Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Trump Card: Whenever Germans Ask Me...

Trump, God's peace and blessings be upon him (aka POTUS/pbuh), whenever he gets up in the morning and goes to The Office he's making history - and his haters on The Fake go into histrionics.  He's just made another historical moment, and they're all having another hysterical moment.  Par for the course, comes with the territory since this election.  The usual blackmailers and public hostage takers are hitting the streets in numbers we haven't seen since "a million" venomist feminidiots converged on Washington with pussy hats, or the Prophet's progeny poured out of every corner after the Danish cartoons first appeared.

Some Christians see his Jerusalem  Decision as an unmistakable signpost en route to the End Times.  I see it as a signal of a New Era.  Some Jews are beside themselves with joy and fervor (some not?) over this, and thronged movingly to the Western, or Wailing, Wall.   I imagine Left liberal Jews have to curb their enthusiasm some (like it's there) and remain pissed because "it was Trump".

This Jew, who is also Christian, will not be found reading "Revelations" over this, nor will he be found at the Wailing Wall.  He will be found at his regular Krav Maga training, he will be found at his regular Friday evening Shabbos-Kiddush in his Berlin kitchen.  He will be found on the Berlin streets demonstrating for German democratic patriotism.  This Jew's prayers have been answered though, on this one.  His President kept a campaign promise, and made a Decision.  That sufficed - and that's two strikes against his detractors. 

No others made this decision before him, none had the spine or the will or the intent.  He made promises, he is keeping them.

Every day he gets up and goes to That Office he is kicking ass - Hillary's ass, the Hill's, every prior Administration's, the Pentagon's, the Pedogon's and the Pedogates's, Soros' and Rothschild's.  He is the scourge of Merkel and Macron.  He is the first hope of patriots everywhere in the dying West.  All else is Fake.  He was voted in, he will see eight years through; Merkel will not see (Nazi?) these four.

Whenever Germans ask me, I tell them I only have to look at who and how many have closed ranks against him, what their motives have been all along, what their agenda is - then I know he is doing what I voted him in to do.  He is doing the right thing, come what may.  He is clearly a threat to The System, and that's just what I wanted him to be.

An American Sufi Master (also a first) whose first name I bear, in a series of lectures he'd given in 1970 in San Francisco, on St. Paul and on Corinthians I, told of having once been confronted by a hostile mastiff which would not let him pass.  He'd have been forced to make a huge detour and was already plumb tuckered out from a long walk at his age.  The dog bared its teeth menacingly, barked and growled fiercely.  Sam Lewis growled back with a Zen ferociousness of decisively forcing the hand (or paw?) of the opponent.  He barked back and the dog turned tail and took off.  And he concluded with the observation, "At that moment I got it: 'through war there will come peace'."

Trump forced their hands, all of them:  the Arabs, the UN, the EU.  Two have joined him - last I checked.  He will trump them all.

Whenever Germans ask me "what I think" of my President - we're talking about the guy, the candidate who later assumed Office as the 45th Innaugurated, the guy whom their own bought-out and blackmailed mainstream press and Left-licking talk shows, their own neo-liberal and far-left socialist, "Anti"fa-subsidizing politicians, the man whom all these caricature and mock and loathe as "Nazi", as fascist-racist-sexist-white-supremacist- homophobic-antisemitic-incompetent-unprofessional, etc. etc. - yeah, that guy, Trump.

I am inclined to reply that their question, having no legs to stand on, does not dignify an answer because beyond what they catch on the 8:15 evening news broadcast by one or the other of the State organ programmers, they do not interest themselves to search beyond what is only made readily available to them by the once trusted sources of news and debate and commentary which have betrayed the integrity of their calling ever since they began answering to Merkel's call.  I tell them that if they don't have five or ten minutes for the answer they needn't ask, because it would rattle their cages anyway.  The shock alone of hearing just how disinformed they are on Trump and the States, and how misinformed they are concerning their own Merkel-State, would be more than most here could get their mind around.  They're like some of these elderly men or women I visit in their apartments, to give insulin or set meds or pull on (or off) the anti-thrombosis stockings.  They'll ask, "Why're you 'so late'?!"  Like it's "late".  Then I tell them exactly what all inside the previous hour has caused this and they already break me off mid-sentence:  they do not want to know.  They want to bitch and fart.  So it is with Germans toward Trump.  Make that EUropeans as well.  They don't really want an answer.

Eighth Evening - And First Anniversary:  My "Maos Tsur" - (Chanukah in Berlin, while German Jews and non-Jews alike, face the consequences of Merkel's #OpenBorders...and Merkel has to deal with my President's recognition of Israel's capital.) -

It's for this reason they don't realize they're baiting - but it is that, so I respond accordingly.  If I have them in a corner so I can shake their cage a bit, I continue in this vein:

"I'll return the question, what do you think of your Chancellor?  Do you give any thought at all to what is being done by your static, pathetic Administration and ruling elite?  In fact, you have no Chancellor but a Chance-Liar who literally said, and I quote: one does not hold to promises made on the campaign trail. You have a Stasi-Merkel who is demonstrably intent on destroying your country, your nation, your people and your future - and replacing it with a Nightmare-State using elements of Islamisation and neo-communism, but serving a neo-liberal agenda of globalisation with a one-government EU.  You have been force-fed a propaganda diet of once familiar terms perverted through ideology.  You have Schäuble as federal Finance Minister, who still needn't answer to the hundred thousand Euro in arms deals he'd personally stashed away.  You have DeMazière as federal Interior Minister, who as Saxony's state Interior Minister still never had to answer to why he covered up the once exposed and conveniently forgotten, notorious 'Saxony-Swamp' of elite pedophile rings and child-trafficking.  You have Heiko Maas as federal Minister of Justice, himself notorious for resembling Eichmann and instigating like Goebbels, getting his draconic Internet-Gestapo law through legislation and will increase his efforts come January.  You still have a harrowing growth in violent attacks and criminal activity among Merkel's Open-Border enrichers from the one culture most incompatible with yours, and among Merkel's Left-extreme "Anti"fa or "Interventionist-Left" - terrorists in their own right, glorifying and adulating, even being trained by old left-overs of, the Red Army Faction.

"Do you ever give one thought to all this?  Are you at all aware of this?  Are you informed on any of this?  Do you care?  I mean, do you give a flying fuck about it?  Or do you know that in fact Hillary's managers indeed groom and recruit and give the marching orders to the disruptive "Anti"fa in Ami-Land, to disrupt any Trump support?  Are you the least bit aware that the December 19th semi-truck attack here in Berlin of last year - of whose victims deaths and injuries and trauma the anniversary is in ten days - has proved to have been a prime example of State-guided Islamic terrorism?  Do you know that I and others like myself have been aware of all this for some time now and hit the streets and the keyboard addressing it, researching and updating our knowledge, keeping up to snuff on this? 

"You have these and more, much more than I have time to nail or you the intestinal fortitude to hear.  'What do I think of Trump?'  HE'S KICKING ALL OF YOUR ASSES.  He is pulling the System down, the Brussels-EU and the globalist dream of an NWO will collapse.   HE is just the beginning.  Next question."

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