Sunday, March 11, 2018

The Death Cult Of The Socialist Left

There is a stench creeping over Europe once again.  The stench of Socialism.  Let us take Dresden as centrally representative of war crimes still avoided by name, on a civilian population, we will dispense with Hamburg, Braunschweig, and other cities - Dresden is as best known as it is still denied - its rightful acknowledgement, and its "permission" to mourn its own.

Every Leftist, every Socialist "knows" - and will inform you! - that all Germans under 12 years of Hitler were Nazis, all were collectively responsible, and every German prior, during and since, has a latent if not open Nazi living inside of him/herself.  As these self-loathing Moralists (predominently female) cannot escape the fact that they are themselves German, they act out their auto-aggression and project it onto yesterday's generation of Dresdeners and today's, by daubing their Venomist breasts with cynical pleas of self-immolation to the historical "Bomber Harris" - instead of going into serious therapy over their dark fantasies and fatal delusions.  Delusions of moral highground, delusions of Socialism.

The fire-bombing of Dresden left 250,000 - not 25,000 as the anti-factual, sanitizing post-WWII propaganda would have it - smouldering, in molten tar entrapped civilians, men and women and chlldren, babes in arms, in its wake.  The moment I really got my mind around that one, clarified for me by a co-worker in my own Berlin Intel unit back in about 1990, was the moment I sloughed off any further questions over its alleged "justification".

The Left ticks differently, however - these "humanitarians" of totalitarian egalitarianism - for they cannot imagine German victims of anything, no.  They exert every effort to see that no one ever heals.  No one, no one.  And they even call this, "remembering"!  (Doublespeak is more than a socialist function, it is an obligation.)

Socialists - from the time of East Germany's founding in 1949, down to he current, nauseatingly morbid mockery, the bluntly banal sloganeering of today's Regressive-Left - have so contemptuously regarded their own native German victims of war, they have turned this contempt into an art.  No one was ever permitted to really talk about their experiences in the 1944 fire-bombings, whose haunting descriptions I will spare the reader, few were able to even overcome their private inhibitions and trauma to speak to, let alone openly address, its blank horror.  The Soviets early on, in the Stalinist GDR, repaved the central walkway between the rows where the Dresden dead lay over to the right - so that Dresdeners would unknowingly walk over the very graves of their own burnt parents and children.

It has recently come out that, back when the GDR Socialists of a New and Better World ("double-plus good") had come across a hitherto overlooked number of unburied bodies of Dresdeners who had been shot by the SS and left there, and hailed them now as "antifascist fighters" - it was all an ideological FakeNews after all.  Those alleged "Antifa heroes" were in fact after all, as it turns out, grave robbers, looters and vandals, who had been availing themselves of those killed in the fire-bombings.. That was why they'd been shot in the first place, and not because they were "fighting Nazis" by any stretch of the imagination.

But the Socialist imagination didn't end with the GDR, it produced the Left-coddling Trojan Mare we have in the Chancellery today and the nightmare she embodies, who rode seamlessly (and quite shamelessly) into West German Federal politics on her decades of privileged East German grooming in the best spirit of Socialism.  And this same Socialist Left has produced the Death Cult we see now, still mocking the victims of Dresden and those who would mourn them, with new vigor and morbid, demonic "inspiration", attaining to new lows of degradation.

We have, for example, the "Center of Political Beauty" - as twisted, Orwellian a name as one could ever come up with - which proved that not even in matters of claiming humanitarian umbrage at "drowned Syrian refugees" could they demonstrate even a modicum of actual empathy:  A couple of years ago these party-financed and subsidized clowns of political correctness staged a "mass funeral" on the lawn of the Berlin Reichstag where the Bundestag is housed today, digging up "graves" and bringing "corpses" along in a circus atmosphere of "satire" - then sang a "dirge".  Not even in this climactic moment of their "action" could they manage at least a sincere gesture, hold a silent vigil, heaven forbid a hymn appropriate to mourning out of any church songbook, no:  They broke into a pop song, underscoring the sick mentality behind their demonstration of mockery and contempt toward anything human at all.  For them, nothing is sacred, nothing.  Not even the Berlin Wall dead, those who'd been shot in their attempts to circumvent the Cream of Socialism's "protective measures" and simply leave that hell:  a number of their white, inscribed memorial crosses were ripped out of their places to be put to use for this foul-smelling exhibition of "political beauty".

Not even the Holocaust memorial, so allegedly sacred - not even that - escaped thier instrumentalizing, as they constructed mock-ups of its vertical slabs to stalk and mob a controversial AfD politician, highly esteemed in Saxony, for a year on the lawn of his own home.  Nothing is sacred to the Death Cult of the Socialist Left, beauty or piety least of all.

These are the Socialist Left who organized having three bogus wrecks of busses vertically erected by a Syrian "artist" right in front of the historical landmark of the Dresdener Frauenkirche - allegedly being busses which had blocked IS from entering a Syrian village, but which in fact had been erected by IS to prevent villagers from fleeing - and these three busses, later transported as part of this "exhibition tour" to Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, were themselves in fact bought from a German savings-and-loan chain, thus having nothing whatsoever to do with Syria or Syrians.

Just as the interest of the Death Cult of the Socialist Left has nothing whatsoever to do with real refugees, real vicitms of war, real history, real compassion or real empathy.  They, and their "Anti"fa thugs, their established parties in state and federal parliaments - The Greens, The Left, the nearly obsolete SPD, and Merkel's own unrecognizable CDU - have as little interest in civilian Dresdener war victims or Syrian ones, as they have (or ever will be capable of having) toward women and girls being slaughtered right now, today, by those very "refuge seeking" murderers whose identities the Merkel-agencies and Merkel-media still avoid making public as long as they can hold out.

It remains to be seen how much longer this Death Cult of the Socialist Left can hold out, as there is a new wind blowing.  People are waking up.  And some of them are even Germans.

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