Sunday, March 11, 2018

Calling It By name

What would be the difference, between a successfully executed assassination on Hitler back then - and a successfuly executed assassination on Merkel today?

The one on Hitler would have mattered.

Calling It By Name

I do not believe in incompetence. I may be convinced of real evil, yes - but not incompetence.

Under Merkel, specifically and inescapably real evil - in all of its gray, colorless, lifeless manifestations, dead behind the eyes - this administration, this government, this regime, is not incompetent at all. Morally bankrupt, yes. Determinedly corrupt and without scrupel, cynically manipulative and despotic, yes. But incomepetent?

Specifically under Merkel, and serving the likewise gray gasious mass coming out of Brussels, we have an Orwellian Animal Farm of overwhelming proportion, combining her own unrecognizable party, with the newly obsolete SPD, the puer aeternus calling itself The Greens, and the East German SED Stasi-legacy calling itself The Left. Merkel is the Pimp of State, no mother in any terms, but a Godmother as cold and cadaverous as it gets. Trained and groomed from childhood by the very echelons of Stalinistic Socialism, it is no wonder that she embodies the “Spectre of Communism” as Marx coined it, “haunting Europe”.

From her disasterous (as it was meant to be) Human Social Experiment of mass resettlement to the unwavering detriment of her own country and the continent, to the ideologically engineered bogus climate claims, to the ideologically engineered bogus environmental policies and their effects on the non-elite and on the economy altogether, to the media-hoax of unprofessional and intensely biased information and reporting, to the massive pedophilia scandals and their cover-ups and consequence-free silence, to coerced and enforced school policies of gender-mainstreaming and dumbing-down in education or the infiltration of the already vastly weakened police and armed forces by lowered standards to accomodate a growing quota of Muslims (with records) into their ranks, to the massive verbal hostility, physical and terrorist attacks on Germans exclusively by Muslims, to the latter’s hostility toward Jews living here, to the BER scandal and its cover-up, to the massive tactics of coercion and denunciation by a violent and virulently radical Left whose program of terror is permissively ignored or abetted and groomed by this very regime - under Merkel - to the maltreatment and murders of women and of girls according to the Shari’a guided primitive male culture brought in with a vengeance by Merkel, called “The-Religion-Of-Peace”.

The terrorism, the throat-slitting, the butchering, the FGM, the arranged child-marriages, the honor-murders, the growing dominance of a Muslim supremacy which no one will name or confront (nor can, without being slandered and libeled or fined as a “Nazi”), the child-trafficking and grooming gangs, the taharoush gamea, the denials and the playing-down, the cover-ups and the deadening roar of silence and indifference on the part of these Gangsters in Government, these Pimps in Power, Sluts of State.

No, I do not believe in any incompetence on their part, nor in the incompetence of their security agencies or secret services or airport engineers. I am convinced of their intent however, I am convinced of their entire evil. I know its stench.

The incompetence may be on the part of the voters who still want them there. But this may turn out to be part of the evil as well.

I know that we will wage combat against this for what it is: evil. To bring a formidable will to bear against a formidable evil is no small thing, requiring all of one’s spiritual and mental ressources, physical preparedness, and endurance. May God help us.

It is a long established FACT in our PRESENT time, that ISIS (call it IS, call it Da'esh) literally and specifically - you need only check their OWN world-web-wide magazine by that name - had sought to infiltrate (and already has long been doing so) precisely THE aggressively REGRESSIVE-LEFT in the U.S., in GERMANY, in the UK, anywhere and everywhere in Western EUrope where Merkel and Brussels have let them in without any regard for border security or for homeland securtiy - whatsoever. This is a FACT which will follow the LEFT for generations to come. Of course, the Left's plan already is, that there will be no generations to come, not of native EUropeans, certainly not of native German.

Mir geht's wohl um einen #KampfGegen, ja...
mir geht's um den #KampfGegenLinks, u.a. -
und zwar, entschieden, konsequent so.
Seit mindestens fünf Jahren, über drei aktiv so:
geistig, physisch, geistlich. #KravMaga ist nicht umsonst.
Schreiben und Forschen, nicht umsonst.
Auf die Strasse gehen, offene Rede halten, Demonstrieren, nicht umsonst.

Ich ziehe schon in den Krieg. Ich bin nicht alleine.
Wir sind im Krieg. Und wir sind nicht alleine.

"Feminist*innen", die nur europäische Männer hassen und keinen Gefallen an Frauen tun, sondern nur in Stich lassen.
Sozialist*innen, die sich - wie immer - äußerst unsozial beweisen und so handeln.
Kriminellen die sich als "die Guten" verkaufen.
Eine Kommunist*in im Kanzleramt und ihre Folgschaft - und deren Experiment.
Alle Verräter - und zwar, an Liberalismus sowie an eigenem Volk.

Erst die Verräter von Innen entsorgen, Kraft zurückgewinnen - der Rest folgt konsequent nach.

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