Thursday, October 13, 2016

What – or WTF – is “Jewgida“?

gIdA: "gegen Islamisierung des Abendlandes" – in plain English, against the Islamisation of the West, because controversial or not, Europeans are seeing it every day at close range and in real time. And not only Europeans. The Pegida (patriotic Europeans) civil initiative may have had its birth on FB and in Dresden, and not without reason there where the 1989 crack in the GDR-Regime first made history, this initiative has become a movement and found resonance throughout the Continent and UK, and beyond. There is Pegida, in fact or at least idea, reaching to the States, to Canada, to Ireland, to Australia and New Zealand.

And there is, here on German soil and on Berliner streets: Jewgida. Why that? We Jews have always been predominently liberal, have fought for others' rights as well as our own, have always been against racism and the disenfranchisement of any group. Yes, and we have also historically failed to recognize where the real threat of antisemitism is. No one, absolutely no Jew, is leaving France or Scandinavia or Britain currently nor in the foreseeable future Germany, on account of right-extremists of any breed. Nor am I saying on account of left-extremists (as some of these are themselves Jews, if you will). Nor on account of that nice Muslim neighbor, no. But certainly and concretely on account of Merkel's importation of a statistic-breaking, nonvetted hoard of "honorary Syrians" and war-refugees who predominantly are neither Syrian nor fleeing war especially after first landing in Turkey or Southern Europe. But all are here on unconditional invitation by Merkel and her President, Gauck, both tainted with Stasi pasts, both openly disdainful of their own people.

Merkel can get away with this because she has the full backing and support of the never-elected EU-Parliament in Brussels, and on orders from UNO as from Washington. (I need only refer the reader to George Friedman on this, to name but one.)

Not all are antisemitic, let me say anti-Jewish. Of course not, just as "not all" of anyone was ever expressly anti-Jewish. But Islam foments, among other militant positions, latent or acted upon, a most vicious creed of antisemitism – as is befitting an ideology which is expressly incompatible with Constitutional democracy as we understand it, with women's rights as we understand it, with a dominantly (though by no means exclusively) Christian national culture and heritage, with modern Western views toward child's rights and adult monogamy, with racial equality, with gay rights or the tolerance of any "non-believers" – atheist or otherwise, with the recognition of Israel's right to exist. An ideology which presumes an Absolutist and militant decree, divine in and according to nature, toward world conquest and conversion or enslavement – by deception in peace or disadvantage of number and by war once in numbers strength.

The Regressive-Left will never recognize this until it's far too late, if at all. It is for liberals and conservatives alike to grasp and to do what Jews also are known for never doing: acting on it decisively. Israel is the exception to the Jewish rule of thumb: don't rock the boat. Israel rocks because it is vital and gives vitality to the world.

The Central Council of Jews in Germany and Berlin's Jewish Congregation, by the way, enjoy a certain degree of bonus-prestige, and I mean this above and beyond their original accomplishments of post-war decades past, I mean over the past two-and-a-half.

They are clueless, talking out of both sides of their mouth. At the end of the day they groom and cherish favor with Merkel, tow the politically correct line and never get out of line as Jews actually should. And they are no less glad in this, to see it all go so well against the Germans themselves, this three term, going on four, (abuse of) Office of Chancellor which turns the Constitution on its head, tramples and violates Basic Law, mows down anything suggesting authentic opposition, works assiduously on dismantling the very fabric of Germany, answering to the beck and call of Brussels, Washington, and the UNO. And in chorus one calls this "a woman" and a "leader" who heads and maintains "a democracy" by showing us all her "strength"... Pathological intransigence is NOT strength, it is mental.

But I may have digressed, I was addressing the official Jewish Community as a whole. They loathe Jewgida for being just the thorn in the eye of the multi-culti lie and the destructively Regressive-Left, and for calling Merkel out – for being that thorn which they themselves haven't the spine to be, haven't the guts, the balls, the genuine chutzpah. (Well, someone has to say it.)

It is all a dark, self-serving shadow play of staged guilt and moral superiority with a chorus of "omeyns" and "never-agains" – and it has nothing really to do with Jewish ethics or heritage. This breed of in-fighting Jewish "representatives" buy and sell their own dignity, guided more by caution against contradicting Merkel than by ever naming the real threat to their lives and limbs.

So they gladly do their part in orchestrating the media exaggeration of an existent but in reality entirely, and verifiably, marginal neo-Nazi or extreme Right wing. Which, in terms of its draw to National-Socialism, makes it ironically, traditionally Left.

There's an anecdote from Czarist Russia: two Jewish brothers are stood up before the firing squad. Hands bound, blindfolded, the one brother calls out, "Wait a minute! We do get a last request, that's how it works! What about a last cigarette!"

His brother, standing next to him against the wall, hisses in his direction, "Psst, Tuvia, shut up! Don't make trouble!"

Jewgida is trouble.

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