Friday, October 5, 2018

It's UNITY, Stupid, not "Diversity"! National Holiday 2018

Ist Tag der EINHEIT, Stupid, nicht der "Vielfalt" !
Or:  Das Gift, das Mutti ihrem Volk geschenkt hat ("The Poison Which Mommy Gave As A Gift To Her People").

Europe already has as much ethnic diversity within itself as it can get.  European diversity. It's not America, no one is America - a notion as absurd as Germans lining up at Burger King or McDonalds and thinking they're participating in something "global".  Let America be America and leave Europe alone.

Tag der Einheit, or Day of Unity commemorating The Reunification on the 3rd of October when they officially made it so, is already bogus in itself, as the real Holiday would more suitably have been - as was so desired, had anyone asked the Germans themselves -to replace the already existing 17th of July, which already commemorates the 1953 actual workers' uprising in the then already bogus "Workers' State" of the characteristically (and draconically) repressive socialist German Democratic Republic.

Actually, November 9th would be more accurately the only honestly suitable and appropriate day for the annual national commemoration of what is exclusively an East-West German, yes, German historical event, not Trukish, not Muslim, not African, but German and no other!  Beyond that, it was the Fall of the Soviet Union, likewise an exlusively East-West European history where Hungary backed the throngs of East German protesters in 1989.  (No Turkish guest-workers "rebuilt Germany" - that myth is an easily proven lie and manipulation of simple facts - those came well after the "Economic Wonder" which was accomplished under Ludwig Erhard, and this following the Rubble-women in Berlin who had busted their asses to do their historic part in rebuilding; the Turks all came well after, in the '60s and on demand by the U.S. Allied Occupation, period.)   The Left-dominated media and political power-grabbers still want to run the Narrative and relativize the SED?  Fine, then let's all "relativize" the NSDAP as well, just as Orwellian-stupid.  A national holiday is for those of that nation, and is intended to speak to them and not someone else.  Or is your birthday also my birthday, and I get my cake and presents while you stand there like a fucking idiot.

The truth is, I'm afraid, the Germans have stupidly opted for a third socialist dictatorship inside of 85 years - first Brown-Socialism, then Red-Socialism, and now Rainbow-Globalist Socialism, each anti-democratic and repressively gaslighting in nature, each criminal to the core.  Merkel never forgave the East Germans, in particular the Saxons of Dresden and Leipsig, for taking to the streets and bringing about the end of her beloved GDR State.  She is anti-Saxon to the marrow, and she has taken measures against her despised Germans.  We have seen it taking hold over the course of her now 13 years occupying the Chancellery.

(THIS significant gesture of contempt, at her third "election" night victory celebration in 2013 as ChanceLiar in Abuse of Office.

Germans will note that the piped-in pop-band chosen for her backup is the Merkel-loyal "Tote Hosen" (that's "dead pants", I call them "Tote Hoden", or "dead scrotum") - the same band which led the notorious "#wirsindmehr" ("wearemore" - as bullshit and hyped as "#metoo" or "#welcomerefugees") in Chemnitz, together with the most low-life "Anti"fa bands you ever did not want to hear or look at. Where a supposed est. of 65,000 fanatic brainwashed idiots converged, all drawn there like flies to dung, because the State PAID their busfare, Coca Cola provided free drinks, and the Communist Federal President (ab)used his high Office to post his call in the tabloids for everyone to go there and "fight right-extremism" which was proven to have no reality in the first place.

But no matter - a week later they tried this again, only without the freebies (all bait) most, some 200 showed. Obviously the pro-Merkel Left is as little interested in "refugees" after all, as they are in the latter's 1,000 murdered Germans (official stats for 2017 ALONE). The Patriots (we "Nazis", you know) show up in tens, if not hundreds, of thousands without anyone's bait, but out of conviction.)

Angela Merkel was raised to be a cold-blooded functionary darling of the GDR's one-party SED Regime.  While fulfilling her duties supervising over "propaganda and agitation" within The Party's FDJ-youth organization, this daughter of a loyal communist pastor (a profession which otherwise would have simply ruled out Daddy's girl ever being permitted entrance into higher education) she went on to take her seat in a university studying physics and letting her (current) husband write her doctorate for her - befitting his name, Sour - she also found time to devote as IM-"Erika", a Stasi "inofficial co-worker" spying on the house-arrested dissident Dr. Havermann.

This is the ChanceLiar who to this day, lisps her visibly empty and vacuously unconvincing platitudes about how much the "Reunification" allegedly meant to her.  Odd, she was certainly never to be found among the hundreds of thousands who had filled the streets Mondays over weeks, months, and who had - at severe risk of arrest, imprisonment or possibly their lives, considering 1953 - brought about the Fall of The Berln Wall, which was followed by the complete collapse of the East German Regime, her own acknowledged benefactor.

Now the current slap in the face of all Germans who still acknowledge that they are that, and coming right on cue from her own GDR-loving far-Left #OpenBorders associates in today's SPD-Left-and-Greens Bundestag is to change and dominate The Narrative (yet again!) by permitting various Lobby groups for non-ethnic Germans to insist (!) on the basis of "inclusion", that the day's name be changed to Tag der Vielfalt, or Diversity Day.

Making the already bogus October 3rd now "Diversity Day" because "nothing" is German?  "German" is now and continually, rendered obsolete?  Fine, then neither was the "Third Reich" German, we'll "get rid" of that as well.  No, the Left wants to de-Germanize everything BUT that.  On the same day, just to shit another brick on the Germans, coinciding with their (since 1990) foremost national holiday, October 3rd, we also get "Tag der offenen Moschee" (Openhouse Mosques Day) - whereby half of them kept their doors closed to the public anyway - this is not an affront to "Reunification Day"?  Oh, how "diverse" of us!  And where was Merkel, where were all her MInisters?  Name me one other country on earth, where your foremost national holiday is absent one Head of State and all his/her Cabinet as well.  But I'll come back to that.

We will presumably see the "dem deutschen Volke" (of the German people) removed from the granite facade of the Reichstag/Bundestag in the near future, who knows what they'll do with to Brandenburg Gate sooner or later.

Believe this or not, the ethnic German is supposed to literally die out, become extinct, and its cultural heritage along with it - as is the German nation as such and every other European national - and ethnic - identity in this already very ethnically and culturally diverse landscape called Europe.

And not only Merkel, oh no indeed!  Deep State is here, and in Europe, not only in the States, or the CIA - it is here.  The globalists, the satanists, the pedophiles.  They're all here, and under her complacently self-satisfied, lisping direction.  She gets her cue from the Brussels EU-cartel and from the know.

The standard socialist manner of Gleichschaltung (ideological synchronization with the State) has brought the official Church bodies, the trade unions, all manner of celebrities and pop-icons, the entire mainstream media of course, countless commercial enterprises - in fact,  anything you could name - all on board, for Orwellian-twisted engines of Mind Control and GroupThink flatulence such as "tolerance", "diversity", #OpenBorders naturally, "no person is illegal", censorship of "hate speech", and last but not least:  der Kampf-gegen-rechts (the fight aginst rightwingers, Merkel's Mein Kampf), pandering to the knee-jerk naiveté of the weary public and the never-weary far-Left as it fights "Nazis" like ourselves with huge really tasteful banners like "Deutschland is shit" and "Never again Deutschland!"
"Nazis" are not only Pegida or AfD or the Identitarian Movement or the March for Life any more, "Nazis" are anyone and everyone, even liberal journalists and icons of the old established Left who've left their old models of perception and speak critically about the actual realities and address the insanity which is Merkel's dying, divided (far from "unified"), decadent and condemned to disaster, Germany of 2018.

If you so much as wave a national flag anymore, "yer-a-Nazi", if you don't conform to "virtue signaling" and politically correct expressions and behavior, "yer-a-Nazi".  No one, I mean no one (not even the far right NPD party, which is sort of the "Sinn Fein" if you will, to the virulently national-socialistic The Right, The Third Way, or European Action - all of whom have no future here, never did and never will, being irrelevant), no one loves Adolf HItler and the Nazis better than the Left itself, the InterNazis, because keeping him/it alive is their bread and butter, their nourishment, their raison-d'être.

(It should be pointed out, and this would be a fitting place to note as much about the awful Germans, that these are - from all social or economic classes combined, from neighborhood retirees to working middle-class on up to upper-middle and farther - these bad Germans are the world record setters in monetary contributions to all the most publicized or commercialized causes for poverty and disaster spots on the planet, especially Africa, amounting over the years into billions of Marks or Euros, perhaps actually trillions without exaggeration.  And not only monetary.  They have demonstrated their industrious goodwill in projects "over there" in far-off places, building, training, developing - out of conviction, these "horrid racist Nazi" Germans who after all those decades of putting aside that extra bit out of their wages or savings or salaries for charity, writing all those checks, and now?...for what?!  For Merkel to come along and say she's just opening up the floodgates and letting them all storm in here, giving them your citzienship and your country?  And sending her "Anti"fa to your door if you begin waking up and realizing you'd been had all along and don't go numbed or jubilantly with the crass and bludgeoning ideological parade on pain of being publicly tarred as a "Nazi"?  For that?...)

By the way, let it be duly noted:  the statistical rise in Left-extreme violence (up 15.6%) just in 2017, contrasts sharply with the significant drop in Right-extreme (down 33.5%) ... hmm...

Merkel has help also from all the many Islamic Lobby groups, primarily the Turkish Ditib, with its inclusion of the notoriously nationalistic Grey Wolves, Ottomans of Germany, and like terror groups - among which such, let me not neglect to mention, "Anti"fa, the Interventionist Left, and the cadavres from the Red Army Faction (RAF-reloaded)...and of course all the Saudi and Qatar financed entities building mosques and bringing Shari'a into the system to enrich the structure of incompetent German justice and boring mono-ethnic German culture.  For the acid venom and vitriole of racism toward Germans and cliché-laden slurs and disparagement toward Germany, one has Merkel and all of her associates to thank.  Not only the staggering rise in intimidations, attacks, rapes, and murders since 2015 to the present - and of which much, much more may be expected.

Apropos appeasement and national identity, Erdogan has a thoroughly acknoweldged Fifth Column long and well established here, under the myth of "all that's owed the Turks", and these flaunt openly and aggressively - excuse me, they "assert" of course - a fanatical nationalism which goes unopposed and unquestioned.  Likewise every minority, or otherwise non-German, grouping which want to "assert" its domination.  Everything is fine, so long as it's not German, or about or for anything that is German.  No, really.

And now I'm afraid I have to bring out the other grouping elbowing its way into - in some respects even guiding - this globalist gargoyle of anti-European, and specifically anti-German Zeitgeist:  The Central Council for Jews in Germany (not, mind you, "of German Jews" - which they are, but while living here and doing so in safety since the 1950s, still don't want to admit it and go to bat for this post-war Federal Republic or for their fellow Germans -  nor, as we will see, for their own actual existence either), and the Berlin Jewish Community.  But there's more to just this, and being Jewish myself, it really concerns me.
Let there be no mistake about it:

Barbara Spectre and Anetta Kahane are both, like George Soros, of Jewish background. That does not make them Jews.

I am of Jewish background, and I'm a Jew. The difference is as follows, and there is nothing semantic about it:

They are thoroughly atheistic Marxist Socialists, and I am not.

Anetta Kahane was a notorious Stasi-informant (IM-"Viktoria") with at least one suicide on her hands, and is to this day a Stasi operative under Merkel, doing what she does best: disinformation, character assassination, defamation and the discrediting libel and slander toward the one democratic opposition to Merkel that exists, which happens to be conservative.

These three monsters of Jewish background, as with the (minimally representative) Jewish officialdom here in Germany or in Berlin, have nothing to do with this Jew nor I with them. I am pointing this out myself - as I so often have, here and in actual public addresses - before (actual) antisemites beat me to it.

I could mention other Jewish influences in this vein, such as the Frankfurt School, the chief source of today's cultural Marxism, but I don't want to get into all that here, too vast.
There are lots of liberal-minded conservative Jews. I'm one of them, Ben Shapiro is one of them. The AfD party making historical strides right now in Germany has a fair number of them - much to the chagrin of the Berlin Jewish Community and the Central Council. More Jews no doubt voted for Trump than anyone would care to admit. I did.

Soros, Spectre and Kahane are bent on destroying ethnic Germany and ethnic Europe altogether, they are determinedly bent on doing this, largely via the - itself massively illegal - immigration of gravely unvetted, predominantly illegal aliens through completely unprotected borders, almost entirely from Muslim regions spreading across the Islamic stretch which begins with Afghanistan and extends to Morocco, taking in ever more Saharan and sub-Saharan Africans in its wake (come December, 250-300 million of the latter alone, a hefty percentage bound for Western Europe),didn't "just happen", it is in no sense whatsoever some natural "demographic change", it is artificial and it is an "Extraordinary Experiment" (Yascha Mounk) long in planning.

The globalist liberals in general and the Jews in particular, who not only refuse to grasp this, but - following Soros or Spectre or Kahane or Merkel or Mounk or all or any of them - even embrace this under the lying, misleading, disinforming, cloak of "diversity", of "tolerance", of "openness", and actually identify with the propagandistic hysteria of "fighting Nazis", do so at their own peril - at the peril of all, at the peril of Europe's and Germany's future. I won't have any part of it.

Oh, and before I forget, here's the BONUS:  as we recall, there was Merkel, way at the beginning of this short piece, tossing the German Federal flag, the national colors of the Republic, with a repulsion befitting a dirty stick your dog might have dragged in, to the side.  And all those lackeys standing there laughing while she did this, including the guy from whose hand she'd just humiliatingly grabbed the flag to toss away - they're all her dogs anyway.

Now where was Angela, as lauded internationally by globalists everywhere as she is hated by her own people she looks down upon, and regarded as the stooge she is by every other state head she encounters, where was this ChanceLiar exercising her highest priority in that "Kampf-gegen-rechts" of hers, for which she even ducked out of being at her own nation's most central National Holiday - next to May 1st of course (oh...sorry, that was Hitler who'd initiated that, the Left only made it their own National Holiday to the very present) - Reunification Day (soon to be Diversity Day)?  She was not in Berlin, in fact she was not even in Germany, nor even in Europe at all.  Something unkosher here.

Or did I speak to soon?  Not only was Merkel herself, but her entire Cabinet of Ministers - while Germans all more or less went about observing Reunification - at Yad Vashem, using the very Holiday she brusquely gives lisp service to, to give still more lisp service in obeisance to her "commitment" to holding the post-war Germans' heads under water until they expire, stop breathing, suffocate, die.  Sort of like her Wally Cox-like Foreign Minister, ex-Justice MInister Heiko Maas, the one who last year illegitimately forced through his own drafted shockingly draconic censorship measures into law, loves "Anti"fa, looks just like Eichmann and thinks like HImmler - yes that's the guy, the SPD functionary who tells the world he'd "gone into politics because of Auschwitz".  Merkel does not cut any more stately a figure when she's significantly absent from Berlin on just this day, standing there facing Israelis at Yad Vashem, than did her appointed equally-functionary Federal President Steinmeier look, standing next to Erdogan as the latter received the full red carpet treatment in berlin this past week.

So WHO is instrumentalizing here, and WHO are the ones keeping Adolf (and his 12 years' break with a nearly two thousand year German history and cultural heritage) alive, WHO is fucking with OUR heads?

My place here, as a (decidedly non-atheist) Jew living in Berlin, is with the Patriots, Christian, Jewish and Ex-Muslim - with Pegida, with the Identitarian Movement (both Europe-wide), and with AfD: in Dresden, Chemnitz, and Cottbus; in Munich, Nürnberg, and Hamburg; and in Berlin.

Let there be no mistake about it.

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