Friday, January 5, 2018

Angie…and Donald

I’ll begin with the emphatically urgent position, that Angela Merkel is certifiably mental and a national and European public hazard, a grave danger.

This isn’t some communist-doctrinaire number, “On the Mistakes of Comrade Merkel”, but a statement in its own right concerning a negative personage of nauseating proportions.

Consider a doctor who is so guilty of malpractice, of grossest negligence in every respect, it’s jaw-dropping.  Let’s say this doctor let his own patient go misdiagnosed for such a long time, that the cancer which any other colleague in his field would have recognized has so mestastasized to the point that the patient now has less than six weeks to live – without recourse to any possible cure, and alternatives have been so ruled out all this time that the condition now leaves nothing but to make funeral arrangements.  That doctor might  be dragged into a scandal and a law suit by the patient and all relatives in the family, friends, and if he isn’t murdered first or they make an exception for capital punishment in just this one case, then he’ll have his license revoked and see his life behind bars.

The doctor here is Merkel, Germany the patient, the AfD Party being the lone alternative which could actually put a halt and turn much of this around.  (The implication of Merkel as the doctor in this anecdote begs consideration, juristically, of whether she had miscalculated - or calculated very well.)

Small wonder, her being role model and example for Hillary, another criminal sociopath.  Both are proof of the Great Pseudo-Pheminist Phallusy of our day:  That “women make better leaders” (than what, exactly, than “cis white males”?  Than “gender-fluids”??  What?!)…

I could name right now, real women who are commendable, who command leading positions in their parties, in Europe and elsewhere.  That’s not “because” they’re women, it’s because they’re leaders, politicians of credible and competent standing, of consistent record – and mentally fit to pursue their respective mandates.  Another strong and for many of us convincing reason that Hillary had to take the blistering loss she inevitably did. Her behaviour prior to defeat at the polls and since, underscores this.

There will be no capital punishment meted out to either, still I cherish a hope that they’ll become best pen pals from their respective prison psychiatric wards.

So Trump is unorthodox.  Yes, he certainly is that – and it’s irritating, isn’t it?  No applying his penetrating charisma by banging private female guests in the White House or sharing a cigar with an aspiring, nubile intern under his desk or on his face in the big Oval – or in hers.  No rear-banging of pages in private quarters there, no sexting to minors.  No hanging with the Skull-and-Bones, no Bohemian Grove grooming, no admiration for Marina Abramović.  No hankering about in the pedophile societies.  Loved by his wife and his family, appreciated by many who are working under him.  And the only thing actually “unheard of” and “unimaginable until it comes to light” about this President, is remarkably:  the entire other side of him as opposed to the notorious public image he’d groomed over years, the lo-and-behold politically and patriotically earnest side of him, the side of him that got my vote.  And that of some others.

Yeah, he’s “unorthodox” alright, politically “wet behind the ears”.  And Merkel let her German press know, back when She-of-the-Vassal-State was called to Washington to get her first diss from The Donald, she was going to rein him in, you see:  “He just needs someone to show him the ropes,” as she put it.  Right.  Someone like Merkel.

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