Saturday, December 23, 2017


The "Junge Freiheit" is an excellent conservative (read: straight-up and professionally objective) established newspaper. This is its report, one year later looking back. They titled this on professional and legal grounds: "State Failure" - which in the least of it holds perfectly true, no one, and thanks to the accessibility via internet and what red-pilling is out there, not even the State will deny what is in this report, not any longer. The report gives here what has been established and acknowledged by all concerned, including those whose only entire concern is holding on to their power. That said, the title (and the contents make this abundantly clear for anyone listening) might well have accurately read: "State-Managed Terrorism", as that is actually and factually what we have here.

The evening remains vividly clear in our own memory to this day. This made THE THIRD TIME almost in a row, that Ramona and I had unwell premonitions that something of this very nature was just about to go down, and she had only just spoken by phone about the eerie feeling that evening with a dear friend of ours in a neighboring city, they both shared the sense of something oncoming, found themselves wondering about the calm since the last one...

I was just en route home after our Monday demonstration addressing these conditions, and also felt this queasy itch about it, as it was happening somewhere in our City, somewhere in Berlin - as it turned out, at Breitscheidplatz. Once home I went to the livestream to follow what had occurred earlier in Ankara, where the Russian delegate or ambassador had been shot dead by a jihadi.

Within about a half hour or so, Breaking News about the Christmas Market attack here in Berlin interrupted my catching up, and I called Ramona over to me. She turned on the TV, and it ran its PC-Fake-take in the next room while we followed the Real-event at the other-PC. While the TV-News (all state channels) lied and pretended and avoided for three hours, we got ourselves up to snuff and researched and checked and analyzed analyzed analyzed - and by the time even the TV-bullshitters and manipulators could not keep the act up any longer, we were confirmed on our grasp of the events leading up to and during the attack, on all points. Is this becoming clear yet?

Our further suppositions, that the (German version of) Homeland Security had - as this report addresses - not only known everything about the jihadi-perpetrator Amris Amri, for the entire year preceding this, and had had ample evidence, ample grounds, ample opportunities, to arrest, hold, and/or deport him out of here and actually prevent what occurred that evening - they in fact had followed and groomed and courted him the whole time! Here are files showing his several known identities under which he got to receive plenty of "refugee"-cash and more. The Agency had even at one point chauffeured him from Stuttgart to Berlin! Am I making this clear enough?

We are no psychics, anyone can begin by being so fed up with propaganda that one follows one's own lineof quesitoning, turns to the alternative circuits, develops a relationship with truth seeking, sifts through the facts and lies, recognizes and sees through the constant pattern of gaslighting. Call it "getting red-pilled", call it what you want. You needn't buy tis horseshit any longer.

Chance-Liar Merkel had never visited with a single family, in all this time, she and her Cartel at all levels, from DeMazière on down, maintained cold distance from it all, offering the most shameless platitudes and "carry ons" over the carrion of her own gaslighted population of citizens and families, of voters, of visitors and toursists, and of concerned observers everywhere. Is this clear yet?

This is not "shit-happens", this is not even "grave negligence" at all levels of state - no, this is not even "just" state-maneuvered cover-up and damage-control: folks, this is state-managed complicity and culpability. Clear now?

Trump knows it, he's called them out on it, in one form or another. And he treated Merkel accordingly, when she showed up for their brief, strictly official (for him nothing more than duties-of-office, according to one who had been there) meeting last summer. For her an embarrassment and an affront, which her sycophantic press at home ate up as "proof" that Trump is a "baboon" (sorry, that was HIllary's poor-loser phrase).

NOW Merkel has the gall to hold a "memorial" gathering, wearing black and making her face "sad and stricken" as she says, "Gee we gotta do better next time"... No really, I'm not joking. You cannot make this shit up. In the meantime, she appeared on the usual TV-talk circuit and the previously INVITED survivors and family members of victims in the studio, who would presumably want to confront her there for her COMPLICITY - as would be their right - were DISINVITED at the last minute, to protect Merkel from "any embarrassment or unpleasantness". Of course, one watches out for her, as she and her state agencies watch out for us.

For those who cannot follow the German of the video-report below, but might follow the images and sort of catch on - I hope I have made this abundantly clear.

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