Sunday, March 4, 2018


ENABLERS are those apologists who argue for Pedo-Hollywood, who argue for the Pedos in every elite area in the poltiical arena or in the professions or in academia or in sports and entertainment or in the conformist MSM.

ENABLERS are those apologists who argue for the Regressive-Left, for gender-mainstreaming, for globalisation, for Islamisation (while denying the latter exists, of course), for OpenBorders whether in EUrope or any Western nation.

ENABLERS. "Apologists" does not even quite bring one to grasp what it means, to be an ENABLER of crimes against children, crimes against women, crimes against seniors, crimes against one's own native fellow citizens, against one's own Constituiton and the laws which are based on it and international agreements long broken with.

ENABLERS. That is what it is about. And treasonous activity of the highest order.

#DisableTheENABLERS, and the Predators and the Perpetrators are out of business.

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