Saturday, April 5, 2014

Denying Air

Denying not just the "existence" per se, but the creative, dynamic and actively real existence of God, or Divine presence, in this very world and coursing through our very lives and Being – never mind what you want to call it, God or Goddess, or by whatever name or form – but to deny at all, is really really just like denying the existence of oxygen, no kidding.

  I have no more gripe with an atheist than I do with a fundamentalist, so long as they don't start enforcing on others and scoring political points, a waste of everyone's precious time.

You don't have to make a religion out of your appreciation for O2, but if you require and find or formulate one that is suitable to your needs and temperament, to develop that capacity in you for more, well and good. If you make an agenda or an ideology about oxygen or claim to own it, the absurdity of this is pretty obvious.

To question what it's about, this O2, is scientific and valid as long as you really and sincerely want an answer, otherwise you're just playing around with lab-rats for shits'n'grins your whole life until it's time to close shop.

But to deny that there is oxygen, because you don't see it, and you call it at best, entirely theoretical (or theo-logical vs. "real"world-logical) is to miss out on the fact that you draw it in every second and send it out every other second, that it courses through your lungs and pipes, feeds your entire physical and mental system, and without it you would cease to function and expire.

  God is like that air, that air which is in us, in every cell and space between, in every fluid, in every breath we draw. Here. Now. And in reality. No shit.

Air. Space. Breath. So where do the space in which I am standing and the Space of the entire Cosmos and Realm of Possibility meet – or were they, are they, can they be, ever separate at all? Check it out, Friend, check it out.

And on this very breath we can draw into ourselves all the love that is there in the Space to draw from, and all the joy, and all the peace and presence. The very presence of our own original and true nature.

  And we can send that out the same way, out into our world, this world this Cosmos - and to any and every individual we might hold in the thought of our heart.

And that is Divine. I cannot deny it.

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