Monday, April 14, 2014

Original Innocence

To assert a dogma of original sin is to deny our Divine birthright and heritage and foment endless generations of self-loathing which will condemn one to constantly either grovel at the feet or to lunge at the throat of the "Other" of our misinformed duality. To awaken to our original innocence – neither angel nor demon, but human – is to perceive anew what is old from the Beginning, through lovingkindness, through compassion, through sovereign empathy.

Innocence here isn't childish but childlike, not naive but open. It's giving and receiving both, willingly, it is without the cumbersome overlay of ego – either in communication or in act. Right, innocence in this is both receptive and active: and it is original and it is sovereign. It doesn't refer to being good or nice or better, as these are determined by ego – it refers to being in the original state, and therefore without agenda and demands on others. Neither hostage to one's own emotions nor to those of others, one allows oneself to be influenced or guided and moved rather by discriminating wisdom, or even by crazy wisdom.

In original innocence is no aggression and no fear, plenty breathing room to grow, to develop, to create, to evaluate and accept or discard, to trust and to build what is beautiful.
 It is an aspect of Love, it is in Buddhist jargon: one's basic nature.

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