Thursday, March 29, 2018

Quo vadis?

My Easter thoughts will be particularly with those 21 Coptic Christians made to kneel on that lonely beach as each was beheaded by an ISIS jihadi for all the world to see - and ignore, and go on with its business.

My thoughts as well shall extend to the countless thousands of Iraqi and Syrian Christians forced from their homes and driven out or tortured and slaughtered, or beheaded, or crucified, or raped and sold off as sex-slaves or into forced "marriages" - by the very "enrichers of culture", the likes of whom Merkel has opened these borders to and welcomed onto EUropean and German soil, to soil the souls of this generation.

And while I'm on the subject, my thoughts will be with the two entire generations of post-'68 Germans  murdered by convenience in utero by a socialistically egocentric native culture which confuses abortion with contraception - and which serves Merkel's classically socialist-experimental "arguement" that an unprecedentedly massive and illegal Muslim infiltration would fill out that population gap "rather nicely".

And I will be thinking of Jesus Christ whose sorrow has reached my heart, over the treasonous official Churches here which in His Name cast themselves yet again in recent German history submissively at the feet of a demonic and despotic socialist Zeitgeist - and of the very Islam which these court and with which these curry a most dubious favor.

These will pay in blood for their bloodless betrayal of the Blood of the Lamb once shed at the feet of Pharisees, and is again.  May God be my witness, even as I bear witness - and will again, when God disposes of all that these propose.

Quo vadis, Patriot, quo vadis?

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