Saturday, July 9, 2016

Shedding Light

"Buddhist" is the popular self-identifier one often comes across
when encountering relativizing post-hippie pacifists who get by
with "live-and-let-live" so long as no actual aggression confronts them.

Buddhism however, is not relativistic in the least;
it certainly addresses relativity and all that is relative.
But it gives objective analysis and points toward truth.

Dharma could never have taught Right Action by relativizing.
The Compassion and Generosity of a Bodhisatva aren't atheistic,
they are void of ego, which by its very nature is loaded with relativity.

Karma is not even relative, and can be depended on to teach
responsibility to those who use the term to excuse their own passivity.
Keeping a faked "peace-of-mind" by philosophizing on others' suffering

because it's not viewed as one's own suffering, and therefore "their karma,"
is a refined form of sloth at best, and narcissistically arrogant to say the least.
To apply oneself as a Buddhist really, to relate to the Teaching, is work.

The path of a monk is not to escape this world, but to apply oneself
in perhaps less visible dimensions, to develop on the meta-level
all of one's spiritual potential, for karma is action, not inaction.

Right Action requires involvement without being sucked in.
This means meditation, contemplation, reflection, discipline, study;
it clearly doesn't mean hanging loose and being "non-judgemental".

Discrimination cuts through the relatives - there is light, there are hues;
they are each beautiful in characteristic, unique:  red is not blue, yellow not indigo.
Even white is not quite clear; the Clear Light of Dharma is absent of relatives.

All descriptions notwithstanding, its true nature is basic sanity.
To really shed light on the matter, the personality moved to accept the Path
is already motivated by that Clear Light; all other considerations are relative.

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