Monday, October 10, 2016

PEGIDA Notes, Part XXIII - Action Jewgida

(Afternoon in the "Jewish Quarter" behind me is the Neue Synogoge)

(Our little stroll through Berlin-Neukölln...)

(Our afternoon in the historic Jewish Quarter, singing "Moorsoldaten"*)

(My first talk, Feb. 2015, with Bärgida,
only after which I was first approached about
something callingitself "Jewgida"...)

(At Yossi's memorial, held there where
he'd been murdered.)

(For the Christians slaughtered or enslaved en masse by IS,
as by Islam throughout its history:  the yellow Arabic"nun"...)

(Our "afternoon with Fuad"...)

(Here's where we first landed that day, and were disinvited on the spot as soon
as we were recognized as Jewgida - the Left wanted to own the "pro-Israel" contingent
for their own PR, whereby the other 364 days of the year they're pro-Hamas.  As God
would have it, we left under friendly police assistance and found ourselves on another lawn
at some distance - right where Fuad Afane had organized a welcoming demo for the arriving Gaza-Palestinians:  and that's where we staked out our silent demo, sending Fuad into a non-stop rage.*)

(I think my Arabic ("Shari'a") particularly flipped Fuad out - some nerve I had,
and then the fact that we returned his bellowing with not a single word in
retort, just silent witness, and my own steady, penetrating gaze.  They just
had not reckoned with us, and the police had tripled form our initial escort
of 10 to exactly 30 by my count.  This to hold the furious bringers of
"The-Religion-Of-Peace" and "enrichment" for Germany at a certain distance
so they wouldn't rip us apart.*)

(They've never had a problem with
using children for their bloody propaganda.*)

 (This term had been borrowed directly from Goebbels
and used without a shred of shame by Vice-Chance-Liar
Gabriel to describe us peacefully and democratically
assembled demonstrators, and Pegida in general.
This term and another:  Pack, meaning the equivalent of scum.
So of course we had to  "je suis" it!)  

*Video links:

Afternoon "with Fuad" at the Gaza-Day Hamas Conference:

Ernst Busch - "Die Moorsoldaten":

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