Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Divide and Conquer


Video - "Divide and Conquer" - is all in English, with German subs:

Let there be no mistake about it:

Barbara Spectre and Anetta Kahane are both, like George Soros, of Jewish background. That does not make them Jews.
I am of Jewish background, and I'm a Jew. The difference is as follows, and there is nothing semantic about it:


They are thoroughly atheistic Marxist Socialists, and I am not.
Anetta Kahane was a notorious Stasi-informant with at least one suicide on her hands, and is to this day a Stasi operative under Merkel, doing what she does best: disinformation, character assassination, defamation and the discrediting libel and slander toward the one democratic opposition to Merkel that exists, which happens to be conservative.


These three monsters of Jewish background, as with the (minimally representative) Jewish officialdom here in Germany or in Berlin, have nothing to do with this Jew nor I with them. I am pointing this out myself - as I so often have, here and in actual public addresses - before (actual) antisemites beat me to it.

I could mention other Jewish influences in this vein, such as the Frankfurt School, the chief source of today's cultural Marxism, but I don't want to get into all that here, too vast.

There are lots of liberal-minded conservative Jews. I'm one of them, Ben Shapiro is one of them. The AfD party making historical strides right now in Germany has a fair number of them - much to the chagrin of the Berlin Jewish Community and the Central Council. More Jews no doubt voted for Trump than anyone would care to admit. I did.

Soros, Spectre and Kahane are bent on destroying ethnic Germany and ethnic Europe altogether, they are determinedly bent on doing this, the - itself massively illegal - immigration of gravely unvetted, predominantly illegal aliens through completely unprotected borders, almost entirely from Muslim regions spreading across the Islamic stretch which begins with Afghanistan and extends to Morocco, taking in ever more Saharan and sub-Saharan Africans in its wake (come December, 250-300 million of the latter alone, a hefty percentage bound for Western Europe),didn't "just happen", it is in no sense whatsoever some natural "demographic change", it is artificial and it is an "Extraordinary Experiment" (Yascha Mounk) long in planning.

The globalist liberals in general and the Jews in particular, who not only refuse to grasp this, but - following Soros or Spectre or Kahane or Merkel or Mounk or all or any of them - even embrace this under the lying, misleading, disinforming, cloak of "diversity", of "tolerance", of "openness", and actually identify with the propagandistic hysteria of "fighting Nazis" - do so at their own peril, at the peril of all, at the peril of Europe's and Germany's future. I won't have any part of it.

My place here, as a (decidedly non-atheist) Jew living in Berlin, is with the Patriots, Christian, Jewish and Ex-Muslim - with Pegida, with the Identitarian Movement (both Europe-wide), and with AfD: in Dresden, Chemnitz, and Cottbus; in Munich, Nürnberg, and Hamburg; and in Berlin.

Let there be no mistake about it.

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