Tuesday, October 30, 2018

How It Went Down In Freiburg - As One Would Expect

Somewhere between 200 and 300 of the most normal spectrum of West-German citizens averaging in age from 30 to 70+ took to the streets on this rainy evening in Freiburg, joining the AfD (the only conservatively oppositional party in Germany which actually is conservative and oppositional, and which alone can be taken seriously as a party which understands its mandate - and is now not only already seated at the federal level, but finally in every state in the Republic), i.e., the Alternative for Germany, in a demonstration of mourning for the 18-year-old girl who had just been gang-raped by 15 Syrians and dumped, and who now has the scars of this trauma for life - only to be scarred still further by the climate of Perpetrator-Hope-and-Accomodation which has dominated her fair city.

(See: "FREIBURG, and the 'Greening' of Germany" - http://samuelinayatchisti.blogspot.com/2018/10/freiburg-and-greening-of-germany.html)


The patriots of the AfD were, as usual, entirely peaceful and articulate in addressing the matter at hand: namely, a clear and decisive mourning demonstration on the occasion of the mass rape of an 18-year-old Freiburg girl. (Or what else should one expect from citizens, averaging in the age range of over-40?)  Their loudest call was, "Hands off of German women!"  Can the reader perhaps relate to that?  Or is the reader's threshhold for pain, like that of the overall compliant and conformist German public, perhaps still not being reached?

The ca. two to three thousand tactically placed Merkel-Protection troops of the SA/ntifa were, as usual, quite fanatical, hysterical, aching for violence as they pushed against the police to break through to inflict injury or worse, and brainwashed. And like the Walking Dead, they encircled the patriots in a strategic pincer action, blocking every street leading into (and consequently out of) the square once the patriots had gotten there. Despite the police's unsuitably cautious restraint toward the mob, without the police the patriots would have been overwhelmed by the sheer number of these frothingly shameless advocates-for-rapists, and there would have been many injured among my fellow citizens and surely some dead.  Some police were themselves injured directly by a mob which always has it in for the police above all, and yet whom those same police could be seen on this evening handling the cordon-breaking mob with kid gloves.  Evidently the police have also not yet reached their threshhold of pain.

Left-extreme SA and their Rainbow Flag

As a matter of fact, later reports are already out, that the SA/ntifa did indeed attack - with iron bars!! - those very mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, all Freiburgers themselves, who had been demonstrating with the AfD on behalf of that most recent victim and those prior to her ordeal, on this evening en route home from that square.  As they had showered them during the demonstration with the provocation, aside from "Nazis Nazis!" of course:  "Your kids will be just like us!", they now lurked in scores on every under-lit street by every under-lit shop window, and literally chased down - attacked and beat to the ground - middle-aged parents and their teenaged children, in full knoweldge that the police had left the AfD demonstrators to their own fate afterward, and that not one single, well-lit trolley-car driver driving past these attacks would stop or call in to report a single thing.  One family trying to make it home in one piece, told of having managed to escape by way of using a passage at the Old Synagogue:  can the reader manage to see the irony of being chased with iron bars by "anti-Nazis" reminiscent of the Brownshirts themselves, and the hunted find a way out by way of the Old Synagogue?  If someone today passes for the new "Persecuted Jews" - one need look no further than the AfD, and patriots in general.

This manner of behavior has the full support and financial backing of this Republic's President, its Chance-Liar, every single sitting federal and state party, all Ministries at state and federal level - especially the Justice, Foreign and Interior - both official Church bodies, every Lobby and NGO, and of course...George Soros.

Freiburg Demo (part 3/5)

"Freiburg: #unheilbar - Herz für Täter, Hetze gegen Bürger". ("Freiburg:  #unhealable" - a play on #unteilbar, the recent extremely-hyped Left-extremist demo calling itself  #undividable, and thoroughly pushed/financed/exploited by press and politicians alike) one could read on a sign here, as addresses were being read aloud by patriots - these words ont he sign followed by "Heart for Perpetrators - Agitation against Citizens", referring directly to the climate, and very aptly to the SA/ntifa mob itself.


As a matter of fact: Back in Chancellor Schroeder's time, during the Oder River flooding in the East, and while sandbags were being accumulated during the rescue, the "Anti "fa called for an action to destroy the sandbags - "so that Germany may perish under water".
As a matter of fact: In Dresden just a couple years ago, The LEFT party and the "Anti "fa carried on their signs (or painted on exposed breasts) the enthusiasm of their nihilistic attitude, with: "Bomber Harris Do It Again!As a matter of fact: After every knifing murder and every rape by Merkel's Darlings, these formerly cheering train-station #WelcomeRefugees rabble and fanatically indoctrinated German self-loathers, themselves rendered pathologically incapable of empathy, go storming against every mourners' march or open eulogy on the part of AfD and fellow-demonstrating patriots.As a matter of fact: The Left-Green (and RAF) trained, eternally stoned, perennial college students actually WANT to see more murders and rapes, specifically of Germans - because they actually want to put an end to Germany entirely and once and for all. (And here I'd "underestimated" them as being "merely" indifferent...)

Freiburg Demo (part 4/5)


A thoroughly definitve look at the evening from a private, non-journalist cameraman and at what the "Anti"fa is, i.e., at what the Left-Green dominated climate - gradually over decades but reaching its peak under under Merkel - has built over time and has in mind for the near future:


Since the Greens in Bavaria and Hesse (not without fraud, as is their wont) ranked so high  in the elections, speaks volumes about the normopathic circumstances among the general voting public.

However, they have not yet reckoned with the growing number of already awakened, or now gradually awakening, patriotic citizens.




And one wonders WHY I would be training regularly in Krav Maga?

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