Sunday, April 20, 2014

Come, And Partake

He is risen,

the King of Love, yes he.
He is risen.

"Whom do you seek? He is not here.
The bread of the Pesach is unleavened,
whereas he, the bread of Life, his Body, is risen."

Why do you search for eggs in the grass,
your eyes full of marshmallow bunnies in baskets?
Look! The early morning sky is lavender, holding promise!
O look now, and behold with the real eyes of a child,
behold the Lamb!

Be still in that morning light, you stand alone with Magdalene
at the wonder of it all: the King of Love, yes he,
has left the sepulchre, he is standing now not one hair's breadth apart,
his light is sovereign and that sky, that Easter sky is its blush.
Closer is he now than your own breath, breathe him in, for
he is risen.

Come, and partake.

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