Wednesday, July 27, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part XX

27 Jul 2016

I'm no great fan of Piers Morgan, but I'll hand him this much in this particular instance, to be fair: This is a short but telling example of exactly what you no longer find anywhere in German TV studios: balanced debate conditions - not slanted, manipulated, guided by a moderator in favor of appeasement and political correctness to the disadvantage of its critical opposition.
- There are actually two currents flooding EUrope and taking it by force, thanks to Brussels and to Merkel - and Washington of course, and the two have no incidental relationship, nor accidental, but very Occidental: the Americanisation and the Islamisation fo Europe. Both dictate the "Gutmensch" wish that "everybody jsut gets along, period" as if, for example appeasement of every next demand (and the next) by "The-Religion-Of-Peace" brings mutual respect and acceptance - when evidence proves that it's a one-way street to our entire detriment (called "enrichment" by Merkel, Gauck, the Bundestag, Brussels, Obama, Hillary) and nothing which would bring "TROP" into the 21st century. The "Gutmensch"-wish must never be contradicted - on pain of censure and censorship, of denunciation, of confiscation of property and arrest on charges, of being vandalized or verbally and physically attacked in public, of getting fired from work, of lsoing contact with some or many friends or family. These are facts in Germany and in EUrope - now, today, and it's advancing. I have been spared these consequences, others I know and know of have not. Whatever comes, comes. But it bears mentioning, because according to what I'm seeing and hearing here and Stateside, this American Jew from Colorado is now "right-wing-extremist" and "a Nazi". Can't get your mind around that one? Neither can I. I'll phrase it this way, maybe it'll help: Everything to the right of my extended left hand is "right" - and by default "right-extreme"; now guess which hand wields the cudgel? The Left.

- The registered and legitimate (and only truly conservative) party which is taking elections by leaps in the polls, is Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD). It is in fact made up of a good mix of those who'd been EU-critical and Washington-critical and Merkel-critical all along, and those who'd left every other registered legitimate sitting party in the federal Bundestag and in states, even Greens, Left, SPD, CDU. This ain't the NPD or any other neo-Nazis -these all get left alone to continue as straw-men for the power elite to hammer at in the gloriously hallucinogenic "war against The Right" - a "war" not even being waged at the right-extrmeists because these are known to be insignificant and hardly anything like what the elite would see as a serious threat, if they were honest with the public. Nooo! The threat to their agenda lies in a real-life oppositional party - without stormtroopers like the Left's State-subsidized, coddled, Red-SA "Anti"-Fa and RAF-wannabes - and this real-life oppositional party (the only one of its kind) is facing an uphill battle for freedom of speech and freedom of dissent in a climate which has eaten away at these with a zombie's appetite and where the established political elite and the bought-off "journalists" of their mainstream media networks have proven their complete lack of professional ethics and balanced minds and logic: by not only slandering and libeling the AfD as "right-wing-populist" and "Nazi-fascist-xenophobic" but NOW taking it further - since that doesn't seem to be working fast enough for their obsession toward denunication - to comparing AfD with ISIS, with "Islamic State"...but why am I surprised, this comes from the same camp of those who call the State of Israel (or those who would like to) "the new Nazis". Yes, the Left is not actually in power, but those neo-liberals in power are pushing an extreme-Left agenda of influence down everyone's throat. It's through propaganda and "re-education" as well as forced or rewarded "Gleichschaltung" as under the (National)-Socialists and the GDR-Socialists.

- There are of course refugees, among the majority of "refugees" and "asylum-seekers" flooding in at Merkel's unconditional invitation to bring the "enrichment" of those cultures dominated by "The-Religion-Of-Peace" from which they'd just fled or "fled". Some of these "enrichers" are being considered for training into the police force (why not, after we've already cut down the police forces to way under what is urgently needed here, and The Greens want to now disarm those altogether) AND (so far 100 slated) for the Bundeswehr. It's like watching someone committing suicide and you are shocked to grasp that this isn't a "call for help" but a real and thought-through decision to commit suicide. Not only was 72 year old woman raped just yesterday by an "enrichment-bringing-refugee" as the woman was visitng a cemetery - but I know a woman of not-72 in my own building, who went to attend to a grave she visits in a cemetary not far from this neighborhood, who was leeringly accosted by just such an "asylum-seeker" seeking asylum on a cemetery bench and who would gladly have taken her for that 72-year-old.

- And many gracious thanks for all of this "enrichment" go to the Merkel Administration", the unelected EU-Parliament, both the current and the previous U.S. Administrations - and of course Hillary (again) should she move into The Oval. Special thanks go to The Merkel Plan together with the New Marshall Plan for EUrope and NATO, and of course, The Pentagon Map. They have all "adminstered" admirablyfor our "enrichment" and that of the next generation and the next...

- I'll conclude my remarks with mention of the ice cream stand in our immediate neighborhood. It had been run by a very warm and loveable guy for years, of Bosnian Serb/Turkish parentage. His interest in Islam led him gradually to take on more and more of the Salafi mode and fashion of thinking - and dress. Gone were any flavors with the least alcohol or posible pork product...(!) He totally morphed into one of them, like Sci-Fi or Stephen King. His features changed, he was hardly to be seen anymore, either because he was in the back praying or at the mosque, or because he was off doing their biddng somewhere. He'd left to study, he returned. But he's no longer there, and long since, no longer than lovely sunny unbearded face of our friend. What is now there, although nominally his stand, are bearded Salafis with their - for us, only all-too-familiar and transparent - Taqiyya manner or approach: deception, "conversation," Dawa or conversion (if not to Islam, then to softened up appeasement by their very calculated presence). The smiles and soft tones are so oily you could slip and break your back on it. I had to pick up something right next door to where they hang out, from the late-convenience shop - yeah, an ice cream stand still open at 11pm. Not for kids but for Dawa - look that up, google it. I still had on my black t-shirt from the talk I'd given at a demo, with the yellow Arabic-N which is what IS had painted on Christian homes to mark them for mass slaughter. I had nothing to say to these guys that evening and made that whenthey insisted on asking what the Arabic-N should indicate, and where I had that from. etc. I know disguised aggression when I hear and see it, I've known this in Muslims for over 40 years now, I know the tones and undertones, the veiled eyes. I told them in no uncertain terms what the N meant and what it meant to me, why I wore it and why I had no need or intention whatsoever of standing here interrupted and accosted by THEM, "discussing" whether any of that happened. They wanted to "dispute" IS' genocide, with "Muslims have died too" - I replied looking directly in his face, with a growl: "Right, Muslims murder Muslims and Muslims murder Christians!" There were those who'd worn the yellow star in solidarity with the Jews in Hitler's era - who's slaughter was assisted by the Muslim Bosnian SS-"Hansha"-Regiment - and this Jew today is wearing the yellow "Nun" in solidarity with the Christians who have been and are being slaughtered daily by the very ones these two bastards in front of me unmistakeably abet, support, and may quite possibly even have come from. I will not take their shit. I will not take a hit. And underestimating them not one whit, I am keeping myself fit.


THIS from the former chairwoman of the German Protestant Church: "We should try to to meet the terrorists with love."
(What's with this "we" crap! ... You first, Margot, you first...)

"Discussing" with a bearded Salafi Muslim such as we have in out neighborhood, "whether" Christians have been persecuted by IS in Iraq and Syria, raped or enslaved, forced to flee, or marked with the letter N (for Nazarene) for slaughter on a genocidal scale by burnings, shootings, beheadings, crucifictions, mutilations - is like "discussing" with a Nazi, "whether" Jews were gassed at Auschwitz or shot at Babi Yar.

The two are uniquely alike - it's the very face of cynicism they share, of jackal-like grinning and soft-toned baiting, with a thinly disguised aggression which wells up and exposes itself when you just hold your gorund, speak plainly and directly, unmasking their taqiyya. No wonder the Grand mufti got along so well with Hitler and HImmler on his visits to Berlin to help with the Final Solution.

The Muslims aren't "the Jews of today," but to carry the yellow N in solidarity with the exterminated Christians now is justifiably comparable to those who wore the yellow star then, to signal solidarity with the Jews under Hitler.

Appeasement of mass-murderers out of sheer naivité, moral incompetence, cowardice - or possible identification with them - is as pathological now toward "The-Religion-Of-Peace" and its purveyors, as it was then toward National-Socialism. And the officla Chruches are at it again.




Offenbarungseid bei der Bundespressekonferenz, 28.7.2016:

Autokratzler*in Merkel (ehem. IM-Erika) gibt zu, ohne Einsicht natürlich, und ohne jedes Dankwort an Pegida und die AfD, dass sie (doch!) „immer“ wusste, von einem realen IS-Terrorgefahr für und innerhalb Deutschland. Ihr Klartext hat sie enttarnt, nur, ihre weltweit beliebte Art von mütterlichem Zynismus und herablassenden Gleichgüldigkeit und Arroganz würden dieses Weib nie verlassen. Denn sie hat Angie bisher so gut gedient, warum jetzt ihr besten Vermögen niederlegen? Nee, sie verspricht ausreichende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen (gegen wen, ihre eigene Gäste – oder gegen ihren Volk??), mit welchen noch handelfähigen Polizei und Sicherheitsbeamten sie überhaupt zulässt, und aber selbstverständlich führte sie weiter „den-Kampf-gegen-Rechts“!

Was fällt ihr ein, auch „noch weiter“ zu führen? Jaaa: ihr Welcome-Refugees-Programm, ihre „Flüchtlingspolitik“ was weder noch bedeutet. Und weiteren Hohn an eine hörige Bevölkerung, schon an die Nase geführt durch hörige Medien und die hörige im Bundestag sitzende „Opposition“ und ihre mitdekadente hörige Eliten.

Ihr Amt würde sie niederlegen müssen, per Rücktritt, wenn sie nur eine Opposition hätte – hat sie aber nicht. Doch, sie hätte eine, die wachsende AfD – die man aber so voll mit allen Staatskräfte belastet, durch jede Schikane, Diffamierung, Verleumdung, Mobbing, Vandalismus, Morddrohungen und –versuche, und beinahe Verbot – dass man kaum eine normale legitimierte Parteiprogramm ans Publikum bringen kann, vor lauter Gegenpropaganda und Medienmanipulation.

Nein, sie bleibt im Amt, um Deutschland weiter auf sein demokratische Kurs zu halten, sowohl wie ihr Bosporuskollege Erdogan bei sich zu Hause gerade tut – mit Gratulierungen von Merkel sowie von Hollande, Obama, Hillary, Brüssel…und hunderte Tausenden von in Deutschland lebenden Erdogan-und-Schari’a-Türken (die, wie Merkel, uns allen deren wahre Gesicht gezeigt haben, und wie Depp die Deutschen doch sind).

Traurig, und aufschlussreich. Wie im Dritten Reich. Und zwar, auch wieder Links.


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