Saturday, December 23, 2017

Don't Just Wear That Cross - Carry It!...With Love

Christianity is more severely, more massively - and often far more subliminally - under attack than ever before.

This is not, as is often surmised, a question of playing the apologist here for Catholic or for Protestant, nor the fanatically demanding sections (usually American) variations of "fundamentalist" Christianity. It is about the fundament itself.

The very fundament of Christianity is its Fountainhead himself - and he as the very embodiment of Love. To "love thy neighbor as thyself" , it stands to reason (now doesn't it) that you necessarily have to first "love thyself". You cannot love anyone, neighbor or stranger, if you still have not learned to love yourself first - or if you are in denial over this.

Who does not love oneself, does not love one's own family and background and ethnicity, does not love one's own community, does not love one's own nation and its culture, cannot and will never love the so-called "other". To presume to is a fantasy at best and a dangerous lie at worst.

The worst purveyors and promoters of this lie today are the churches themselves, their pastors and ministers and priests - particularly in Germany - and in the UK, Canada, the States, as well. They are doing what the two official Churches in Germany in the 1930s did, and repeated in post-war/Cold war East Germany: they are going lock-step with the totalitarian dogma of this day's political correctness, for prestige, for benefits, to save their asses and lose their sorry-assed souls.

We are facing a Left-wing WAR on what is plainly sacred - in Christ's Message and Example, in the cherished appreciation of just that - and a Communislamic WAR on the hold which Christianity's Teachings, Doctrines, and Culture have had on its own home ground, wherever it has been embraced out of love and conviction as THE very Message of Love.
We are observing everywhere: the church organs (pun noted, not intended) through their programs and sermons, the commercial world through its subliminal advertising, the large concerns, the celebrity set through their public messages, Left-wing governments and regimes (such as the entire Merkel State), the entire social and work-place environment, and of course the media in all its tentacular propaganda - all these sucking up (exclusively, mind you) to "The-Religion-Of-Peace" at all costs and over how many bodies one may walk for that sticky Blue Pill substance of Comfort in this normopathic zeitgeist of Conformity.

The "New World Order", made to order - is at our doors. Don't follow that order. A Christian has no business answering to that call - but to his, who is standing at one's own door: Christ is tapping, bring him in.

This is exactly where Christianity does not appeal, does not belong, and does not win friends. If it is friends one wants, keep taking that Blue Pill. Real Christianity, that is, the Fellowship in Christ, is a Red Pill. That's the Good News. My beloved Sikh mentor Yogi Bhajan used to say in his characteristically minimalistic manner:

"If you 'have friends' you are in trouble. But if God is your Friend, no troubles."
Christianity is in deep trouble, and it is under severe attack, physically, brutally - if you have been paying any attention at all - in every country where Islam dominates and Shari'a holds sway.

Christianity is in deep trouble and is under severe attack, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and at times no less brutally for the sheer crassness of it - in the West, all over Western EUrope, the UK, Canada, Australia, America (even parts of Latin America) - wherever Left-wing doctrine and dogma has fastened its draconic, sometimes honestly quite demonic, grip and radicalized its arrogant demands for the swiftest possible destruction of ALL that is sacred, which feed a soul and build true character.

The enemy storming your gates is dire enough, but the treason within your own house is worse, and must be rooted out - decisively.  All the banally flatulent relativism and dead, deadening energy, alternating between manipulative hysteria and crudest indifference.

This Colorado Jew in Berlin cannot watch all this go on any longer, nor can my beloved partner. We need Crusaders of Heart, which is an inner decision each must make for oneself, it's not another club or sect, or a vigilante group. When the two Churches under the National-Socialists raised their right arms and joined hands with the Collectivist evil, the Confessional Church (think of Dietrich Bonhoeffer for one example) came into being and preserved the flame.

That flame is Love, and that Love is Christ - politically incorrect, non-appeasing, unbending toward coertion to put on the fake rainbow of "diversity" dogma, clear minded, sound in spirit and in body. Is this worth defending with your last breath and ounce of strength, so help you God - and will you do this? I will.

>>Eph. 6:10-20<<

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