering thugs and their schooled naive teenies, but tried to ignore them - March organized volunteer helpers (Ordner in Doitch) are thoroughly useless, they just tell you they'll "let the police know" - I tell them in turn without mincing words, that if attacked we will defend ourselves, fuck you and the police, thankyouverymuch.  As I say, we tried to ignore the inches close Left-brainwashed kids...

b.  Until they raced (as already planned) right into our faces and formed an ad hoc sit-in blockade - around which we simply walked and carried on without further ado...

c. Although one of our participants had likewise had enough of being kept on a short chain by his tad-too-pacifist kumbaya girlfriend, and attempted to rip the bedsheet from the backsides of these bedwetters.

d.  Just paces ahead of us we got the shock of the day:  the terrorist RAF from two former decades and a half-generation ago, is showing its illegal face openly on the street, grinning at my furious shout of "Criminals, terrorists!", mocking us with total impunity (I personally addressed the police further on concerning this and minced no words with them either), as these cadavres seem to know that we know their own cells and cadres are in fact schooling, training the "new generation" of SA/ntifa terrorists.  Yes, this is fact, it is on record.

e.  I dunno what this punk had just done, other than jumping into our March For Life to further disrupt it, but he was just getting escorted out by a (finally intervening) cop.  I think I growled "Book 'im, Officer!"  Incidentally, "all cops are bastards" to these punks who had never experienced the factual police excesses of the '70s or '80s here (and now wish they could be seen as heroically battling that), just as they had never seen the Nazis of any Third Reich in their lives but wanna "go bash Nazis" - either of which confrontations in real-time and in real life would see these sniveling shitters crapping their pants and running for their pathetic lives.  I told this dude or others like him along the way - in fact I bellowed over their shrill screams:  "You are the walking dead.  We will survive you.  You are marked for a death you will have brought on yourselves!  We will keep our eyes on the actual future and walk over you!  We will survive you!  You say you #AreMore...?  We are still more, many many more."

In spite of all the attempt at mob-rule, and the passersby who largely appeared to have curiously less problem with the fecal-frothing, hair-painted SA/ntifa & Co. than they seemed to have toward us, as if we were the freaks here - we made it through with dignity intact and with aplomb.  Back at Washingtonplatz we heard the wonderful last addresses and postively splendid, high quality sounds of a Christian band called "Kings and Priests" which absolutely rocked - the talent and refreshing originality, lyrics and message, the composition, timing, coordination, the drummer, the voices, the whole beat, the clearly genuine conviction.  In the course of this a short ecumenical prayer service including sermon and liturgy by a priest and a pastor who sadness nonetheless seemed evident, that they were still compelled to put up with the roaring chorus of sneering contempt by literally screaming SA/ntifa at the other end of the Square filling up (and blocking) the back entrance to the Main Station and competing with one another for most tastelessness

Two modestly bare-breasted "femen" persons from the Quality-Guerillas of Venomism presented themselves in loud vocal "protest" (one with a toddler on her arm, this model of mothering) to the absolutely unshocked and unimpressed public which had just been listening to a sermon and had just concluded in prayer, before these two were escorted off by police officers - who'd arrived at the spot rather late into the "protest" and set them free anyway without further ado but with their shirts on.  Weird?  That is our uniformed "Finest" under the Far-Left and Green Berlin Senate.  (And no, we have no pics of the bare-breasted, thoroughly failed attention-grabbers - I cautioned my camera-happy Rana to leave that trusty thing in her shoulder bag.)

There had been - as is to be expected - more news coverage of and for the SA/ntifa than for the event itself...oh yeah, sorry: in Germany today they are the event, as we didn't appear to look quite "Nazi" enough for their slanted footage.  It is sadly to my regret, as a Jew participating in the March, that the far-Left "Jewish Forum" - as is likewise to be expected - was right in there advertising for those very "protesters against this far-right fundamentalism"...  This is why I am honorably  persona non grata among the Jewish Community here, as it plays mutually no part in my Jewish existence here.

Being for women not to be coerced or influenced into "choosing" abortion, and for the right of an unborn person - who has no choice and doesn't get to vote - to become born and be given that life, is now "Nazi" and "gravely dangerous" and "absurd" as well.

And the Band rocked.  And the Death Cult was compelled to hear the knell, and the sound and timbre of the coming force of r/evolution.

Bonus -
Trump addressing the January 2018 March For Life - w/Ger. subs:

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

STAAR WAR'S: Episode 2018 - Stimmen in der Nacht, und rote Nelken

STIMME HONECKERS (flüsternd): Angiekin, Angiekin Bodenkriecher!

MERKEL (lispelnd): Mein Gebieter! Sind Sie das, mein Sith Lord?

STIMME HONECKERS: Angiekin Bodenkriecher, ich ernannte dich schon damals Darth Mader!

MERKEL: Kehren Sie denn zurück, mein Sith Lord?

STIMME HONECKERS: Ja, klar, und meine Dunkele Braut Margöttin kehrt mit! Wir bringen den Sozialismus wieder!

MERKEL: Ich habe auf diesen Tag nur gewartet, mein Sith Lord, und alles getan, was vorprogrammiert wurde.

STIMME HONECKERS: Ja, nur nicht schnell genug, und schwach - denk an deine Bestimmung! Ohne uns hinter dir, und die dunkele Seite der Macht, hätte das verdammte Volk schon Hackfleisch aus dir gemacht. Wir haben dir als Tarn sogar Sith Gauck auch gesandt, denk daran! Aber dazu später. ...

MERKEL: Ich weiß nicht, was ich besser oder anders getan hätte...

STIMME HONECKERS: Unterbreche mich nie, Angiekin Bodenkriecher! also: Wir brauchen Nahrboden hier im NaarLand, damit aus unserer Ärsche - ich meine natürlich Asche - der Kommunismus erneut springt, progressiv und fortschrittlich. Ruhe brauchen wir, um unsere Unruhe zu säen!


MERKEL: Darf ich Friedrichsfelde vorschla...

STIMME HONECKERS: Ruhe! Ich rede jetzt! Ihr bereitet uns zwei Ehrenstellen vor, du und der Lehrling Altmeier, für die bescheiden-genossenhafte Urnen die dahinkommen, denn in unserem Staub liegt der glorreiche Geist der DDR. All die Linken werden sturm laufen, um uns zu feieren, die Presse wird sich innerlich und zutiefst freuen. Nur, siehe dazu, das die Patrioten nicht erst dahinstürmen - sie haben uns schon damals in Episode 1989, beinahe in eine Galaxie weit weit weg geschmißen und verbannt. Nur, sie wussten nichts von unserem meisterhaften HInterhalt, dich als trojanische Stute einzuschleichen und weiter einschleimen zu lassen. Sie haben die Grünen und SED-Linken auch völlig unterschätzt! Siehe dazu, daß die AfD - und übrigens, warum gibt es noch ein AfD...und Pegida!! Schwer hast du uns entäuscht, Angiekin Bodenkriecher!

MERKEL: Es ist nicht mein Schuld, ich habe...

STIMME HONECKERS: Sei still und ersparre mir deine pathetische Ausrede, bin nicht dein Volk! Halte das lieber für Erdogan oder die Brüssler, oder von mir aus die NSA oder die CIA - du bist hier der Depp der vor mir steht, nicht umgekehrt. Also genug jetzt! Wir kehren zurück, du weißt was zu tun, wehe du auch dies verpeilst! Mobilisiere was übrig ist von all deinen Gutmenschen, nützlichen Idioten, d.h. natürlich RAF-Altkämpfer und deren Antifa, von all deinen Stasi, und all den Parteien, von Steinmeier selbst bis die ganze Bank durch Und noch was - (was?...wie war das, Liebchen?...ach ja, selbstveständlich) - Nelken!

MERKEL: Ja, mein Gebieter, ja, mein Sith Lord! Sie können sich auf mich verlassen!

STIMME HONECKERS: Das werden wir noch sehen. Die AfD ist stark geworden, viel stärker - ich spüre es... Pegida ist schon im 4. Jahr, worauf wartest du?! Also, rot. Die Nelken, meine ich. Ganz ganz viele, viele rote Nelken.

MERKEL: Ja, rot. Rot wie die türkische Fahne...

STIMME HONECKERS: Scheiß darauf, du bist schließlich MEIN Bodenkriescher! Also: Rot wie unsere heilige Ideologie, und rot wie das Blut meiner Opfer, und rot wie das Blut deiner! Ich habe dich nicht umsonst zu Darth Mader gemacht! Doch du läufst nicht über Leichen wie erwartet, du watschelst über sie!

MERKEL: Ich gebe mir Mühe...

STIMME HONECKERS: Das reicht nicht! Du hast die Kälte, aber keine Persönlichkeit, mein Gott-den-es-nicht-gibt, sogar Egon Krenz hatte mehr Charisma wie du! Also, los jetzt, weg mit dir!

MERKEL: Oh bitte, sag das nicht, mein Sith Lord - das sagt schon all die Hier-länger-lebenden...zwar jede Woche!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Chemnitz III - State & Fed Admit On Record: The Entire Hype Was Faked

Sooner or later, sooner or later.  And when the real moral pressure, on the street and from healthy-minded straight-thinking regime-critics inside the alternative social network, reaches a certain pitch:  the moralizing preachers of fabrication give ground - with increasing frequency sooner (thanks to alternative media, AfD and Pegida) than later.

Which of the the three murdered the Cuban-German Daniel Hillig, and sent his two (likewise German) companions to the ICU where they remain even now, and which of the three called in eight more on his cell phone before sticking Hillig in the back and pounding him to a count of some 27 stab wounds on the spot?  Which of these three - with the eight called in we can safely say eleven - were Iraqi, or Syrian, or really not but rather from another geographical area of Muslim culture.  Why is this murder being ruled "manslaughter"?  The answer to any of these "questions" is anyone's guess.  You may have already guessed:  each and every one of these perpetrators and co-perpetrators is Merkel's Honored Guest.  Of the three, the third is already so long on the loose the "investigation" has no idea in which land he's currently cooling his jets.  But, he's been around the block, the one published photo they could offer the public, dated two years back, before he'd restyled his hair, showing the nasty scar of a huge diagonal gash across his chest leading to his left shoulder.  Yes, he's been around.  You do not want to introduce him to your daughter.  Merkel does.

The entire political elite across the board, and the entire bribed-and-brainwashed press across the board (and quite willingly so, with more freedom to have declined than anyone had ever had under the last two Socialist German Dictatorships over the past 85 years), and the entire music and entertainment industry and celebrity world (either willing or pressured or just needing the cash and the attention) across the board, the official churches and trade unions, professions and every TV-talkshow hostess or low-brow comic, all got on board.  To "sound the alarm" that Chemnitz is brown and the Nazis are all out on the streets bashing, that anyone "looking foreign" was being chased, manhunted, beat up - it was a "real pogrom" and the police had their hands full trying to reel the Nazis in.  That was the narrative, that was the hysteria they whipped up - all the while insisting that the AfD and Pegida and "all these right-extremists and Nazis" instrumentalize and exploit an "islolated" murder to whip up xenopobic terror.  And the public ate it up.  As did Merkel, as did Chemnitz' own mayor, as did The Greens, the SPD, The Left.

We knew it was a complete fabrication, we knew it was Fake-News at its most hysteria-hyping.  We knew because we watched the footage of what really was occurring, we studied plenty of material, and we know from own long-running experience how the established system-loyal press and all of the concerned of the Left lie, lie, twist and lie.  They fabricate, they publish and go before the camera, ignoring the evidence (or its lack) and the facts, even when blankly proven wrong to their face - they maintain the lie.  And above all, Merkel and her press speakers, and all the parties together, people in political and other public positions, all mimick the Fake Narrative.

As I'd stated earlier, the photo which had achieved the most mileage in the mainstream mono-media showing a provocateur of enormous IQ giving the Adolf-salute, which was to be THE "proof" that "neo-Nazis" were taking over Chemnitz (tsk-tsk!), gives you a) as typical looking a Left-extremist "Anti"fa/tuous punk as you could find anywhere, and b) if that weren't already enough, the geniuses of objective professional journalism completely overlooked the clearly visible RAF-tatoo on his(right) hand.  RAF here is not the Royal Air Force, or the Reichsarbeiterfront, of WWII fame.  It is the Red Army Faction terrorists of the 1970s and into the late '80s (when I'd arrived and analyzed in my MI unit on matters of GDR, and domestic and international terrorism).  The old cadaverous cadres are still now schooling and "mentoring" the dysfunctional, Maoist-dumbed-down Merkel-youth of today's "Anti"fa, and breathing anew this poisoned vapor into thier lungs like the vampires they are, preying on them like old queers in a bath house.  And the press chooses to miss the joke altogther, falling for the bait, hook line and sinker.

Moreover, we knew because we'd participated in a 15,000-strong Demo last Saturday following the previous Sunday one where the above narrative became invented.  We were there to continue the non-violent, as entirely civil as it was vocal, mourning and protest march, which a week earlier had followed on the heels of the incident itself.

The only ones who ran rampant in numbers worth even considering were the ones who always do run rampant with impunity:  the "Anti"fa.   So to really push The Fake Narrative, a concert was put together in no-time flat, offering free admission, free buses from wherever in Germany, free Coke, free parking, free whatever, so that some 65,000 Good-Germans all supporting the "Anti"fa, OpenBorders, limitless asylum for all Muslims, could converge on a Monday evening on the town of Chemnitz.  There to place a "Refugees Welcome" sign with and "Anti"fa flag right over the spot where he'd fallen dead, as crass an affront as one could imagine, to the cross and the votive candles the real mourners had all placed there a week earlier!  Frankly more obscene than all the disgusting songtexts barked out on stage in a hoarse cacophany - texts sung along and celebrated by a lot of women in that mass of Good-Germans.

THIS was even publicly promoted by that communist sitting President of the Federal Regime of Germoney, he ran ads telling people to go, "for the fight-against-the-rightwingers".  How noble of him.  It's not that he was sitting on his balls, he has none - and no one sucking up to Merkel has them either, it's a prerequisite to leave them at the door or place them on the block. Or else you walk. It's a character thing, deep-seated flaw.

These 65,000 Good-German freaks of conscience came to hear their favorite low-brow bands singing exclusively lyrics which are unprintable here, so sexually contemptuous toward women, graphically celebrating unmitigated violence toward "the other" (that would be us) and especially toward cops - in fact above all, toward these.  And who kept order and had to stand there and see to the safety and protection of bands and attending public at this Carnival of Hate "Against Hate"?  The police of course.

I don't know right now whether to invoke Kafka or Orwell, Monty Python or Ray Bradbury, or just find out who's been putting what into the public water.  Germans are coerced, on pain of serious penalties inluding jail, to cough up a quarterly fee to the State propaganda-press where its three State subsidized chief television broadcasters are concerned.  You get to actually finance the medium which lying to you dalily and gaslighting you without end.  Why do I mention this here?  Because, as it turns out, the said concert was at least partly financed by those fees - directly.  Of course.

Saxony is where the 1989 Movement began, with its entirely non-violent - but for all that, vehemently -  anti-SED-State, Monday marches in the streets which brought down the Wall and with it the GDR itself.  Saxony is where Pegida began, which has attained to four years now with all its integrity intact - despite every attempt by the State Verfassungschutz or the actually right-extreme NPD to infiltrate it, and despite every attempt by the Regime, its Left and all of their extreme (and violent) elements to discredit, distract and destroy it.  Saxony has traditionally been aware of its identity as a State and as German - namely a pain in the ass for globalists and all self-hating, self-flagellating, and hysterically moralizing Germans, particularly West-Germans.  And Saxony is where Chemnitz of course is, where else would patriotism hold its ground better, against a serially-criminal head of State!

And then it happened:  First the state-level chief of police for Saxony comes out with a public statement that there was never any manhunt, nor pogrom, nor bashing and beating and chasing off of random "foreigners" of any caliber.  Thus entirely and uncompromisingly contradictng the Chemnitz mayor and Merkel herself, both of whom even now maintain the already exposed lying and smear campaign.  And everyone still gets to keep their job.

Then the Attorney General for Saxony comes out with a public statement that there was never any manhunt, nor pogrom, nor bashing and beating and chasing off of random "foreigners" of any caliber.  Thus entirely and uncompromisingly contradictng the Chemnitz mayor and Merkel herself, both of whom even now maintain the already exposed lying and smear campaign.  And still everyone gets to keep their job.

Then followed closely thereupon, none less than the state PM for Saxony, with his likewise public confirmation - and very authentically, outspokenly clear, mincing no words - that there was absolutely never any manhunt, nor pogrom, nor bashing and beating and chasing off of random "foreigners" of any caliber whatsoever.  Thus entirely and uncompromisingly contradictng the Chemnitz mayor and Merkel herself, both of whom even now maintain... And everyone still keeps their job.

Meanwhile much of the mainstream press - by no means all, just some - meekly retracted all the lying and hysteria mongering which they had commited to the profound shaming of and damage to Chemnitzers, of and to the memory of Daniel Hillig and the circumstances behind his death, of and to his two companions on ICU, of and to the German public everywhere.  Thus likewise, entirely and uncompromisingly contradictng the Chemnitz mayor and Merkel herself, both of whom even now...  And everyone still gets to show up at their desk.

Then came the Federal German Interior Minister with his by now decisive, albeit grudging, declaration, that there was absolutely never any manhunt, nor pogrom, nor bashing and beating and chasing off of random "foreigners" of any caliber whatsoever.  Thus entirely and uncompromisingly contradictng all those from mayor to Merkel spokes(wo)men to Merkel in person, who even now still maintain the already exposed lying and smear campaign.  And everyone still is expected to show up for work.

And then it really happened:  no lesser personage than the President of the Bundesverfassungsschutz himself, just came out with the public admission, with all the weight of his high office - that, not only was there absolutely never any manhunt, nor pogrom, nor bashing and beating and chasing off of random "foreigners" of any caliber whatsoever, but that his very Office, the Federal Observation Machine For All That Goes On Here (while simultaneously infiltrating and fomenting extremism), namely the Verfassungschutz itself, had "created, fabricated the entire hysteria in order to distract the public attention away from the murder, from the murdered and from the perpetrators themselves, and from the investigation"He may be the one who will wind up staying at home Mondays and helping around the house.

Now, is this sinking in yet?  Is this sounding familiar?  Is this ringing any bells?  It had better.

And Merkel still maintains it was all real.  And the mayor of Chemnitz.  And The Greens.  And the 65,000 Good-Germans who'd brought their kids, showed up and raved with their wives and girlfriends, to a concert on an entirely faked premise, what about them?  Who'd held one solitary, very-faked minute of silence (they had the privilege of not having it interrupted by "Anti"fa, since they were there for "Anti"fa, not for Daniel (who himself by the way, was for both The Left and for "Anti"fa) - and then got down to some real partying to great lyrics about "slashing cops in the face, trashing all property which isn't yours, fucking your babe in the ass until she feels your heart throbbing in her bowels". (I know, I didn't want to print any part of the lyrics, but I thought no one would believe me.)  So what do they think about it now?  I'll tell you:  nothing.  With them nothing sinks in because whichever water they've been drinking from, they are brainwashed, braindead, and headed for the most painful awakening to reality they could imagine - no, I don't mean the AfD winning so many more voters that it leaves all other parties in the dust and some of them in the dustbin of history.  No, I mean the reality of having a knife in their own faces, and being fucked in the ass by persons not of your choice - but of Merkel's.

After the above revelations came - with oh, what timing, made to order, but the pizza's cold now! - an announcement in the mainstream press about a Jewish restaurant or café overrun and torn apart by "neo-Nazis".  Yeah just gotta "get one last one in there", one more fake-out, like when the Titanic is going under, and someone gets out that blow-dyer to melt chips off the iceberg.  I will tell you why this one is also FAKE, and will blow like leaves in the wind just like the rest of this:

1. The press and the elite have just graphically proven to the entire world, and admitted as much, that they lie.  That they only lie and only can lie.  The Verfassungschutz President provided the final blow as he did, quite probably - in fact we are convinced of this - to avoid much much worse coming out, and would even have taken into account that he now could find himself relieved of his post and checking off shopping lists with his wife or dropping the grandkids off to pre-school.
2. This would be the first time "neo-Nazis" were known to attack Jewish businesses in Chemnitz - it would not be the first time at all however, that "Anti"fa and or Greens party fanatics (neither of whom are gifted with Deception-and-Disinformation activity without leaving a trail of crumbs or obvious evidence of their signature work) commit actual felonies and misdemeanors "as neo-Nazis" in order to "make a point"...  Reminds me already of BLM.
3. The timing is just too precious.  Not even a "neo-Nazi" is quite so fucking stupid, as to go and do this right now, right after all this, even if one was in fact inclined, in 2018 - where the (real) statistics for right-extreme violence have plummeted in the last several years whereas the left-extreme counterpart has skyrocketed astromomically.
4. The alleged attackers of this Jewish establishment wore black, theri faces were covered, and they wielded knives.  Sound like "Nazis"?  With knives, since when?  I thought they only carried baseball bats.  How would anyone identify them, did they ask, did these guys yell "Heil Hitler" or what?  But what is quite well known, is that "Anti"fa's neo-RAF storm-troopers and Black Bloc always cover their cowardly faces and do stage such "performances" of raw violence or vandalism, then spread the word that right-extremists and "Nazis" were at work.  The press, still having learned nothing from what had just blown the last vestige of their own sagging credibility ratings, went for the bait again(!) and ran with it.
5. I'm pointing this out now, before the NYT or CNN or Washpost get to your braincells on it.  You've heard it from Berlin.

Here's more Fake-Out:  Remember that high school acting club in Florida which provided staged "victims" for the cameras to "tell their side" of "what happened"?  Well, the German press took a cue from that, found the two "manhunt victims" - who on the footage were both wearing gloves, in August mind you - and now they found a few Arab youth to play "eye-witness" to what ahs already been proven never to have occurred.  The propaganda-press of the Merkel-media just does not let up.  And the terms used for what the fantasized and fabricated "right-wing mob" come right out of the GDR's own law books mirroring the terminology of the "Third Reich" itself.

One more Fake-Out of instigation and agitation:   A viral-gone video of hardly a minute or so in length, captured on Instagram, allegedly "showing" us - and transparently poorly a that - a "mob chase" of some "foreigner", was soon proven and establsihed by all authoritative entities, much to the chagrin of the Left and the press:  to have been nothing less than a staged hoax by the "Anti"fa, yes, a fake, for the explicit purpose as the found out, of spreading disinformation (it worked) - and what should have been an embarrassment for the media itself and for the Merkel-Clique and her press speakers.  Yet they ran with it and continued to run with it and still do - long after it was exposed and discredited.  No one has been charged for it.  (As of this addendum by the way - it is now the 18th of September - the Verfassungschutz's Herr Maaßen, having contradicted Merkel herself on all of this, from his position as the Federal Republics altogether highest ranking security chief, has just been canned, leaving the public security at a time like this in a tailspin, and the next to go will be her Bavarian de-toothed "Lion" from his post as Interior Secretary, as Maaßen gets kicked upstairs to soon be the boss over his coming replacement as acting national security head.)  We can now honestly and without reservation, speak of a Merkel-Dictatorship.  Oh, right, I've been doing that all along...

(A word about charges of "racism" in this parallel universe of virtue-signaling Germans:  it is a well established fact, even in many mainstream papers, stated and confirmed by doctors of standing and medical personnel, as by Health Department officials, that with the unbridled wave of unvetted "asylum seekers" and "refugees" are being brought in dozens of contaminating diseases, some of which had long since been eradicated in Europe, and will now have to be faced all over again, with the threat of even becoming epidemic under the conditions and circumstances of unmitigated neglect by the Merkel-State of its own native population.  A mother just saw her critically ill child leave the ICU and get placed in a room with one of Merkel's guests.  Being herself well informed of the above mentioned looming health crisis via imported diseases - such as TB, malaria, cholera, to name but three - she demanded that her child be immediately found a room without a "migrant".

What occurred then was, to place her child's health entirely on the back burner, and have the chief doctor tear into her with charges of "racism" and then denounce her on the open tabloid pages as such.  That doctors and medical staff conspire to sell-out their patients and leave them hanging, out of "convictions" based on a racial ideology (here crassly directed against one's own native German citizens), is something strangely familiar here in this Brave New World of Socialism. There was the model of Brown-Socialist fascism, then the model of Red-Socialist fascism, and today we have arrived at the Rainbow-Socialist fascism - the colors change but the Socialism and the Fascism with it remain the same.  This is their "humanism", their "humanity", their "humanitarianism" - and mark my words, it will be their most bitter hubris!)

Saxony by the way (just speaking of Interior MInisters), is also where we'd had - or still have? - the Saxon-Swamp, the enormous, really enormous pedophile ring which got blown public in the early 2000s, only to be covered-up by none less than the then-serving state Interior Minister who not only never got thown under the bus, but in fact went on from there to be Merkel's federal Interior Minister - and was so at precisely the time the Verfassungsschutz (under CIA directives) had given the Christmas Market serial terrorist Anis Amri carte blanche to hold up a semi and drive it into the unsuspecting crowd killing 12 (after he'd already shot the Polish semi-driver) and seriously injuring 70, traumatizing many more, on December 19th, 2016.  Now I'm not saying I want to see Merkel or her Interior Minister thrown under the bus - I do want them to be right under that next semi.

Before I leave Saxony or the Verfassungsschutz, let me also point out one other enormous, wall-to-wall hype which has consumed tremendous energy and resources and abused the trust of every citizen in their government structures, possibly more than any one thing has - and that is saying a lot, because there are so many glaring examples - the NSU Affair (alleged "National-Socialist Union") where eight Turkish and one Greek, kiosk owners, and one young German policewoman were all shot in a string of murders which were effectively pinned on this group, as well as the possession of explosives and the commission of a series of bank robberies.

As it has turned out - and still doing that - the two deceased dudes of the notorious trio, not only cannot possibly have done themselves in by shooting themselves with pistols not present in their trailor which was then set afire - by whom then, by whom indeed? - but at least one of them if not both, or all three (hence their girlfriend's lengthy trial void of any disclosures whatsoever) were in fact involved in child trafficking and pedophilia rings.  Oh...

After all has been said and done, and the trial of the one surviving member of this threesome has produced nothing after five years of court hours and newsprint - the Ministry of the Interior has given (and again confirmed as much) in unmistakeable print, and as answer to a questionaire sent to it by the AfD, that the original police investigation (before tons of evidence and files had been destroyed, shredded and/or conveniently "lost") was correct in viewing the crime spree as being all about organized crime and not "right-wing" activity, and has now removed this group and everything associated with it, from its index on "right-wing" crime altogether.  After all this heavy, constant, relentless hype.  And that, after her trial closing with her ca. 20 year sentence and - more significant:  everything from within this trial and its conclusions to be kept under lock and key and remain there for 150 years.  I am not making any of this up.

This German third-world Banana Republic, whose President is an "Anti"fa supporting communist dupe; and whose Chief of State is a high-grade serial criminal of historical proportions, also communist but straight out of the GDR; and whose Foreign Minister stands on Erdogan's turf, as had Merkel herself shortly prior, also between two Turkish flags and no German one. - this is 2018.