Saturday, April 12, 2014

A Critical Look (if one still may) at “LGBT“ as a Lobby & Movement

Speaking as one who has since the early '70s been awake to the dream of, desire to see, the civil and human rights of homosexuals, male or female, manifestly recognized and implemented once and for all – and an end to their ages old persecution; speaking as one who abhors the continuing status quo of persecution, torture and public execution of gays in any or all Muslim countries; and speaking as one who feels we've not only long achieved our ends in this matter in the West – in fact, that we have moreover over-achieved in the direction of an ideological extreme, I wish to address what I sadly and critically observe, with the hope that the following cogent points might somewhere strike a chord at this critical juncture.

As often happens:  an old conditioned conformity winds up being replaced, not by the freedom to think clearly - but by a new conformity-by-coercion, holding us un-conscious and captive.  This produces no gender-clarity but more confusion, pseudo-scientific in some  of its more militant claims and contemptuous in its demands for over-relativized, highly generalized "gender-mainstreaming" - a new catchword for the sheer superficiality of our time.  As with the increasingly questionable manipulation of "multi-culti" - and the agenda hiding behind it, to so much as question what is going on is to have oneself re-defined by its propaganda: as racist, or reactionary, or right-extreme, as the case may be.

John G. Bennett, in his Third Way School (as I recall – but google him), had quoted Gurdjieff in addressing homosexuals and their capacity for development in the Inner Work. This inner work comprised – and frankly would comprise in any School which ever has existed or does, for inner development of the Human Being – three aspects, namely: the exoteric, or outer; the mesoteric, or middle; and the esoteric, or inner. This having nothing to do with getting "elite" or "important" about anything, but about actual development, no one – and I repeat, no one – was or is saying that homosexuals do not or cannot develop in a spiritual training. Having said that, what Gurdjieff, according to Bennett, did address, was that while homosexuals would naturally advance like anyone else with right effort and intention, in the outer and the middle aspects, there were two things which alone hindered, if not prevented, them from attaining to the inner.

Minus these two things, there would be nothing barring the homosexual from advancing, so it has nothing to do with judgement but very astute observation: those two being 1) the sense of shame they carry, which of course one does after countless generations of being shamed for what one is – but it's an obstacle to development, a no-brainer; and 2) their sense of specialness.

Now this is interesting, I was struck by reading this some 35 years ago, struck and fascinated, and confronted and challenged to really look at that. The observation rang true as I'd always tried to plumb, as a heterosexual male, the personal-societal hitch in the psychological make-up of my gay brothers and sisters.

Folks, we have achieved the half: we have removed the first of the two, there is no more shame; but the second has still to be dealt with, and there lies the phenomenn I see all around me today.

We keep taking a good and noble idea and destroying it through the parody of ideology! We can no longer be fair without getting stupid, we can no longer be constructively critical without being called nazis or fascists or negativists of some sort or another!

Friends!  When Political Correctness supercedes any right to the expression of critical thinking, and "tolerance" is the new coin for coerced acceptance, and to question a lobbied direction is to be branded without consideration as "discrimination" - what then becomes of Discriminating Wisdom?  For example, racism is one thing - while lobbying for all races and skin colors to be null and become one race and one color is as abhorrent as it is absurd - I like all the races and skin tones and I am for mutual respectful appreciation of differences.  I want all the nations and cultures to remain nations and cultures, and to develop naturally and progressively, I don't want a One World Government!  The EU and NATO strive toward exactly this, and are getting it.

I frankly still embody the coming together of the most varied of religions to have them meet, listen, share, mutually appreciate and come away with something new and fresh - and I want my Catholics to be Catholics, Protestants Protestant, Buddhists to stay Buddhist, Jews Jews, Hindus Hindus - etc.!  Sexism can be confronted without killing the erotic in ourselves through PC - or take abortion:  as a liberal-thinking member of our culture, I'm not "for-abortions" as the oxymornic "pro-lifers" would call this, I am pro-choice, and therewith equally dismayed at the coerced abortions of China or like attitudes elsewhere, as in former East Germany.  Returning to LGBT as a lobby, by becoming ideologized and rigidly overweening, the issues have become the new coin of "where you stand on..." - and woe unto you as parents if you do not want your child sexualized with propaganda at an early grade school age, making homosexuality such an issue over and above your right to guide your child according to your timing, to your lights, and to your discriminating wisdom.  Or have we no more self-respect before every movement and every lobby which dictates how you orient ...!

I was also, since those early '70s, for the right to gender change of someone who with good reason could never relate to the gender he/she was born into, because I stand for the right of individuals to have access to lives full of grace and good-will, freedom and fulfillment, dignity and development, and the pursuit of happiness. The cult and culture of Political Correctness and mindless Relativism is not about that and never was. It is about the same ol' same ol' of power and domination, regardless of who's calling which shots. The relativism of being Politically Correct does not make something right.

Introducing sex-ed into early grade shool, even kindergarten, as is occurring today – at least in the EU-Regime's New Europe, and Canada, if not also the U.S. - and teaching, not merely acceptance toward (as if this also belongs to this age-group!) the new sacred-acronym, LGBT, but preference of and deference toward – mixing everything mindlessly up so that no discriminating power of the intellect may exist and everything becomes a gray sort of-kind of mentality with no compass, no reference point or orientation available or allowed to any individual's own moral perception – is not nor ever was my idea of a better future.

But that is the future we are having dictated to us, as lobbying ideologies only can do: dictate. It's the way of the world, as usual: power, control, domination.

This is not Love.

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