Sunday, July 17, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part XVI

17 Jul 2016

Erdogan is hardly gone.  This despot remains on de spot.  His nay-sayers overlooked NATO.

1) The Turkish Army, being Kemalist by nature, followed its Constitutionally mandated (since Atatürk) obligation to confront and bring down - not the State but Erdogan.  This not only failed, and they will pay, as surely as did any who had ever tried this with Stalin or Hitler, as Erdogan is now poised to reintroduce the death penalty - but it failed largely because Erdogan still commands, on the very basis of  home-Islamic strength, tremendous influence if not actual popularity, at that.  Hundreds of thousands of good Turkish Muslims flooded the streets all over in support of him, on call from himself and imams in mosques all over the country - and where military tanks were to be confronted, these soldiers were pelted with stones and some tortured by the mob.  Thousands of Turks living in Germany, from Berlin to Essen, passionately demonstrated on the streets and before their consulates, screaming "Allahu-akbar" in support of Erdogan and in defiance of the putsch attempt.  This caused hardly any alarm here.

2) Still more revealing, though fitting, as he has been supporitng them all along:  he received not-insignificant assistance in putting down the coup, from ISIS-killers who were right there all along when he needed them.  Just calling in his marks, that's all.  While lynch-retaliation has been exercised on soldiers by Turkish citizens, ISIS-killers have already beheaded some, in open view of course.

3) From Washington and Berlin, from EU-Brussels and even Vienna (!) came sighs of relief and congratulations for Erdogan.  These are all his NATO partners after all, this isn't Saddam or Qadhaffi or Assad, you see.  Erdogan is demanding from Washington the handing over of his arch-enemy Gülen as alleged source of the attempted putsch, a cleric who has lived in exile in the States some three decades now, and who compares Erdogan's style with SS tactics.

4) While CNN and BBC certainly are going 24/7 on this as usual as the queens of the info-tainment industry, German television media is characteristically distracted from it all with its own vaccuous talk-shows over "what to do about Right-extremists," or its "reality"-TV genre of mindless time-killing on the one hand, and dutifully giving the Turkish military to its viewers, on the other hand, as "the bad guy" who has "a history of this as we know" in modern Turkey.  Here you would think nothing of any consequence had even occurred, why, Turkey was just a side-show - and of course, one is expected to nebulously "wonder" what all this means and whether it is cause for concern or relief...

5) And still one is forbidden to speak openly and decisively about Islamisation, as that would "qualify" as "hate-speech," against which actual measures are being implemented by the self-adulating Minister of Inquisition here and his minions of "social-warriors" from the Left.

Erdogan zeigt sich dem Volk in Istanbul.

Of course I'm not "demanding" that anyone wake up or anything.  But I would urgently suggest it.

There are two versions of events or two theories which I view as entirely plausible in the failed putsch. In an article out of the "Berliner Zeitung" (16 Jul) which I nearly dismissed entirely in disgust at its example of the lows reached today by what passes for journalistic integrity in the German press and media, I caught one aspect especially, which is worthy of giving mention here.

Let it be noted of course: that Erdogan, much in the style of Stalin or Saddam, is textbook megalomaniacal, intensely paranoic and narcisstic, and calculatingly brutal toward his own people. Merkel has already shown throughout her administration years that she cannot resist him. I don't know whom she can resist, other than her own people. She joins the choir of Washington and EU-Brussels in calling Erdogan "democratically elected" and the military therefore "classically un-democratic". This was the same reaction as toward Cairo's al-Sisi in regard to the Muslim Brotherhood's al-Morsi.

That Erdogan is an actor staging all his reactions is a given, but like much of Turkish soaps, very fakey - only his face-of-retaliation is real. He is now doing a Stalinistic "cleansing" of a whole swath of judges and military personnel. Needless to say. Now - here is what I found especially interesting, as it may explain why the military (one of the world's strongest) buckled so easily, or hardly acted at all:

(Excerpt translated, followed by original)
"...On the morning after, the politicians and citizens of Turkey are trying to explain to themselves what happened in the night, and what the partly dilettantish and surreally daring putsch actually meant. Deniz Baykal, the former leading figure of the Social-democratic opposition party CHP, let it be known on Twitter, that the ruling AKP itself may well be involved in this or in any event is using it to the max. He writes: 'In the more than 40 years of my political life, I've lived through putsch and torture. But never has there ever been such a tragicomical putsch scenario as this.' ..." 

"...Am Morgen danach versuchen die Politiker und die Bürger der Türkei, sich zu erklären, was in der Nacht geschah und was der teilweise dilettantisch und surreal anmutende Putsch zu bedeuten hat. Deniz Baykal, der frühere Chef der sozialdemokratischen Oppositionspartei CHP, legt auf Twitter nahe, dass die regierende AKP selbst in den Putsch verwickelt sein könne oder ihn jedenfalls für sich ausgenutzt habe. Er schreibt: 'In mehr als 40 Jahren meines politischen Lebens habe ich Putsche und Folter erlebt. Aber solch ein tragikomisches Putschszenario gab es noch nie.' ..."
HOW TO DEAL WITH THOSE who may not wish to receive or take part in the blessings you knock at their door offering:

According to Jesus:
"And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet."
(Mt. 10:4, Lk. 9:5)
According to Muhammad:
Sura 2 ("al-Baqarah"):191 - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-al-Haram (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first) fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers."

Sura 2:193 - "And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)"

Sura 3 ("al-Kareem"):151 - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah').
According to Jewish tradition:
"Look, you come to us, not the other way around - then we'll we'll talk about it."

BERLIN - (Reposting, with full translation, of 6 Jul 16 Report from the German Police (State-level) Association Berlin)
"Berlin police to be deprived of regular bearing of firearms
07/06/2016 21:40

"A new official directive has been adopted to abolish recognition of law enforcement personnel's right to carry and handle a service weapon. The firearm may be carried only prior (en route) to duty and after (leaving) duty" - i.e., NO LONGER DURING SERVICE.

"The BDK (above designated law enforcement agency) will get on this and investigate its status, in order to update this reporting. The right and duty of Berlin police officers to carry firearms DURING duty will no longer be recognized.

"The BDK has been taken by surprise, that the normal regulation concerning the carrying and storing of a service weapon would be changed at all. (It would mean) that the law enforcement officials (actually) lose the right to carry a duty firearm while on duty. The new directive provides that the service firearm may be worn off duty only on the way to or from actual duty.

"Thus, there is also no longer any possibility to maintain the necessary training and practice of security measures at the shooting ranges, in view of the already precarious situation. The reasons for this are still not known to us. The German Police Association is investigating."

One may understand this kind of legislation - even its attempt alone, even putting something like this on the table for discussion - to be the work of the Bundestag (Federal) parites of The Greens, The Left, The Pirates, teh SPD. NOT Monty Python. I personally cannot write this off as stupid or naive. It smells of intent; and I strongly suspect in the prevailing climate here, a slow-moving putsch, a manner of coup-d'état, on the part of those who actually seek a Communist revolution. I arrive at this observation because they would not be doing it FOR their friends in the "Caliphate" but as a direct, though gradual, actof own internal treason.

That is how I can only see this. It's not yet through, may not make it, but that's close enough to arouse my nausea.

Full Original:

Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter Landesverband Berlin

Berliner Polizisten wurde die Dauerwaffenträgereigenschaft aberkannt
06.07.2016 21:4

Es wurde eine neue Geschäftsanweisung für das Tragen und Führen der Dienstwaffe erlassen, die Polizeivollzugsbeamten die Dauerwaffenträgereigenschaft aberkennt. Die Schusswaffe darf nur noch auf dem Weg vom bzw. zum Dienst getragen werden. Der BDK hakt nach und wird berichten.
Der BDK nimmt mit Verwunderung zur Kenntnis, dass die neue GA zum Tragen und Aufbewahren der Dienstwaffen geändert wurde. Die Polizeivollzugsbeamten verlieren dadurch die Eigenschaft des Dauerwaffenträgers. Die neue GA sieht vor, dass PVB ihre Schusswaffe außerhalb des Dienstes nur noch auf dem Weg vom bzw. zum Dienst tragen dürfen.
Somit besteht auch nicht mehr die Möglichkeit, in der ohnehin schon prekären Situation der Schießstätten, auf zugelassenen Sportschützenanlagen die sichere Handhabung der Waffe zu trainieren. Die Gründe sind hierfür sind uns nicht bekannt. Der BDK wird nachfragen.

erstellt von BDK Landesverband Berlin — zuletzt verändert: 06.07.2016 21:39
(FOLKS! THIS HAS BEEN ALL IN THE PLANNING SINCE OCT. 2015, and is the reason why Merkel has no worries - she is completely backed by Washington on this, and the EU has her back - NO ONE ever had the completely uninformed voting public's back, nor interests.)
Restoring control; retaining compassion
A proposal for the Syrian refugee crisis
4 October 2015

The Merkel Plan

This paper outlines how an agreement between Germany and Turkey could have an immediate and dramatic impact on the Syrian refugee crisis. It would restore control over Europe’s south-eastern border without sacrificing compassion for the refugees. But with the far right resurgent across Europe, the window of opportunity for decisive action is closing fast.

We propose an immediate agreement between Germany and Turkey on the following points: 

Germany should agree to grant asylum to 500,000 Syrian refugees
registered in Turkey over the coming 12 months. 

Germany already expects high numbers of refugees to arrive in Germany. But rather than waiting for them to undertake the perilous journey across the Aegean and the Western Balkans, Germany should accept claims from Turkey through a fair and orderly process and provide safe transport to successful applicants. The offer should be limited to Syrian refugees already registered with the Turkish authorities, to avoid creating incentives for new migration flows into Turkey. Other EU member states should join in. 

In return, from a specified date, Turkey should agree to accept
back all new migrants reaching Greece from its territory. This would quickly reduce the flood of boats crossing the Aegean to a trickle. 

Germany should agree to help Turkey obtain visa-free travel in
2016. The paper explains how the various practical and legal aspects of this agreement could be resolved. It explains why, in the face of escalating anti-migrant and anti-Muslim rhetoric from far right parties across Europe, an early solution is in the vital interests of both Germany and Turkey.

(CLICK BELOW FOR THE FULL ENTIRE TEXT)…/ESI%20-%20The%20Merkel%20Plan%20-%2…


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