intention in coming to Germany, dating back to 1980, reflected my
concern in approaching post-Holocaust awareness from an entirely
fresh perspective, and to address the
unspoken victims of its aftermath: those Germans born late in the
course of Hitler's 12-year reign of terror or altogether afterward.
Meanwhile my discovery in 2005 of a certain Hr. Gröning, was a landmark after living in Berlin nearly 17 years. Gröning had been an NCO inthe SS, sent to Auschwitz to manage and administrate over the massive belongings taken from those arriving.
He had been "denazified" after the war and later in 2002 cleared of charges by a high court investigating Auschwitz personnel. What made him a remarkably anomaly was that he had also, late in life, told his family everything, openly confronted Holocaust-deniers which had gotten him hate mail and death threats from neo-Nazis who'd made open season him. And he gave interviews in broadcast and in print, firmly declaring himself to have played a role in what die-hard deniers worldwide still call "the lie." He was reflective and remorseful, wished contact with anyone of Jewish background.
Meanwhile my discovery in 2005 of a certain Hr. Gröning, was a landmark after living in Berlin nearly 17 years. Gröning had been an NCO inthe SS, sent to Auschwitz to manage and administrate over the massive belongings taken from those arriving.
He had been "denazified" after the war and later in 2002 cleared of charges by a high court investigating Auschwitz personnel. What made him a remarkably anomaly was that he had also, late in life, told his family everything, openly confronted Holocaust-deniers which had gotten him hate mail and death threats from neo-Nazis who'd made open season him. And he gave interviews in broadcast and in print, firmly declaring himself to have played a role in what die-hard deniers worldwide still call "the lie." He was reflective and remorseful, wished contact with anyone of Jewish background.
by his authenticity and the extreme unlikelihood of having come
across him, I corresponded immediately – openly, straight up and
without illusions. He responded, told me much about himself and was
genuinely grateful for my gesture. There was a healing which took
place in his life, a confirmation in mine, neither of which will be
noted in the world at large, but by God. And there it remained. I'd
shared this one-time exchange with others, Jews and non-Jews alike,
survivors and Berliners whose grandparents had been Hitler-resisters
at enormous risk. All had been moved to say the least, without
picking up on his recent retrial and sentence in 2015 led me to
follow it closely, seeing the grand manipulation of our present time
at work. For, having let real murderers go or remain untouched over
many decades, the now 12-year Merkel Administration of Gutmenschen
and an excessively Left-dominated ideology need to make new grand
gestures to please Washington, the EU and the world, how "good"
Germany really is. Ruling the policy making, the mainstream media,
the official Churches, the trade unions, and the Justice system in an
iron grip of political-correctness – that Hr. Gröning was even
retried at age 93 according to a newly passed law, and was found
personally and directly guilty of the collective crimes and mass
murders at Auschwitz, goes entirely against the Constitution and the
Basic Laws which were firmly embedded in the Federal Republic and now
are being cast aside and gradually abolished.
The trend today bespeaks a State and
its propaganda tactic actually working against the healing of
non-Jewish Germans and of all Jews. One can observe a glaring
Gutmensch hypocrisy and its instrumentalisation through
the machinations of the ideology of the Left.
The origins of this reshuffling of
the trick-deck stem from the immediate post-war plan to actually use
Germany as the bulwark against the Soviet threat – but likewise
never seriously "de-Nazify" or even address the issues which
would eventuate healing, as political expedience was sought – who
had time, who had time?
Real "neo-Nazis" (NPD in
particular) actually proved a useful tool for a manipulating
political elite, which unfortunately finds a support base in the
international arena and among Jewish agencies here (Central
Council and the Berlin Jewish Community) as well as outside of
Germany. Likewise in the mainstream media and, renewed, in the
climate of political-correctness of a self-loathing German Leftism
way out of wack – to keep the Nazi-clubbing alive and promoting a
kind of Nazi-conspiracy theory. By the latter is meant a
conspiracy-theorist's dream of finding a "Nazi" behind every
dissenting voice in today's climate.
Nefariously anti-Constitutional and
anti-democratic measures and practices are employed with artful
propaganda and manipulation, abuse of power, and misuse of annual
rituals of flagellation in place of ever, ever, ever coming to
terms with the history of the '30s and '40s, or of all things:
healing anything – healing is not wanted, neither by the
German Left nor the Jews who find it useful to ride the goad over the
mounds of those who'd perished under Nazi socialism.
Of course the the Hitler-admirers,
the irrelevant native ones here or the Jew-baiting geniuses
everywhere else in the West or all over the Muslim world (where Mein
Kampf is best seller 2nd only to the
Qur'an), would love to "see the job finished" -
this has nothing to do with the Germans i've observed and
lived among closely for over 27 years. It's a numbing insult to my
intelligence and to theirs, to regard Germans as inherently-fascist.
We actually boast a so-called "Center
for Political Beautification" - which openly delcares itself, in its
own words, aggressively humanistic: how much more
National-Socialist / Stalinistic / Orwellian / or Huxley can one ask
The fascism of the Left which has
gradually taken hold over the past decade-and-a-half, which rode in
on the backs of the '68er generation, i.e., the Greens and the (now
calling itself) Party of The Left – even to my dismay the SPD
(Social-Democrats), and which an East German trojan horse named
Merkel and another named Gauck have even dragged the (otherwise)
conservative CDU into – subsidizes the “Hitler Youth“ of today,
the re-booted “Antifa“. They send these rock and bottle throwing
mobs out on the streets to harrass and to attack and injure with
impunity, actual tax-paying citizens who legally and nonviolently
demonstrate in growing numbers against the intransigent policies of
Islamization and Islam-Appeasement, of massive forced infiltration by
largely Muslim populations under the questionable pretense of "war-refugees" and of "multi-culti". This and a likewise
bogus program (and programming) of gender-mainstreaming are being
enforced with a vengeance.
Those entities – a Party in the
case of AfD, a citizens' initiative in the case of Pegida, and
critical individual voices such as ex-Muslims, political scientists
and economists, also foreign journalists and authors, for example –
who openly address this with critical analysis, are scoffed at,
mocked, ignored, publicly defamed on conventional mainstream TV and
in print as "Nazis" as "Right-extremists" as "Nationalists",
fired, attacked, censored, declared persona non grata and fair
game under fatwas. They
are compelled to rely on heavy police escort (and in
individual cases 24-hr. police protection).
The notoriously brown NPD should have
and could have been outlawed decades ago and the mock-issue comes up
again every decade of its continued and secure existence, whether to
finally do this. The Bureau of the Protection of the Constitution is
constantly so occupied with keeping its paid informants in there,
that the fact these informants are ranking members of this
leglislatively sitting Party using that swell swag to finance their
activities only further, belies the lipservice paid to ever following
through and outlawing them – they are neo-Nazis, if anyone
here. but it pleaseth the political elite to keep them around as the
straw man, in order to bring more and fiercer actual political
pressure upon the real civil confrontation and challenge to
this regime's policies – those demanding respect for the
Constitution and the Basic Law, that the voters be taken seriously,
and a climate of free debate without defamation – who are denounced
and pilloried as "Nazis".
Gleichschaltug – it
had worked 12 yrs. for the National-Socialists, it had worked four
decades for the post-war East German Socialists, and it has already
proved to be working for the Merkel regime in our present time.
Yes, all because of the Holocaust –
but not its healing, not that – the "never-again!"s are
stale and are hollow, the sanctimoniously staged candlelight
demonstrations and the flowers, balloons, teddy bears, whatever –
all are part of a grotesque parade of “being good“ and for all
this: abominably, tastelessly, perversely cruel and bludgeoningly
redundant, with all the cold dead warmth of a cranked-up ideology
aspiring to ever new heights of decadence.
Neither shall this prove to be in the
interest of the well-being of Jews nor of Germans nor of Germany's
Through hatred toward Germany and the
morbid self-hating of Germans will come no healing, as healing was
never intended. It was my intention however, it still
is, and will remain as firmly so until it comes. At this
rate, and as destructive developments unfold before my eyes, there is
no hope in sight. We may find ourselves in a civil war yet.