Friday, December 1, 2017

State of the Unicorn - now in plain English

This week, most of London was out and about, taking to heart the words of comfort and encouragement of its Muslim Lord Mayor Sadiq Khan: "Let the terrorists see how we go about our business carefree and undisturbed, going on with our lives, going shopping, making Christmas preparations, casually taking in the public ambiance and enjoying a right festive commercial atmosphere, just as before (and before and before ...) - keep that up, well done! Drive on with your day! "

Then came the shots, in a large London mall - or what was this explosive tat-tat-tat-tat? No one knows, and as far as I know, no one still knows - and no clarifying reports since. But immediately: All under cover, all out of the building, onto the street, police spring into automatic search action, large-scale blocking off.  Nada.  Whether it even is about another "disturbed mentally ill individual case" again or even a terrorist attack - or even an electrical short shot at a defective tree-light chain - is finally irrelevant. What this concretely shows us is that we are played on with both sides of the lie, an attack on our psyche: false wishfulness and the dismantling of instinctive defense on the one hand - then switched over to triggered panic and hysteria, along with helplessness. Game-program for holding the trauma. Everything according to plan. I don't even care right now if it's MK-Ultra or MK-something else. Control is control.

I know two women out of my typical week, about whom I'll share something here. One is in her mid-30s, has two children of early grade- school age. The other is into her 80s. The mid-30s one engaged me a few times - and and this on account of my direct interest - in conversation, concerning her frequent and unwanted experiences of the Merkelian promised "Enrichment" by this Chance-Liar's so-named "Goldpieces" . She (my 30-year-old) has been twice accosted on the street, her car door suddenly torn open, and greeted with "Ficki-ficki" (need I translate?), she realizes what is going on around us today, she lives on the very street where just this week a 22-year-old came close to death after a 14-year-old Goldpiece "enriched" him with a knife, who then very coldbloodly unaffected, answered to the police at his apprehension, merely with: "What do I care, he had it coming, and besides - I just turned 14 anyway."  Meaning, he still believed he would not be charged and looking at five years of doing time inside, at precisely this age - woops. But who knows, in this extreme Left climate and Senate, maybe he's right and we're all mistaken, the DA as well.

My 30-year-old mother of two is aware of all this, yes - and she could further tell me about her kids, the verbal physical and they have to go through (as ethnic Germans) in their own school environment, and the excuses and down-playing she has to put up with when complaining before the school principal. She knows what's going on, when she says, Sure - you gotta cover your head visiting a mosque as a female tourist in Turkey, while here your Christian heritage and culture are tossed out with the trash. She knows, she knows and rants. I just expressly showed her my agreement, with eyes open, full of interest. Then, with even bigger eyes, I had to stare in wonder at hearing her exclaim in the next breath: "But I'd never vote the AFD - never, never!" As to my answer to her on this, we'llboth have to wait until I once have her undivided attention.

My 80-year-old, who has even plastered a good many of my "Merkel-Must-Go!" stickers over half of her neighborhood, sat at her table recently when I stopped by, quietly nursing her aches and pains. Then she looked at my little German colors heart-pin on my jacket lapel. Said she, now distracted from her physical concerns: "Ahh, there beats a heart for Germany," and smiled. Then she quietly began to sing the national anthem, yes, the third stanza from the Song of the Germans. We sang together, her son looking on. Then I began to sing in loud, robust tone, the second stanza, the second stanza on German women, with honoring glances addressed in her direction. She was delighted. Following this - I said, "Now, what had Herr von Fallersleben given you with this composition in the 1840s, a hundred years before Adolf and having nothing to do with Nazis, let's do it!"  So I continued to sing the first stanza ("Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles..."). She looked at me with mixed expression, like, "I know you, I know that, now can I trust myself, permit myself to rejoice on hearing it? ..."  And she looked radiant, to the end. And thanked me cordially for making her pains subside more than anything imaginable, for having lightened her day considerably.

What kind of future does the Left imagine, should they achieve their publicly stated intention of the final solution of the German question, of driving the Germans into a minority in their own country, even so far as eliminating them if possible? What then? How do you sing "The Internationale" and likewise shout "Allahu-akbar"? The main point being, as few Germans left remaining as possible - and then? What do the rainbow carriers plan on later, with the rainbow hostile  Islam carriers growing to a majority? What do the idiots of the totalitarian Left have in mind, when Sunnis exercise their traditional violence toward Shi'ites, Kurds attack Turks - and vice versa - and all of these elements turn on the remaining defenseless, Willkommen-singing troops of the genderized left-wing Germans? They want to talk about "radical right"? And then they welcome the notoriously right-extreme Gray Wolves, who mass up the streets in a sea of Turkish national and Erdoğan flags such that you can't spot a cm of asphalt for several city blocks square?

The Swiss Muslim convert Nora Illi and her likewise converted husband are open in their support of IS, she shows up complete with Burqa in front of the gate of Auschwitz death camp: as a "statement" - so disgustingly injurious, so megalomaniacal and reality challenged, so...LEFTIST, quite after the style of the so-called "Interventionist-Left" (IS / IL, either one supports the other) or "Anti"fa, or - yes: mcuh like the typically communist "Center for Political Beauty"(!), itself stalking and terrorizing (AfD politician) Björn Höcke's house almost this entire year.

The respected Swiss journalist and editor-in-chief Roger Köppel was also slandered and discredited by this same "political beauty" in the worst possible way, and nicely exposed to their call to murder by public voodoo and satanic cursing rituals. They do this in full open publicity, so that they can sell it off as "only art" - as with all their "actions", whether in the case of Höcke or "refugee"- eating tigers (see Colfax blog for 29 Jun 2016) or stolen and disfigured Berlin Wall memorial crosses to make a shambles of the Reichstag lawn jsut to demonstrate in a lasciviously staged anti-cop drama their own cynical mocking of genuine refugees who had drowned (in Idumea and at sea, thanks to them) - yes, selling themselves as "artists" to avoid being recognized as criminals.

Will the Central Con-shill of Jews in Germany play the boneless chicken here as well, with very cautious, reserved voice, as they had in the "action" against Höcke and his family (huge blocks replicating Berlin's immense Holocaust Memorial placed all over his yard in front of his house, as they photographed and filmed from a rented adjacent house, dogging him and his family with the kind of psycho-terror only the Nazis and the Communists know best).  Will the Jewish Con-shill say likewise about Nora Illi: "the action is probably well meant, but not good." ...? I await, with bated breath.

Here is an apt passage from the work, "Living With The Left", by Martin Lichtmesz and Caroline Sommerfeld (page 120), quite fitting here:

(Sidenote of Lichtmesz') "On February 9, 2017, the Austrian private TV station Servus-TV invited me to the show 'Talk at Hangar 7.' Before it all started,
a revealing scenario took place in the backstage room, where Red Bull was served, and the panelists made a little warm-up talk.

"The host, Michael Fleischhacker, quoted a survey that showed in which countries a ban on immigration for Muslims (modeled on Trump's 'Muslim ban ') is currently strongly supported: Poland came first, Austria came in second. 'Of course,' said Herbert Lackner, the former editor-in-chief of profil.  'In both countries, the right-wing populists are also very strong.' - Said I, 'Of course this has always only to do with right-wing populists. Never with Muslims.'

"Lackner's eyes flashed in a mixture of surprise, amusement and battle lust, which was not disagreeable to me.  Fleischhacker objected: 'But in Poland, there are very few Muslims' I countered, 'Poland isn't cut off from the rest of the world, they see what's happening in countries with Muslim mass immigration .'... "

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