Monday, October 8, 2018

The Interview - On National Reunification Day, Yet...

I was interviewed by an Israeli mainstream-TV reporter last Wednesday, on the central German national Holiday, Reunification Day, during which Merkel and all of her Clowns-in-Cabinet abandoned their ship and opted for Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. Go figure - I already HAVE them figured out.

The interview - which had been conceived exactly two years ago but kept getting shelved - is in English (my part at least), because while her German is as perfect as mine, I told her my French was out of practice and my Arabic worse. She said her translators back home would do better with English, so she needn't help them with the German. I say she just wanted to get that perfect Coloradan tone in there.

The entire interview ran over a half hour, I was told it would be cut to fit into three minutes, and I do figure in there for a chopped-up total of about 45 seconds. Everything else in there was propaganda and fake-news - but I'm not complaining, because the half hour of reality-check I tried to give her was nothing compared to the two hours I'd have gladly given her, so at least I got a few sentences in there outside the context of what I was actually clarifying.
The Israelis appear to be completely fixated on "right-wing antisemitism" in Germany, rather than on actual real-world problems, like the string of dead Germans on account of the real and present threat already brought here by Merkel. While the Jews are focusing on bogus right-wingers, they will feel the real brunt come December in the form of what Merkel has in store for them, beyond all that she already has brought in. With #OpenBorders it's about to become #OpenSeason - on native ethnic Germans, on Christians, on Western women, on gays, and yes! - on those very Jews who have supported Merkel in this all along. in her propagandistic hysteria campaign "against right-extremists".
Tried to get my point across. Nice shots though.


Here are the above briefly flashed clips IN FULL (1) of my delivering a talk which Ramona had penned (in German of course), but which is preceded by my first spontaneously addressing the "Anti"fa (the "Nazis raus!" screaming mob behind my camera-man) in ENGLISH, which may be of interest here, because I actually explain what I AS A JEW am doing there in the first place....

(2) follows after...

This second (entirely German) may nonetheless be of interest here, as I am reading directly from A LOVE LETTER TO GERMANY BY AN ISRAELI BLOGGER, Orit Arfa - to which the "Anti"fa is also shrieking "Nazis raus!"

Let it be noted, that the first of these two addresses of mine, is held at Breitscheidplatz, nearly six months after the ChristmasMarket Terror Attack right there, which Merkel & her Cabinet not only permitted but even went so far as to have expedited – leaving all of Germany numb and staggering to this day, with her habit of blithely brushing over every crime, every unconstitutional abuse of power, and every major scandal.

And let it be noted, with the second clip – unless you can follow the German – that before I launch into reading that "Love Letter To Germany" by the Israeli journalist from LA, I mention what had only just occurred in Las Vegas, and hold a Moment of Silence, which EVEN the otherwise screaming, bellowing “Anti“fa came close to participating in.

(This is the sort of appeasement we're up against - or rather, we are what they are up against...)

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