Sunday, January 7, 2018

Pimping for Merkel

KANDEL, Germany. Consider for a moment:

A 15-year-old girl, Mia, stabbed to death in the middle of a drugstore in broad daylight in the presence of plenty of shopping bystanders, with 17 stabs of a 20-cm long kitchen knife by a "15-year-old" Afghani ex-boyfriend (who just happened to have one handy...) - proven to be in his early 20s - who as illegal "refugee" and asylum applicant was well known to the police, and who is yet being charged with manslaughter rather than with murder. The mayor of Kandel, who still has not once paid a visit to the girl's family, refuses to consider deportation as an option. The attempt at a silent, dignified memorial walk through the area by citizens (including Imad Karim, the FB-blocked Lebanese journalist and filmmaker, Islam critic and over 3 decades German resident) who are saddened, traumatized by the terror and fed-up with the lies and the gaslighting - was met with loud jeering and open disturbance on the part of "rainbow-tolerant" terrorism-supporters and "Anti"fa.

Right.  Let's look at those numbers again:

15 - the girl's age and the pedo's previously given age.
20+ - his actual age, and the length in cm of the knife.
17 - the number of times he stabbed her in an act of "manslaughter".
4 - times he'd already recently been a matter for the police, on account of physical violence, stalking, threats, verbal abuse - all without arrest or further police action.
0 - the number of times the mayor contacted or visited Mia's family since her murder (or Merkel or Berlin's mayor the 12 families after the Christmas attack of one year ago, for that matter).
7 - the number of cheerful colors in the rainbow umbrellas carried by the Kandel residents as a jeering, sneering protest against the memorial walk this past week.
12 - the years Merkel has already held (abuse of) Office.
4 - the years she just got re-elected for.

And one more:
12/11/2015 - 3 months after Merkel threw the borders wide open, the day Mia was partnered with "her very own 'refugee' to have" - by her own parents, by the mayor, by all the rainbow-carrying Kandelites: in a literal Pimp-Action on the part of the Welcome-Cult pushed by Merkel (CDU), the mayor (SPD), the Greens, and The Left. And for opposition to which, for criticism of which, yes, for confrontation toward which - we are "the cold-hearted" and "the Nazis".

Kikas "Schwarzer Boden" -

Kinderfernsehen trägt Mitschuld an Vergewaltigung / Multikulti-Horror in Schweden und Deutschland -

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