Wednesday, June 29, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part XI


Yesterday, the 28th, the communist manipulators calling themselves, appropriately, "Center for Political Beauty," known (when at all) for its self-glorifying pathos and cynical abuse of persons and public emotion toward nothing more than its own theatrical ends, just tripped on the skirt of its own overstatement and landed on its misshapen face.  Staged "humanitarian drama" didn't go off - but exposed its own hypocrisy in the doing.  What they'll do with all the dough they'd collected is anyone's cynical guess.

The day of "Ultimatum" had been reached. For a week they had held the Berlin Senate "blackmail," and a do-gooding Gutmensch public, all permissive agencies and boulevard media alike, in its sway: threatening (!) to feed volunteered refugees to the four live tigers kept in the courtyard between Maxim Gorki Thearter and Humboldt University – if some privately chartered planes were not given the green light to land at Berlin-Tegel by this day so fly in still more droves of “refugees“. To clarify: The Merkel Regime, being already unequaled in its obsessive determination to set the example for all of Europe on how one forces its people to swallow unlimited and illegal mass immigration from the Muslim world by calling them all "traumatized Syrians" – this Administration, according to the communist pack,“has not done enough and must do more!“ (read: succumb to our purely theatrical demands), and must be blackmailed into doing it.

They'd used a Syrian TV-actress known for her TV roles back home – where many of her fellow Syrians evidently do still have time to enjoy plenty of her series episodes in their livingrooms – as the "strong activist woman" which she herself evidently is not. Evidently, her speech before a large audience at Maxim Gorki last week, kicking off their little Circus Maximus – to the tune of offering herself as "first refugee" to the tigers if the Senate didn't buckle – visibly played well to a breathlessly mesmerized audience of liberals, but was in fact merely a rehash of one of her own episodes. Psychiatrically speaking, - and one must, here – one could say she was having an episode.

The histrionics and crass working of banal emotion however: DID NOT COME OFF AFTER ALL – at least NOT if their goal had really been to help the said refugees all along. IT WAS NOT THAT AND NEVER HAD BEEN! They have no more empathy for any human beings than they do for four circus tigers, penned up for their own tasteless self-promotion parading as "compassion," as goaded and vilified a willing, masochistic public for not being "humanitarian" enough. The buttons we watched them handing out Saturday when we'd formed an Animal Protection protest of two, had the characteristic gall to read, "KEIN HERZ FÜR MENSCHEN <3" (no heart for human beings), which applied in FACT to themselves and not to the public they wer openly pissing on.

THIS is in fact your Socialists for you, so socially competent. THIS is what reminds me of the National-Socialists: being exactly that which you loathingly pin on your chosen adversary. And all those whose attention had been held all week, who'd shaken their pockets loose to contribute toward their own abuse, were being marked as just that "adversary" with that button, along with the Administration and its agencies. I personally would like to feed the entire company to those tigers, starting with the Syrian B-actress and following that with the Greens/Pirate Parties Ice-Queen (depicted here in the flowered dress) we'd met there Saturday smugly playing her prominent role as benfactor of the arts and giving me a body-check to signal how little she gave a fuck about "animal rights".  She also chaired the public "discussion" which followed the day's event.

So as of yesterday our supicions had been, in all points, CONFIRMED:

The Administration had not backed down, in fact the Federal Bundestag stood by its position NOT to allow the planes to land, and the airlines themselves had cancelled the planned landings. The Party calling itself The Left was, predictably, the ONLY dissenting voice on this, although The Greens must have joined them on it, we don't know. No one was fed to a any tiger. Nor would anyone have had the balls to go through with it, and that was never even their intention. So why use the tigers in the first place? And THAT is primarily why I have been observing and reporting on this at all.


The group does not, nor ever did, give a shit about refugees as persons, as human beings at all - any more than it does animals.

From the beginning to the end, and now, as we'd just got done hearing from their internet-posted Audio of the "Discussion" the public was invited to, inside Gorki right after their event where we'd stood protesting – in fact, expressly during this by-the-nose-led "discussion" – these Socialists' sheer ignorance concerning the refugees was only outmatched by their unabated arrogance in further pushign their agneda down the throats of those attending.

People who were disturbed at this and tried to bring real issues into the room, factually contradicting the starry-eyed version of the troupe sitting before them, were not allowed to voice their concerns, because democracy and open opinions had no more plaxce in that room than in these monsters' vision of a new world in their own image.

Who really came up short, for example, in that evening's one-sided discussion:

gay and trans-sexual refugees in the holding centers, and women; attention was being brought to precisely the gay's and trans' urgent need for protection, and frankly housing separation, from the main refugee population in those centers. This was simply dismissed and ignored,
although it was addressed specifically by Syrian refugee himself, staying at one such center!

The refugees were all along and will remain, for these humanitarian ideologues, strictly instruments of their own stated communist intent to "transform the bureaucracy".

Animal rights were brought up as well, and this was likewise relativized and negated. I PREDICT: this will all clearly lead to the same treatment toward hard-won children's rights, as well as hard-won women's rights – actually both cases are variously in the works accordingly with the Greens and Left (parties') legislative influence.

The Q&A of this post-Performance self-adulating "discussion" was a farce to listen to, an exercise in brazenly muddled “logic“ and self-justifications, with plenty of elitist condescention thrown in toward every honest concern being voiced. All negative facts were denied and blocked from being examined and pursued. Critical voices were (as always with them) left out or talked, even shouted, down: for example, concerning the rampant racism of the dear "refugees" themselves toward non-Muslims or wrong-Muslims and toward the very Europeans who are handing Germany and the rest of the Continent over to them.

In Conclusion:

The fairytale naivté which guides and informs their lovely concept of refugees, carries all the condescention of the very "white European noblesse oblige" which they fantasize dissociating themselves from!

(Confirmed in our protest action the Saturday prior, confirmed in every detail, confirmed down to the nub - this  - the third of three articles by Vera Lengsfeld - was everything I'd written about it, and here's how it played out, as I'd said it would. THAT IS the Left for you - as yellow as they are red, as low in their manipulative lies as the public is jaded - and gullible as shit.

Had I been present at this scene (quite theoretically, as I would have had no reason to be), I would have gone absolutely ballistic on them.

"Am Dienstag Abend sollte das lange angekündigte „kommentierte Fressen“ einer angeblichen Flüchtlingsfrau, in Wahrheit eine Schauspielerin, die seit fünf Jahren in Deutschland lebt und guten Anschluss an die linksintellektuelle Schickeria gefunden hat, stattfinden. ...") 

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

"Imagine" This!...

Unser 4. Juli:  "Independence Day"

Brexit – oder der Eindruck daß es mit einer Mehrheit doch einmal klappt – hat mir eine Freude gemacht, vielleicht sogar, mit Verlaub, einen Funk Hoffnung. Ich war so gespannt davor wie erleichtert danach, daß diese Abstimmung einen Zeichen gesetzt hat, trotz allem Druck davor und Hohn danach. Und ich war vorsichtig, auch beim Guiness-Anstoß an den Tag. Eine Wochenende brauchte Merkel, Obama und EU Leutchen nur, um uns alle auch einen Zeichen zu setzen, daß es wirklich keine Demokratie gibt, und vielleicht lange nicht mehr gäbe.

Vor genau 240 Jahre hat meine Heimat – und Heimat ist Heimat, ich bin schließlich Amerikaner – ihre politische Unabhängigkeit von England errungen, und das war damals gut so.  Amerika hat viel Licht und viel viel Schatten.  Selbstkritik ist gesund und pflichtbewußt. 

Selbst informieren ist der erste Schritt des Widerstands, und der wahre Zeichen von Verantwortungsbewußtsein ist genau das.

Ich habe mich um vieles informiert und informieren lassen, alles zu seiner Zeit. Und letzlich wurde ich erneut und genauer informiert um Sachen was meinen sehr amerikanischen Sinn für Gerechtigkeit zur Probe stellt: die Verbrechen aller Alliierten unmittelbar nach dem 2. Weltkrieg, ja, wohl die Amis, an den deutschen Gefangenen und an die Bevölkerung. (Stichwort: Rheinwiesenlager.) Mythos weg, also. Zu schmerzhaft für mich auszusprechen. Ich lass das, aber schön und dringend sinnvoll wäre es, wenn einen kanadisch-amerikanische Doku, auch in deutsch übersetzt, in euern Bewußtsein, ich rede von allen Deutschen – kommen würde: „The Other Losses,“ (die weitere Verlusste).

Anlaß dem 4. Juli möchte ich betonen, wie bedingungslos sehr, ich mir wünsche, ein gesundes patriotisch souveränen Deutschland unabhängig von meiner heimatlichen Regierung – egal wer da sitzt – und ihrer transatlantische Hegemonie; unabhängig von Brüssels EU-Diktatur; unabhängig von so ein Bundestagvoll von Verbrecher wie wir heute ertragen. Dulden aber nicht.

Ob hier Montags oder sonst wo, vor dem PC oder im Alltag, ich kämpfe um ein heiles, selbstbewußsten Deutschland, wie seit 1980, nur mit neuen Perspektiven. Soll es hart auf hart geben, ich werde da sein, ohne zu zögern auf die Barrikaden. Und wenn nur ein Handvoll. So sind Patrioten, mein lieben, komme was mag.

Wenn ich höre: „Ami go home!“ ich sage dazu: Bin schon da, Berlin ist mein home, meine 2. Heimat, und ich verlaße meine Heimat nicht zweimal. Der Kampf wofür ich mich seit über drei Jahrzehnte bereit mache – ist hier, in Berlin. Denn ich mag kein Deutche sein, dafür stolz darauf, zu sagen: Ick bin een Berlina.

Und jetzt – meine Antwort an Lenin – nein, John Lennon:


Imagine all the people
taking to the streets,
filling Berlin's airwaves
with patriotic "likes" and "tweets"...

Imagine with Bärgida:
Merkel must step down!
You may say I'm a dreamer – but I'm not the only one –
I hope one day you'll join me,
and Europe will rise as one!

Imagine patriotic freedom –
you can do it if you try –
for democratic values,
break through the mainstream lies!

(Imagine with Bärgida...)

Imagine European nations
each living sovereign through
no EU, no Merkel,
and no TTIP too!

(Imagine with Bärgida...)

Imagine one strong Europe,
of German, Swede, of French, of Swiss;
no more Islamisation,
whose culture won't be missed.

(Imagine with Bärgida...)

Monday, June 27, 2016


Apple-Mitarbeiter bei der diesjährigen Regenbogenparade in San Francisco.

Pampering immature egos and giving in to every whim and demand
by a temperamental dictatorial monopoly on public sentiments,
is neither kind nor humanitarian.

Expecting others to accept and share, even participate
in this narcissistic exercise in immolation of Reason,
is to hold public sympathies hostage, bound and gagged
by political-correctness, and to manipulate this
anyway one can, stacking the deck to control others.

 Marchers in Dublin unfurl the welcome banner for people seeking sanctuary for war and violence in the Middle East. (Photo: Sam Boal/The Journal)

The “Rainbow” of persuasion has no honest color
or fairness in it (ah, there can be no brown without red),
nor carries responsibility, nor cares.
It is a tantrum, nothing else; a grand hissy-fit.
No real or deep or hands-on social competence there,
no substance either.

Stockholm- or Helper-Syndrome are not progressive,
just pathological; not logical, only nihilistic;
with a venom, in turns blunt and sharp.

Nauseating, this appeasement of mindless conformism,
collective-guilt peddling, a pernicious intolerance
toward your toleration levels and for any authentic individuality.

A feminism which is merely man-hatred, and does nothing for women;
a gender-mainstreaming which is merely anti-hetero, but delivers no real empowerment;
a scraping and bowing appeasement toward Islam – void of knowledge or empathy –
barely concealing a seething loathing hatred toward Christianity.

Pseudo-logic, pseudo-science, pseudo-morals, ersatz-religion,
void of responsibility, empathy, entirely self-serving,
without ever grasping that this Self is divine,
and from this Divinity alone comes love,
harmony, beauty, culture, dignity, life with dimension.

Think about that, for once just think!
Can you really afford to lose this?

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Fire of Devotion

The sun does not warm the earth by being nice.
In whichever old language divine praises are sung,
all Traditions are in agreement that it be done with devotion.
If it is not one's native tongue so much the better,
knowing the sense and direction of the content
neither requires knowledge of every word, nor will the mind
be thus hampered with linear conceptual thinking.
Pronunciation is of more value, also rhythm and melody.

For this, devotion is needed.
And what is this devotion?
It is the fire of present love, of love being present.
It is natural that one feels lazy, too familiar, unmoved, or some panic.
And it is natural to one's discipline, to resist this influence.
Go into that love, go into the gut of it, the heart of you,
renew it, fall in love every time and be a lover.

Nothing is ever lost, and the gain
is in every moment one returns inward to that love.
This love goes out to all who would awaken,
if you would just recite once more
that prayer, that mantra, that hymn -
for the sheer love of intoning it, hearing it,
in your own voice.

Inspirations may come, you keep at it.
Reminders may come, of those in need of succor.
You keep at it, and hold it in that gut, sing from your heart.
Be present, and if you are not present yet-
get there by love's own blazing radiant will.

Let every recitation count, every repetition, every syllable and note.
First time is the last always the first time.
You fall in love - and stay there.

It will give you presence of mind for the outer life;
it will give you the tenderness to nourish others;
it will give you the intestinal fortitude to go forth into steady combat,
in defense against the tyranny of the day.

The tyranny of conformity and flatulently flat-talking relativisms,
of platitudes of political correctness and its iron grip on the soul,
of the deadening cudgel of manipulated thinking
by a jaded, complacent era.
And the tyranny of that which most deny exists,
much less appreciate the imminent and gathering danger.

When one takes a medicine against illness,
sometimes the active substance is given inside
a compatible, neutral fluid - as with infusions, injections, drops.
The fluid carries the substance into the intended environment.
Just so, is the devotional intensity of your love that substance,
carried through your singing and recitations,
neutral of ego, of preferences or self-consciousness,
into the intended environment - reaching you, reaching all.

Prana sends its breath throughout your bodily form,
strengthening your immunity, your patience, your determination.
When you sing with devotional prana,
it begins to sing you, carrying off into the world -
and you become the Word.
This is love, in action.

The sun does not warm the earth by being nice.

Friday, June 24, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part X

23 Jun 2016

Komisch, oder? Wenn ich diese Message überall klebe, innerhalb ein paar Tage sind die meisten wieder weg; jemand bemüht sich, die zu entfernen. Alle Arten von Anklebern bleiben, Tage, Wochen, Monaten lang, mehrfach sogar auf jede einzelne Stelle. Aber einmal dies – und weg issit.

Komisch, oder? Die wahre, hard-core Rechten, die wirklich den Begriff „Neo-Nazi“ in voll vetreten, z.B., EUROPÄISCHE AKTION, oder DIE RECHTE, oder DIE NATIONALE SOZIALISTEN – ja, es gibt die drei tatsächlich und aktiv, nebenbei immer die NPD natürlich. Und man sieht, z.B. vor zwei Wochen in Dresden, das „Europäische Aktion“ darf problemlos einen Stand auf öffentlichem Gehweg führen – wobei WIR brauchen immer Polizeischutz wenn als Pegida oder als Bärgida oder als Identitäre oder mit AfD, wir „Merkel muss weg!“ rufen.

Was das sehr aufschlussreich bestätigt ist, daß die Merkel-Regime sich von den o.g. rechten Gruppen gar nicht bedroht sieht, sondern von Bürger-Initiativen, Bürger-Bewegungen, eine Partei wie AfD.

Merkwürdig, oder? Das man das gar nicht schnallt, aber mit einer „Selbsverständlichkeit“ glaubt an Merkel, beschützt Merkel, wählt Merkel. Und man erlaubt sich weiter laut zu wundern: „Wie konnte die Bevölkerung in '33 so dumm und feige sein!“

24 Jun

Britain voted Brexit!  The true European Cup:
UK vs. EU 1:0
Minus one Cameron, one Merkel to go.

Now we in Germany also want a Democracy!

Livestream-Update on the tiger cages set up this past week at Humboldt "University" where the first "volunteer refugee" intends to "sacrifice her life" come Monday, as a blackmail attempt on the Berlin Senate to "force" it to bow to the staged "demands" of a Leftist-Lobby calling itself "Center for Political Beauty" - which prides itself on each new nadir of cynically narcissistic tastelessness - being, that the Senate "work harder" on welcoming more illegal immigrants (generalized as "refugees").

In the meantime, during the running instrumentalisation by these artificial, self-enamoured fanatics at the expense of, above all, animals, visitors appear to be welcome - even children. The tigers are kept in frankly illegal cages on the premises of the fences inside the area - teased and goaded "show-style" by perpetrators dressed as Romans "in the name of freedom of art". Self-serving animal abuse - literally self-serving at that.

The origins and manner of acquiring of these tigers are crassly joked about, they're "Libyan" and "gifts" form Erdogan, the "generous Turkish sultan". What appears to be true is the claim that all of this was financed and made possible through massive grassroots "contributions". To this depth all has sunk - i know of no legalor police action being taken against this, and like a circus - but inthis case entirely illegal - the animals are made available to publci viewing from 10am to 10pm daily.

Need it be said, that should they follow through with this wretched con-game, and a tiger follows its nature and attacks, it will wind up being shot by only then intervening auhtorities.
This is the depth of open decadence reached here, politics of the perverse. (Side note: While so many have their focus occupied by the European Soccer Cup right now, no one notices either this going on, nor that the Bundestag has grabbed just that opportunity to legislate unnoticed, three measures which will affect the lives of most Germans.)

NEITHER the Berlin Zoo appears to have chosen to take action against this abomination, nor P.E.T.A., - only the Senate agency for registration of demos. And THIS only because they had "not properly registered" what they'd set up, and ONLY therefore have been told to remove the whole thing. Until now, nothing has budged an inch.

We will budge ourselves this weekend, even if we are a silent vigil protest of two. SOMEONE has to demonstrate against this animal cruelty and disgusting manipulation of public and politic!

26 Jun

We were there yesterday to point out the open disregard of the long-fought for Animal Protection Laws, and to expose this spectacle for what it is, at least as far as the animals go - we HAD to restrict it to just that matter, and guard ourselves from getting drawn into a pissing contest over the equally cynical "Refugee"-Manipulation itself, we didn't "go there".

For example, I forced myself NOT to confront them in vain, while their sound system loudly ran "disturbing recordings of refugees drowning in the sea" - but gave no sound effects of CHRISTIANS being thrown overboard into the sea BY MUSLIMS en route. Nor would they admit that it was The Greens and The Left who had sent their "activists" to Greek Idumeni to lure real refugees into a river trap where three had drowned as a direct result of this act of "selfless humanitarianism".

This blasting sound and the adjacent big screen giving the European Soccer Cup games running simultaneously, plus the theatrical socialist rantings of these jackasses on the root of this Box - THIS was "not" abusive to the four tigers behind that glass??...
But they found us "disturbing" with our silent vigil for the animals.

ACCORDING TO A CURRENT UPDATE, and confirming what I'd posted on the 24th: at a second press conference, this "Center for Political Beauty," justifying itself as "activist via artistic freedom" has a line-up, it claims, of seven "refugees" who "intend" to start feeding themselves to these live tigers starting Tuesday of the coming week, if the Senate or the Federal Regime does not allow these private planes to land in Berlin. The moral threats and blackmail, the emotional hostage-play is reminiscent of the RAF tactics of the '70s. It is hard to ascertain, in the current climate, whether they'd go through with it, whether the Senate would bend or send the police forces in to prevent or to hinder this final idiocy, or if it goes to Merkel. Merkel would give them whatever they want. So the whole thing may have been arranged already - in which case "only" the public will have been bullshitted, and "merely" four tigers have been exploited here. Apropos the tigers - we watched the supposed trainer on their live-stream, strolling about in his Roman soldier get-up - he is clearly no animal trainer, probably just a caretaker from the circus, whom the cats at least know, nothing more than that, so more bullshitters. The water in the cage has remained dirty all these days, the trees and foliage are all dry and lifeless. That's the Left for you: "humanitarians" they are not.

From the Photo album on FB:

Acting as usual on Hazrat Inayat Khan's sage advice ("The wise man submits to conditions when he is helpless, bowing to the will of God. But the evil that is avoidable he roots out without sparing one single moment of effort."), Rana and I followed up my last posting on the Blackmail-With-Tiger-Cages with planting our feet there yesterday in a vigil-like, quiet protest of this crassly theatrical animal exploitation. (See posting from pre-Brexit June 24th.)

As Rana has already posted (which I'll translate and use here), we were there to point out the open disregard of the long-fought for Animal Protection Laws, and to expose this spectacle for what it is, at least as far as the animals go - we HAD to restrict it to just that matter, and guard ourselves from getting drawn into a pissing contest over the equally cynical "Refugee"-Manipulation itself, we didn't "go there".

For example, I forced myself NOT to confront them in vain, while their sound system loudly ran "disturbing recordings of refugees drowning in the sea" - but gave no sound effects of CHRISTIANS being thrown overboard into the sea BY MUSLIMS en route. Nor would they admit that it was The Greens and The Left who had sent their "activists" to Greek Idumeni to lure real refugees into a river trap where three had drowned as a direct result of this act of "selfless humanitarianism".

The Organizer of this entire week-long event is the "Center fo Political Beauty" - as mentioned in my posting, which very name calls to mind something onyl the Nazis, the GEDR or the Soviets could ever come up with - and of course, it and the Organizing person indeed grew out of the GDR-Socialist art of manipulating language. IN FACT, manipulating language and the crowd, is the ONLY "art" to be found here.

So we showed up with out one medium-size placard, taking into account the possibility of verbal violence and provocation, perhjaps having the cops called on us. We took that into account. After over an hour standing just apart from their terrain, as we held ourselves to a tactic not to openly provoke, and were even approached by people and engaged in discussion - it gradually caught the attention of the rather accomodating security peronnel who then invited us to stand as close as we wished, apart from the tiger window of course, and feel welcome to exercise our right to free speech. This can only be because they understood and sympathized, to the degree they could assist us, and all our ensuing respective conversations with them was relaxedly animated and even pleasant. Certainly the Organizer himself and his people visibly did not want us there but could not stop us, as we were doing nothing to get thrown out.


ACCORDING TO A CURRENT UPDATE, and confirming what I'd posted on the 24th: at a second press conference, this "Center for Political Beauty," justifying itself as "activist via artistic freedom" has a line-up, it claims, of seven "refugees" who "intend" to start feeding themselves to these live tigers starting Tuesday of the coming week, if the Senate or the Federal Regime does not allow these private planes to land in Berlin. The moral blackmail and emotional hostage-play is reminiscent of the RAF tactics of the '70s. It is hard to ascertain, in the current climate, whether they'd go through with it, whether the Senate would bend or send the police forcesin to prevent or to hinder this final idiocy, or if it goes to Merkel. Merkel would give them whatever they want. So thewhole thing may have been arranged already - in which case "only" the public will have been bullshitted, and "merely" four tigers have been exploited here. Apropos the tigers - we watched the supposed trainer on their live-stream, strolling about inhis Roman soldier get-up - he is clearly no animal trainer, probably jsut a caretaker romthe circus, whom the cats at least know, nothing more than that, somore bullshitters. The water inthe cage has remained dirty all these day, the trees and foliage are all dry and lifeless. That's the Left for you.

So there we were, "WE ARE AGAINST THE INSTRUMENTALISING OF PREDATORY ANIMALS THROUGH THE ENFORCEMENT OF POLITICAL INTERESTS OR ANY OTHER FORM !!" Amon others who approached us, a young woman, herself inofficially active with P.E.T.A., took some snapshots of us expressly to send to that organization, with the quesiton why they weren't here doing just what we were doing - intervening for the protection of animals.

I silently prayed over and over, my special prayer for animals - and kept getting interrupted by people drawn to come over and read or talk about just that.

Front side of the "Arena"-Box, containing stage above and cages with open area inside. The darkened area to the left is actually a big screen giving the current Soccer Cup, to draw more crowd - so with that and the "drowing-in the-sea" noises (children crying, always works), and the trumpeting of the clowns on the roof - the tigers had much to put up with. If they had also known for what kind of political re-education they were being exploited, they'd have run off and joined the circus. But I'm coming to that.

The Organizer, "Center for Politixcal Beauty," oddly and self-satisfyingly compared the EU with the Roman Empire, represented here by a Roman footsoldier's shield. The founding head of the EU however, actually took his example from Charlemagne and NOT the Roman Empire of old. As with much else, the Organizer won't be bothered with facts.

The responsible personage of this abomination for "artistic freedom" is seen here breaking the law by mulling around in a caged area which the law expressly permits only trianed personnel, be that zoo or circus or veterinary. In their press statemetn, the "CPB" claimed, the tigers came from "a Turkish Sultan" (Erdogan?) to play to the crowd, they being a "Libyan" breed - no such thing. Everyone ...

I positioned myself at first just at the edge of said courtyard between the sponsoring Maxim Gorki Theater house and the stately Humboldt University. Here I greeted those arriving visitors or passers-by, nonverbally letting them know that they needn't support this abuse.
As mentioned, we were gradually more often approached by folks, came into friendly discussion. Some walked by with a kind of smugly rude arrogance. Everyone without exception there was anyway pretty much behind Merkel's mass-staged illegal imigration policy, and loyally so at that - so this number we could just spare ourselves altogether; we stuck to the matter of the tigers.

Quite a few only suddenly grasped what monstrosity they had before them, after reading our simple sign, and seeing us, independent of any organization or group, at the benefit of no recognition or thanks, unprotected should the violent-left Antifa want to show up (which didn't), and armed only with copies of the relevant paragraphs (1-2a) of the Animal Protection Laws. There were quite enough heads nodding approval or thumbs-up given in our direction, for us to surmise, we were nto without support. We KNEW we were not thee in vain regardless of what awaited us, evn if it were apathy.

Whereas the staged event existed to manipulate the sympathies and consciences of those showing up and to draw more attention to this crass exercise in narcissism, nihilism and actually criminal blackmail, we found ourselves verifiably moving and arousing some of those consciences to wake up to the matter of the tigers in that windowed cage - at LEAST to see how they themselves are being used. It had its effect, some left mid-show, who would not have left otherwise. But more on that "show" in a moment.

Here you see a very childishly stupid costumed "actress" for the CPB putting on a number- and it was as embarrassingly insipid, ridiculously childish, and confusing to many of the viewers in both content and action, as the image of her itself. This crowd of willing Gutmensch (do-gooders), refugee-supporters and pocket-coin contributors, stood there and actually allowed themselves to be mocked and...

She is seen here berating and verbally abusing the very spectators who had shown up there as sympathizers and supporters: as a pack of misanthropes, among other nasty things. the "moral pressure" was on, in full Rainbow Color. Some did have the sense to take their last shred of dignity and leave right away at that.

This EU with eagle staff was carried through the crowd, with its "message" as mockingly odd as the buttons which had just been forced into so many hands with so much puerile self-satisfaction.

The Organizer talking to supporters - among whom is the prominent Anke Domscheit-Berg, Feminist and active member of jointly two far-Left political parties, The Greens and The Pirates (yes, that is their name). I'm holding that sign onthe right - she had nothing to say to me but was also visibly, smugly, smilingly irritated - but I'll come to that in a moment.
Speaks for itself.
The Organizer, Mister "Political Beauty" himself.

He did not like seeing us there and did not want to either share a word with us nor be caught on camera. And for good reason, he knew we'd got 'im right where he makes his money - honesty vs. hypocrisy, taste vs. tastelessness, courage vs. cowardice.

Anke Domscheid-Berg (in b/w floral dress). This "esteemed lady" of prominence actually gave me a body-check with that transparently covert aggression which people of her color are known for. She'd read our sign, smugly pretended to ignore it, said nothing. As she indicated to walk by me toward the Gorki Theater behind where I stood, she could have easily moved around my left side and gone there, as only a foot adjacent to my right shoulder was a display belonging to the Box, blocking - as can be seen here. And she chose to slip within that roughly one foot space, and as I did not budge an inch to allow her that gesture, she managed through with a very "feminist" brush-shove against my sign and my shoulder. I for my part, having learned from our late tom-cat Jimmy, neither budged from place nor bit the hook of her provocation. Here's the killer:

Maybe twenty minutes later, she stood again very close to my left, and the black program billboard seen two pictures prior HAD been right next to me but then got blown right against her by a strong and quite sudden gust of wind. (And now it stood a few feet away from me.)

What goes around comes around. Body check from a Friend of mine far higher than all of hers.

This was the crowing end of the evening for us. Two lvoely guys from NYC, visiting town, approached me and wanted to know what all thsi was about - the sign, the event, the climate, the poltics, Berlin itself - we must have chatted about a half hour solid, we shared perspectives and we covered much fast. And parted new friends.

Humboldt: The world class animal and palnt researcher and explorer. His University, not theirs.

I wake up mornings and I think, "Hey - I've become exactly that which I'd ever really and deeply wanted to be." And when I hit the sack nights, the same thing occurs to me.
Anyone else out there hear themselves thinking this way?
If not - why not?

Informing oneself is the first act of Resistance.
The true mark of responsibility is in doing just that.