Thursday, December 14, 2017


In SEP 2003 troops representing the IAF gathered, together with some survivors, and with support from the Polish government, on the grounds of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Three F-15 jets are seen flying over the very gate of infamy itself. This is Israel in our time, saluting in sober memory, those who'd perished there.

Whoever is however, fixated on 1933 and churning out ad infinitum/ad nauseum the Holocaust images which keep everyone fixated there, generation after generation – Jews and non-Jews, Germans, Poles, Israelis, Americans alike – will NEVER grasp, never understand 2003. Nor 2013. And nor: 2017.

It is in no disrespect or impiety on my part, but to break the static pathos, when I say, NOT on the ashes of these was Israel built and had withstood and won three wars, and in the face of blistering attack, hostility from the world community, terrorism, still maintains its strength as a democratic entity and as a national identity in its region – but on the guts and on the sweat and on the intellect and chutzpah of its founders and its own people – then and now.

Now and in the future. Don't look at those crematorium ruins, don't look at those barracks. I was there, I walked and saw all of it, alone with my own impressions, in 1992. A day later I was in Terezìn. I've been in many. Look at those F-15 flyers, cruising over the notorious gate with those chilling tracks leading in. Look at that statement of triumph.

Then be challenged, to lay down the truncheon of guilt, the card of manipulation, the arrogance of self-righteous umbrage toward generations who had not yet been born, let alone were perpetrators – and toward those of that one generation, who had NOT been party to those who would perpetrate this, did not feel themselves represented by them, who had done what little or what much they could to defy if not also resist, the (National)Socialist impulse to build this program of genocide.

Look at those jets and rejoice that there is a State whose continued existence is proof that there will never again be a European catastrophe the likes of this. As these three Israeli jets fly over Auschwitz and those present in Israeli uniform sing "Ha-Tikva", in Hebrew, sovereign and very much alive, there are two turning in their graves, so to speak: Hitler, yes...and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hosseini.

Then look at the EU today and the German Republic's Stasi-Merkel. Look at Barbara Spectre and her Paideia, look at Stasi-Annette Kahane. The mass infiltration into Germany especially by a German Chancellor, into Western EUrope (Eastern will have none of it!) by a never-once-elected EU Parliament of career suits, the very introduction by invitation onto European soil of yearly increasing millions of unvetted persons culled from the most Jew-hating and determinedly anti-Israeli community in the world. "Right-extremists"? No. "White-aryan neonazis"? No again. The Islamic Umma. Anti-Jewish, anti-German, anti-Israel, and anti-European. All on Merkel's watch, all with her – and her cartel of lackeys, partners and associates, and masters – word-poor, inarticulate, posturing on her own Immigration-Crisis with all of its collateral damage, and with all of its devastating promise toward the indigent Europeans and toward the Jews who had rebuilt their European presence and identity here since Auschwitz.

And with that: Hitler may still turn in his grave (so to speak) – but his trusted friend and associate in matters of "The Jewish Question", Grand Mufti Husseini, who really does have a grave, may rest in peace after all, considering Merkel's Plan and the EU-Resettlement Plan. Look those up. And then tell me "Never again!"...

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