Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Goodbye Schweden, lebe wohl Rechtsstaat

IN SCHWEDEN, hat man neulich erfahren, gibt's eine hohe Geldstrafe für das "..." in der gedrückten bzw. geschriebenen Wortwendung, "Refugee(s)" (anstatt einfach pauschal Refugee). Deutschland steht knapp davor, wenn nicht schon dran ist, dasselbe einzuführen. Ich werde klar stellen, hier und jetzt, wie es bei mir bleibt - und die Heikomaus-Nannys dürfen deren Zensur hinstecken da, "wo die Sonne nicht scheint". Also:

1. "Refugee" ist kein Refugee, "Flüchtlinge" ist kein Flüchtlinge, sowie "Asylbewerber" kein Asylbewerber ist, "Schutzsuchende" auch kein Schutzsuchende. Das gilt also für ca. 70%-90% von Merkels masseneingeladenen, unkontrollierten Gäste bzw. Neusiedler, nach Brüssler und Merkel'schem Sozial-Experiment.

2. "Feministin" ist keine Frauenrechtlerin, sondern WAR-Women, d.h., Women Against Rights for Women - in Deutsch, Frauen gegen Frauenrechte, sie führen also Krieg gegen Frauen.

3. Ähnlich so die "Anti"fa(schisten), die sich längst selbstverständlich als Profaschisten bewiesen haben.

4. Die "Anti"rassisten sind dabei auch gerade die Rassisten schlechthin.

5. "Islamophobie" ist konfrontative Kritik an Islam und das Aufdecken der Islamisierung, wie die islamaffin und kommunistische, christfeindliche, deutschfeindliche Linken sie darstellen wollen, um Deutungshoheit zu zwingen und behalten.

6. "Rechts" ist nur alles, was nicht Linksextrem ist.

7. "Kanzlerin" ist die Staatschefin im Amt(smißbrauch), die die deutsche Fahne verwerflich vor aller Welt wegwirft, ihr Volkseid anscheißt, ihr Volk in die Irre treibt, und ihr Land zerstört. Denn Kanzler ist etwas definitiv anders - ob Mann oder Frau, zwar lieber ein Mann.

8. "Justizminister", so wie "Verteidigungsministerin" gehören auch in "...", indem beide, bekleidet durch Heikomaus und von der Leichen, nur Darsteller sind und gar keinen kompetenten (weder fachlich noch geistig bzw.moralisch) Minister sind.

9. "Netz-gegen-Nazis" ist bekanntlich in Wahrheit nichts anders als Netz-für-Stasis.

10. "Sexismus" ist da, wo immer die "Feministinnen" (s.o.) sich es erlauben zu behaupten.

11. "Toleranz" (wie auch "liberal") sind in der Tat autoritär, und selbstfeiernde "Toleristen" sind nichts anders als Totalitäristen. 12. "Schweden" ist da, wo Schweden mal war, und leider, leider, nicht mehr ist.

12. "Schweden" ist da, wo Schweden mal war, und leider, leider, nicht mehr ist.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Germany: Time-Out, For A History Moment

When Evil passes itself off as “Good” or “Better”, and those working evil pass themselves off as the good guys, as in the case of Merkel and her cohort of opportunists and sycophants, as in the case of the CDU, the CSU, the SPD, The Greens, The Left, their subsidized ProFa (formerly known as “Anti”fa, but we know better), the leading mainstream Media (press, TV and film), the Churches, the Central Jewish Council, the Trade Unions - and when those who call them out on this, as critics and as opposition, by right and by obligation toward the Constitution and Basic Law, in the form of free assembly and free speech, or in the form of a true conservative and democratic oppositional party, the AfD (comprised largely by those who’d left all those above named parties), when these in the real Opposition are ceaselessly defamed, libeled, pressured, bated, virulently ridiculed in the public forum and physically threatened in the wings, by the mob, via terrorist house-visitations: yes, defamed and libeled as “Nazis” - then we can see who the Fascists are, and where the real threat lies, underneath The Great Lie.

Time-Out for a Reality-Check: In the 1920s, the German Communist Party, or KPD, invested all of its vitriole and venomous diatribes against the Social-Democrats (SPD), who themselves would never make common cause with the Communists. The KPD, being far more oriented on Moscow than on itself as a German-socialist national movement, was so negatively focused on the SPD as foremost arch-enemy, that it thoroughly - and fatally - way underestimated the other, anti-Bolshevik, socialists who had grasped that they’d catch more votes and win the race for power by throwing “national” into their program, and of course “workers”. Yes, friends, the Communist DKP saw only in the Social-Democratic SPD their “arch-enemy” - and in the National-Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) their competitors. Let me repeat that: their competitors.

The InterNational-Socialists of the KPD and the National-Socialists (or Nazis, as they came to be called by the Commies) were the Red and the Brown sides of one cloth. When they weren’t beating up on other non-believers, they held frequent brawls against each other on the streets or in beer halls or storming one another’s meetings. Sometimes they took to the streets arm in arm when it concerned some matter of “workers’ gripes” on which they made competing claims - and the next day they were back to breaking each other’s jaws on the same street where they’d just been marching together. They were both Left - Brown or Red - the actual Right has always been and remains today, national-conscious and conservative.

Being competitors for power and differentiated by precious little, they shared in common a strong predisposition toward brute violence, a weakness for Soviet-style bad poster art, a mind-dominating oratory style which sometimes could reach charismatic proportions, a program which relied on indoctrination and zero-tolerance, and a grasp of how deeply serious the national crisis was at the moment and how to exploit it and the voters’ pulse to achieve power at all costs (which pulse the Nazis grasped better - because theirs was a lone leader who focused on Germany and not Moscow’s beck and call). One may well argue, that only Hitler could come up with a Holocaust - and one would be correct - but it would evade the entire point, such as the Cultural Marxists (post-WWII till today, 2018) would only too gladly have one do. Socialists will always build Concentration Camps (Ernst Thälmann of the KPD and founder of the original Antifa, when asked in prison what they would have done had they, rather than the National-Socialists, achieved power, admitted that the same methods would have applied).

Just as an aside - Goebbels began as a KPD member, a hefty number of Communists streamed over to the Nazis when the latter grew in strength. Yeees, “the Communists were the great resisters” and all that myth and legend, but the matter was not so cut and dry - certainly not clean, as the storybook version which so many have grown up on, would have it. I’m not letting anyone off the hook. Hammer-and-sickle or swastika, take your pick of totalitarian dictatorship-of-the-(ever-evasive)-“Proletariat”.

Socialists will always build Concentration Camps, they will always build Gulags, Berlin Walls, Re-education Camps, imprison or shoot dissidents, extensively spy on their own citizens and heat up a rigid cold-blooded climate of denunciations, exert and out-do themselves in mass murder to achieve hoplessly “brilliant” programs such as Four-Year-Plans, and Five-Year-Plans, and Social Experiments, and Great-Step-Forwards. Okay, maybe not always only Socialists - but none other comes to mind, as Socialists simply have always cornered the market on the Temple of -Ism.

The actually fringe groups of neo-Nazis you have in today’s Germany, I mean actual “right-extremists” of the violent sort, such as - oh sure, I’ll name them - European Action, The Third Way, The Right, are all purely wannabes as far as any effect they have on the population (that’s the reality, not what the mainstream media would tell you), no power and no chance in hell of getting any. Likewise the notorious ultra-right NPD party, having a few seats in a few state legislatures, and that’s as much as they’ve achieved in 60 years. (But oh, we have to “fight the Nazis”.)

Right. I’ll tell you what the System politicians and the System media also don’t want you to know, but it’s the truth, yeah, I’ll let ya in on a little secret: First, these all (yes, even the NPD) openly call themselves not “National-Socialist”, as that would be literally prohibited by law here you see, but “National and Socialist”. Get it? No hyphen and no putting the two words into one - no legal bind, but the message is clear. Now, here’s the killer: All those “Right-wing extremists” are in fact Left-wing extremists. (What did he just say?!) Yes. They are national and they are socialist, making them - like their predecessors - nothing other than competitors with the international and socialist “Anti”fa - welcome to Germany 2018, one century after the end of WWI, as it enters its third crisis with Socialist dictator-states inside of four score and...five years. Because real nationalists, you see, are conservatives - not Right-wingers, and certainly not extremists. The party Alternative for Germany (AfD) is the only national-oriented, liberal-conservative democratic Opposition giving any hope to Germany and Europe.

The organs of Merkel-State power, under which auspices her SPD Minister of Justice Heiko Maas plays Grand Inquisitor of Political Correctness, and under whose auspices ex-Stasi Informer Anetta Kahane runs The Antonio-Amadeu-(Stasi-Informers)-Foundation and “Network-Against-Nazis”, pursue their thoroughly bogus “Kampf-gegen-rechts” (Fight-Against-The-Right), but against whom? Those above-mentioned neo-Nazis? The NPD? Likewise no! These can all rest easy - they may be under observation and, as we know, infiltrated by Homeland “Security”, but they have nothing to worry about, they’ll be left alone so far as that is convenient for the State. Noooo, the levers of Dark Power are guiding the heavy pressure against the decidedly non-violent and effectively dissident Pegida, against the likewise non-violent Identitarian Movement, against the popularly voted AfD, now sitting in the Bundestag and yet still not spared open and underhanded psychological warfare, physical attacks, vandalism, stalking and threats of violence and/or death. THESE dissident voices are called with impunity, ”Nazis”. And this tactic is as Socialist as it gets.

So now the “secret” is out. I’ll let you in on something else: As with Thälmann back in that prison, should today’s Red/Green Left (that means the current far-left current of the (treacherous and paying for it) SPD, the party of The Left to say the least , The Greens by all means) ever gain the reins of government - which still remain in the feeble hands of Merkel’s long since unrecognizable CDU - adhering to a System which always governs in some coalition arrangement, never one party alone - this very Left would, and has implied as much, erect Concentration Camps in the form of former East-Germany’s GDR Re-education Camps, they would gather and put any and all dissidents not-Left-enough, starting with their own ranks and then spreading out to arrest and incarcerate persons and/or family members, from the AfD, from Pegida, from the Identitarians. Likewise journalists, public figures who became suspect or just denounced. The climate is moving at an accelerating pace in this direction.

One of our most off-the-wall but precious and sharp-witted political critics and satirists, the Germany-loving Turkish-born Akif Pirinçci, spoke about a year and a half ago at a Dresden Pegida demo, during which he made critical remarks toward how Merkel’s power structure deals with critics of her mass unvetted OpenBorders immigration “policy”, he clearly said - and can be clearly heard doing so: “They might have another solution for us (dissidents), but the former concentration camps aren’t available at present.” Enfant-terrible among writers of literature and critical satire, yes, but he happened to be correct. And what did the entire Merkel-loyal press (printed and television) as well as celebrity whores and political incompetents do with this?* Why, they knowingly turned it around and completely re- or misquoted him as saying that “refugees belong in concentration camps” - resulting in a whipped up hysteria and character assassination, causing every mainstream publisher and bookstore to halt print of his best-selling works, take his books off the shelves, freeze his accounts. Had he not been ahead of the game and had other recourses to keep his career alive at all, for example retaining the loyalty of two publishers who are on our side, he’d have been driven out of public existence. He is still here, no thanks to German Law and Democracy.

*(An example of why they’ve earned the name here, "Lügenpresse").

Neither my being Jewish (normally a bonus in this Federal Republic) nor an American citizen would spare me, theoretically, from landing there myself, considering my convictions of conscience, my attitudes, my activities in what amounts to Resistance - such as the Germans I join on the streets are called upon by their own Basic Law to exercise in circumstances such as one faces today under Merkel and her Cartel. Let there be no mincing of words here, and no misunderstanding: Either we win or they do. If we break them, it’s over, the globalists are finished, and Communism which has never delivered on anything but failure, farce and futility, will have breathed its last. If they win, we will never see a chance again - and those Camps will be full.
No difference - none whatsoever, nada:

PRO-Fa – of course!
We have been mistaken all along in calling the "Anti"fa by this completely contradictory designation (with or without my "-"), and that has caused a lot of confusion. I apologize to myself, to my readers, and to the above-mentioned hordes themselves.

They will from here on, receive their appropriate designation – whether in Germany or elsewhere in Europe, or the States, or Canada, or Australia: Profa. This way we don’t need "-", or even to bother with remarks or explanations or distinctions.

They are Pro-Fascist in every sense of the word, by their attitude, actions, tactics, character, world view. Their own doctrine and indoctrination, their own propaganda and self-idolizing, their own urge to dominate and destroy, their own logic-poor rhetoric and tantrum-setting, contempt toward life and toward the lives of others, their own nihilistic narcissism, their own pathological symptoms of criminal largesse – these are just a taste of what makes "Anti"fa in fact and indeed, simply Profa. Why didn’t I hit on this earlier, it would have saved on so much typing out.

Wir erklären hier und jetzt, den Kampf-gegen-Links, den Netz-gegen-Stasis. Wir sind gegen jede Art von Links-Populismus, Linksextremismus, linke Gewalt. Glaubt man wirklich, daß die Rechtsextremen in der Tat “rechts” sind? Die sind links, im jeden Sinn des Wortes!

Sowie die National-Sozialisten (Nazis) damals und die InterNational-Sozialisten (Internazis) der KPD, beide waren - und sind heute wieder - nicht anders als die rote Seite und die braune, des eine und dasselbe Stoffs. Nämlich: doktrin- und gewaltaffin, rigide, intolerant, nihilistisch, narzistisch, totalitär, machtgeil und verantwortungsscheu, einsichtsarm, emotional unterentwickelt, pro-Islam wenn nicht auch beide pro-Islamisierung, beide System-dienend ob direkt oder indirekt, ob bewusst oder unbewusst.

Wir sagen den Kampf an, da wo sie gegen uns Krieg führen, wir machen uns kampfbereit, wir werden deren eigene hirntoten Wortwendung in der Hand nehmen und mit Chutzpah und Schmackes deren mechanisch-ewig wiederholten Parolen sie bedienen. Mit gläsernen starren Augen werden sie wortlos da stehen - und dann, wenn’s ankommt, werden sie in so einer Rage geraten bis zum Platzen, und vielleicht bringen wir sie zu Zusammenbruch.

Denn ihren Safe-Space und Comfort-Zones sind leicht verletzlich, ihren traumatisierte Welt und mangelhaftes Selbstbild schnell getriggert.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


The self-appointed "Tolerance"-Brigades are themselves traditionally Totalitarian;
The "Anti"-racists are unequaled in their own sacred racism;
The ("Anti"-phobic) Islamophiles, unequaled in their unwavering ignorance concerning Islam, and their indifference toward the Shari'a - and jihad - which it brings;
The "Anti"-sexism "Feminists", unequaled in their femen-venom and phenomenal denial-complex;
The Rainbow-Diversity freaks and #OpenBorders Cultists, unequaled in their crude bourgeois monotonous banality (parading as color);
The "Anti"fa, unequaled in its cowardice, its sneaking, underhanded brand of fascism, its violence;
The "SJW"s, unequaled in their incapacity to think, either concretely or abstractly, and in their lack of character;
The "Gender"-friendly, LGBT-at -all-costs #OneWorld "Liberals", unequaled in their determination to destroy anything of heritage, anything worth preserving or conserving, unequaled in their morbidly suspicious aversion to the notion of even addressing, much less tackling head-on, the matter of pedophilia;
The self-righteous Trump-bashers - and especially Hillary-loyal - unequaled in their glaringly theatrical hypocrisy and faked, manipulating emotions;
The loyal (or just complacent) Merkel-voters (not the "average" ones, any of them, all of them!), unequaled in their obstinate, reckless stupidity, period;
The loyal (or just complacent) voters of The Left, or of The Greens, or of the SPD, unequaled in brain-damaged opportunism or just plain decadence;
The AfD-voter is unequaled. ... No, that's it - just...unequaled.
There will be war, it has already long since been declared by the forces we have against us, not the other way around. Inasmuch as the war of real and sane Information against State-fake propaganda, the war of free minds against bludgeoning censorship by the Left and the cold truncheon of political correctness, may not be won - and it will prove to be the most decisive war in our lives - then it will come to civil war. If not in the States, certainly in Germany.

And this is what the EU has wanted all along. This is according to Plan, this is what Soros is really about, the Clintons, the NWO, NATO, Deep State, in fact the Pentagon's New Map, for that matter. Play the sides against each other inside of a single national people, culture. Then gaslight them really well, and polarize them further, quite seemingly beyond any chances of return to balance or reconciliation. Weaken and abolish the national military, weaken and infiltrate the polcie with criminal elements from Muslim Clans, keep the ethnic German citizens from ever legally acquiring arms, And the neighboring European countries, these ethnically diverse nations, will learn to despise Germany again, for Merkel’s Plan and “experi-mental” policies: Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, even France. And in Germany itself, civil war.

If it comes to arms, I'll be here to defend.
If it comes to a face-off, we'll stand our ground.
If it comes to sacrifice, we'll show discipline.
And we'll win.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

REAL Women Rising

17 Feb 2018 - Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Thousands were called, some thousand-plus showed.  And really showed!

Between the "Anti"fa and their unwilling help, the police, many were either cowed from showing up or gave up after being turned away at so many police force preventing any direct access to our advertised starting point.

Women who'd known demos their entire adult life, of all ages, and those who'd never taken to the streets before.  Men who don't cosmetize their eyes, lips or fingernails to show "how feminist" they are.  Young and "old", women and men, youth, lots of flags of the German Federal Republic - like the one Merkel tossed away, on camera, at her 2013 election win - no "pussy-hats", just real people confronting real issues:  the macabre rise in sexual harrassment, in rapes, in armed and otherwise physical attacks, and in murder against women, against gays, and against Jews, specifically and verifiably by Merkel's invited "enrichers", her "refugees" and "asylum-seekers" (a glaring 70% of whom are neither the one nor the other, and largely criminal at that) from almost entirely Muslim cultures.

This is denied and/or relativized only by the dominating neo-Communist Leftist/Green climate, including all the conformist and brainwashed established parties at state and federal level through their policies and their propaganda, by the mainstream press and television, by the establsihed Churches (Protestant and Catholic as well as "Freikirche" Baptist congregations), by the Trade Unions, by the Jewish Community of Berlin and elsewhere and its Central Council, and of course by the paid-and-played stormtrooping useful idiots of the "Anti"fa and their terrorist "Black-Block".  Yet even some of these mentioned are reconsidering, the rest are losing their grip and for this reason escalating their violent vitriole and tactics against us.  Let it be duly and unmistakeably noted:  In a recent article appearing in the Jewish press, the columnist pointedly addresses the fact that anti-Jewish ("antisemitic") attacks in Germany statistically are anything but from "right-extremists", rather massively present on the part of imported or newly racicalized Muslims - Arabs, Africans, Turks.

Of course, it's long and well established, that "only" the "Anti"fa gets to speak out for women's rights and dignity - for neither of which these have ever accomplished anything whatsoever.  If normal citizens free of, or at least independent of, any political affiliation or ideology which isn't Communist or even merely "Left enough", gather and organize and take to the streets to make a loud and clear statement concerning women, the Left takes that rather badly, because they are mentally incapacitated by Blue Pills and other drugs, they are emotionally stuck at about age three.  And behave accordingly, in grown bodies.

There were in fact - I know of one case specifically - open knife attacks by Syrian and Afghani Guests-of-Merkel's on our persons, spontanously prevented by the police who otherwise did a miserable job of seeing to the unhindered passage of our demo.  These are the non-German speaking "enrichers" promised by Merkel and convinced by the Rainbow-loving Leftist Tolerance-Troops, that we were out to "have them all put in concentration camps or worse" in order to set them upon us with the knives they usually carry anyway - oh, not the Left or "Anti"fa themselves, mind you, they're "for world peace" (through the extermination of Germany).  The peace-loving Rainbow-RED "Anti"fa applied their usual arsenal of tactics:  whereas it's bouquets and teddy bears and all manner of convoluted excuses for Merkel-imported Muslim rapists and killers, we will be treated to having bottles and rocks thrown at us - and Hitler-salutes (likewise prohibited by German law).

The opening addresses - which thanks to street access being cut off we wound up missing - were eloquently delivered by two very celebrated and appreciated dissidents:  Dr. David Berger, an LGBT activist (for which community he became persona non gratis due to his tireless criticism and warnings toward them concerning Islamisation) and the Lebanese-born journalist and film-maker Imad Karim (like David Berger also under attack by the internet.censorship).  As mentioned, the organizer herself is Kurdish-born, ex-Muslim, and a Christian convert.  Also present were the British activist Tommy Robinson and Pegida's founder from Dresden, Lutz Bachmann.  All unoffically represented, likewise from the Identitarians and from the AfD (Alternative for Germany) party.

So, to keep this short:  The entire Demo and March, robustly beginning in the "heart"land of the "Anti"fa and Gutmensch-Left, namely the Kreuzberg district, and the equally robust Show of Presence before the Chance-Liary where Merkel despotically ignores her own nation, covered a period of exactly six hours in the February cold.  The March from the starting point to the said final destination was cut short for over two hours by the police who insisted that they had to first "clear the blockading "Anti"fa which were allegedly already throwing stones (as they are indeed wont to) and we could not advance forward - this turned out to be a complete lie, there had been no "blockade" which we could not have moved right through, and the police had only made a gesture by arresting and carting away a few bed-wetters from the "Che Guevera-wannabes".

Furthermore, the police had done everything they could, under the orders by the severely far-Left governing body, i.e., Senate and Police Presidium - while being "so nice" as to escort us en route to the Chancellery - to simultaneously prevent us from ever reaching that destination by a) talking some people out of even taking the trouble to go there after this (police engineered) fiasco, b) hindering their way over there via "sudden" checkpoints, c) and brute force in the case of about fifty people - middle-aged and older, and their kids accompanying them - and various other scare-and-discouragement tactics such as we'd already seen ourselves or caught wind of.

In fact, as it turns out:  whereas we'd loudly called upon the police blocking our passage on the bogus "grounds" of their "having problems" clearing the "Anti"fa, or that "counter-demonstrators" ahve the "same rights" to be there as we (a compleely unconstitutional lie, as no one has the right to actually blockade our demos, which the Left however always does whenever they can, can gets away with it), we called upon the police to get out their water cannons and do what they are known to be capable of and frankly obligated when ordered to resort to, to clear the "Anti"fa out.  Not only would they not, they blankly informed us without any qualms about it, that they would use this against us, and their rubber truncheons as well, should we have broken through as we were qutie seriously on the verge of doing.  Yours Truly and a lot of very angry women and the men among whom I counted myself, arms linked and chawin' at the bit.

I repeat:  I saw them preparing full riot gear – only not against them, but rather against us should we break through their illegal and unconstitutional farce in protecting rather than clearing the decidedly violent „Anti“fa.

I should especially note here, that in this capital, Berlin, as in Cologne or Munich or Hamburg – all neo-Communist Red-Greens dominated major cities – whenever Erdogan-loyal Turks march en masse, covering said streets in a sea of Turkish national flags (some ranging in size reaching half a city block), demonstrating an openly stated attitude of superiority over the very German population whose land they are inhabiting, and over all non-Muslims (kufar) in general – THIS is never met with anti-Turkish demonstrators (except in the case of  Kurds of course) or with any problem by the self-loathing, anti-German “Anti”fa.  The police would never think of blocking the Turks, they would have a war on their hands.

Last summer they'd tried this on us (we were a legally registered Identitarian Demo) and we all stormed then in the other direction to get around this, but it didn't come off because the police had their orders from the top to prevent us in either direction - and that day the entire demo was capped.  Fine, well and good.  But not this time.  After an angry, non-violent but women-tough stand-off with the "de-escalating" police we all headed under police escort, mind you, to the still distant Chancellery, by foot and by bus and subway - even as some were told by some police, not even to bother going because "there ain't nothing happening over there anyway"...  Well, the "ain't nothing happening" was of course another state-ordered deception to discourage the numbers from showing which showed anyway.  And with gusto.  A helicopter hovered briefly overhead, the light and sound system was shut off (as had likewise occurred in Dresden) until we got a generator going and continued to the end.  It was a very spirited last hour or more to what wound up being a productive afternoon and evening.  And the tone determined that we will return the next time to the streets of Kreuzberg and the next time and the next.  We will take back Berlin.  Germany will take back Germany.  Women will take back their dignity!

(What Merkel does in 2013 with the national flag at her third election celebration for all the world to see, gives one as stark an impression as it gets, of what she has intentionally done with Germany - and STILL people voted for her a fourth time, but 2017 was blisteringly weak, and the CDU (as likewise the SPD, the FDP, and even The Left and The Greens) had gone on to lose a significant number of its own reps, membership, and voters, to the AfD: )

Just a first taste of "how our day went", the "Anti"fa you see on the balcony (in the first of six links given below) gives you a sense of the heart of whose territory we were taking the street, they wound up blockading, as always, the entire demo with a sit-in which the police had orders from above NOT to remove although illegal and although they are there to do just that: protect us from their violence and to remove their blocking tactics.

The police, who normally on Mondays are more likely "with us" - as it turned out here, and we know this also from experience, there WAS no real "blockade" to speak of, way up front at the spearhead where I was shoulder to shoulder with the coolest elderly ladies you'd ever want to be there with - just had orders not to let our legally registered demo through. We demanded in vian, that they set their water cannons on them, or tear gas - they would have  on us, as it turns out, had we broken through.  The March was called by a fabulous Kurdish-born AfD-member and literally welcome to all, she is a gem; the "Anti"fa on the other hand, is thoroughly supported with taxpayers' funds, via the SPD, The Left, and The Greens, all of whom took part in their defamations and sit-in. We did NOT give an inch or a cm.

The police, as it so happened, were so in line with the Red-Green Berlin politics (as the Senate etc. are known) that they could not seem to get it together to clear our legitimate and rightful passage for us on the street, yet they could offer us necessary escort all the fucking way to the Chancellery – for those who footed it – in the face any possible number of "Anti"fa attacks coming from any dark street en route,. And the police were evidently already at the Chancellery waiting for us while also stopping us on the bridge just prior to the spot, to suggestively discourage still more from coming – which they couldn't, so we cleared that up in a jiffy. This manner of state-managed chicanery not only was evident to us, at times soft-pedaling and at moments quite brutishly reacting to a father and son within our demo as the police's staged passivity toward the "Anti"fa and fake-assurances to assuage us sent some into a proper rage. And Leyla Bilge, the AfD Representative in the Bundestag who first called the Demo and March, will address this very directly and forcefully during the next Bundestag order of the day.

She will address, why would the police not have cleared the considerably minimal number of "Anti"fa blocking, but instead had set up police barricades from the start, in such a manner which only helped the "Anti"fa to stuff the streets and to a shocking degree hindered oncoming Marchers, many of whom had traveled far to get here - and furthermore, why the police in fact were just standing about or walking loosely among those blockading "Anti"fa pants-wetters liek it was a picnic (in Hamburg at the G20 last summer the police were quite able to move the trash out.  With water and with tear gas.

(Some opening comments by my dear Lady who carried our humble but trusty camera):

"On the way to the venue at Hallesches Tor, two subway stations were closed, and the announcement was that the subway would not stop at the designated stations, but would pass through.
"So we got out and walked to our destination.
"Every street was blocked by the Antifa, so we had a hard time reaching the event.
"Once there, a chain of police protected us from from the attacks of Antifa.
"The worst mouth-frothing defamation on the part of Antifa accompanied our way.
"I'm sure that many people were on the way to the women's demo, but were deterred by this gauntlet, or did not even find the appointed location.
"You have to experience it yourself to really understand that we live in some kind of democracy, and we're moving straight on the road to dictatorship.
"But I am very proud of the brave women and men who supported us from all parts of Germany in Berlin."

 I'd passed out 100 of these at the Women's March, wearing my #KravMaga cap - I should have printed out at least 200, they went like hotcakes:

One other "little moment" to share form the Women's March, shown in the fifth link below:

On the one hand this was a very mixed crowd of real, normal.ticking civilians - Berliners and many who'd traveled from all over far and near to be here, alike - who were united in determination not to give any ground; and likewise lighthearted enough to while away a bit of the 2-hour+ "blockade" time, preventing us - only on the part of the orders-taking police, as it really turned out - from moving forward.

With some tunes and move-yer-booty, parodying well-known hits with rewritten lyrics.
One dear lady along with us there, told us she (as with many who've since woken up) used to be at Leftist demos, and whereas she always found them loaded with a jaded boredom and frankly not-very-nice-OR-tolerant but very clueless people, she delighted in seeing how loose and friendly, how welcoming, how human, how spot-on and REAL, we "right-wing-Nazis-and-racists" actually are.


Six-part Take off our little camera, of the March, followed by a larger presentation ending with the actual - really excellent - talks delivered at the end, in front of the Chancellery:


Eric Graziani'a Takes (part 3) of the Women's March after being finally broken off by the police and we all headed off en masse to the Chancellery which was to have been our end destination in the first place.  There the speakers, minus Dr. David Berger and Imad Karim who had already spoken at the start of the demo, delivered (again) their addresses with such strength and vigor, and received in kind.  These were, among others, Lelya Bilge herself, Christian civil-activist Heidi Mund from Frankfurt, and the day's second LGBT-spokesman, with no one mincing any words. (Oh my, we are sooo shamefully homophobic, we "Nazis"!)

Imad Karim:

Dr. David Berger:

According to the hopelessly credibility-poor "Left" - that is, the ruined SPD party, the parties of The Left and The Greens (and the compromised-beyond-hope CDU/CSU), and of course the SPD/Left/Greens subsidized and participated "Anti"fa, "Interventionist-Left", and other terrorists and terrorism-supporters, I am a "Nazi". And they are correct, I am just that:

N.A.Z.I. In plain German, that's: Non-conforming To Islamisation.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

#MeToo Dense to See Through The Manipulation

I am looking forward, with bated breath, to this coming Saturday's (17 Feb 2018) Berlin Demo (under the hashtag, "120-decibels"), which should be massive, as it is intended to finally on this scale draw attention – on the streets, with normal women, normal men, and their children and grandchildren – to what Merkel's #OpenBorders has done to women across Berlin, Germany, EUrope.   A march beginning in the heart of the Kreuzberg district and ending at Merkel's door, the Chance-Liary as I call it.  I say it should bring a massive turnout, and there are some appreciably well-known names who will lend their presence to address this with the woman who organized the event.

She is Leyla Bilge, Kurdish Ex-Muslim, in the AfD Party, and a rising spokeswoman for women outside the Merkel-Box of State-propaganda. She is addressing what the Left never will, ever. And as the demo is not Leftist organized or financed or bespeaking Leftist party subsidized Thuggery, but spanning liberal and conservative norms of thinking and concern, it may not boast the numbers which the Left always brings out onto the street, but the kind of Berliners who are usually not prone to demonstrate – or "agitate" as the mainstream subsidized media will label this afterward. In fact, the "Anti"fa has already called for a "counter-demo" with open threats toward those of us attending.

The Left, the Socialists, never wanted to free anyone in their lives, they want the victims for themselves, they always want to own any movement, own the victims and be the new masters. After decades of being for that same Left, and having left it behind me since more than a decade now, and studying till as of this writing what makes them tick, I find myself hitting on one aha-moment after another.

Wherever victims speak out, the Left is there to hijack the issue. Today's most prominent example is of course the most starkly real, of real women's issues: that of actual Islamic practices under a Shari'a wich is being imported to the West through an Islamisation which the Left wants to deny while at the same time in fact promote and assist. Matters such as FGM, or "honor"-killings, or child-brides, or hijabs and burqas – to name but a few which have reached the concerned public. Add to that the factual rise in sexual assaults on German girls and women, assaults ranging from verbal and physical harrassment to rape to murder – specifically on the part of Merkel's "safe-haven-seeking refugees" in the form of a majority of single males within an average age range of 19 to 35 – often passing themselves off as "17" and getting away with it. While actually siding with the Merkel-imports and pimping German girls off on them as an open and direct matter of Leftist agenda, the Left creates a largely bogus and over-hyped #MeToo Lobby on account of mostly Hollywood movers and shakers whom they've accepted all these years and decades without a word, but when the issues there suddenly break open and the shit comes to light – the shit which everyone knew about since Hollywood existed – now ALL men are created equal-and-guilty-of-"sexism".

And, as I've repeatedly pointed out since Harvey Weinstein made headlines becoming a household word over "revelations" which were hardly that, giving the celebrity-icon class its new commercial Image 2017 using the #MeToo motto (Everyone get on this bandwagon!), I will point out once again: This is a tiny percent actually about women demanding an end to sexual harrassment and coercion, and to a far, far greater degree really about distracting from the pedophile industry ruling the public and the private arenas from Hollywood to Europe, from Canada to Australia – and of course all of Asia, Near East, Africa, by most lucrative association. This interests the "SJW-Femen" of the totalitarian Left still less than anything really addressing women's issues.

What happens when the real victims call a march – no pussy hats, no fake, bogus issues – but REAL ones, with REAL women in the thousands and REAL men with them, no cucks, no celebrities, no icons of the feminism-hijacking Left. I'll tell you: they absolutely flip out! Suddenly all these demonstrating are "right-wing extremists", suddenly we are all "Nazis and fascists". Because we are taking on the real issues. They can't have that, they can't pull that off themselves, so they have to undermine, tear down and force out, destroy, anything which for them is The Competition – that being, non-Left, non-Communist citizens, real flesh-and-blood men and women on the streets over an issue or bona fide concern.

There was a Monday demo in Berlin, running nearly two years – every Monday, a demonstration for peace, against war, a peaceful non-violent demonstration for peace! With thousands coming. And NO Leftists on the Agenda. NO Maoist Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) – yeah, it really exists – no Greens-dominated, or from anyone dominated, gathering, it was pure civil initiative. It was under steady attack by the regular "Anti"fa, the parties of The Left, The Greens, the SPD. It would not only have been there still today, but enormous. Instead, it dwindeled steadily due to these undemocratic mobs and thuggery of Leftist Fascism (upon which mention any one of the latter would ask you wide-eyed what you meant by that, then roll their eyes before bashing you). No more of this Monday demo, it was driven away during this last year, because it wasn't Left. It was neither left nor right, it was against any impending war with Russia on account of Merkel's hostile positioning.  (The actually self-proclaimed "Peace Movement", the darling of the Left, was nowehre to be seen in the first place - they stayed home and let their "Anti"fa bash and bully a real, no-brand-name civil initiative such as this one.)

The Left has to always dominate, hijack, undermine, twist issues – and own the victims.

#120db is the REAL #MeToo :

MeToo movement "never wanted anything to do with the victims of Bill Clinton" - (It’s “disheartening” the Me Too movement "never wanted anything to do with the victims of Bill Clinton” according to a woman who claims the former President raped her.) -

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Berlin's Red-Green Senate, Crime, "Anti"fa, and LGBT

The three (inofficially speaking but quite effectively) communist parties dominating the Berlin Senate in particular and German policies in general - namely the gradually severe left-leaning SPD, the post-GDR party of The Left, and the pedo-decadent deconstructionist Greens - are all in part the legacy of Teflon-Merkel's 4th (and weakening) term in (abuse of) Office. (Let it be understood, Merkel (CDU) is the "neo-liberal" new face of East German Communism in which she was trained and groomed to be where she is today.)

This "red-red-green" Senate, as it is known, has a habitual record of perpetrator-friendly victim-contemptuous policies, producing a climate reflected in the following (article below) conditions, to give one example of crass indifference and reckless attitudes toward the civil population:

2,500 cases (discounting the real, unpublished figures) of cellar/basement break-ins and massive theft. The perpetrators are already known to the police. In all of these cases but one, judges have dismissed the arrests out of hand, period, no detention. In the one sole case of an actual arrest warrant, the judge set him free anyway.

This is hard for an American reading this to even grasp, I know, but there it is - it was also not always so in the history of Berlin police work or the courts, however the Left has always had a soft spot for systematic criminals, organized crime, underworld pressure, blackmail and extortion - as a matter of deconstructionist ideology.

This is the face of German neo-Communism, 2018.
(You don't believe me? Fine, "don't believe" me.),w=993,q=high,c=0.bild.jpg

(Schon 2500 Fälle Diebesbanden räumen
Berlins Keller leer Polizei kennt die Täter – aber alle sind auf freiem Fuß)


Just short of three years ago in Berlin, the mainstream-LGBT itself paraded en masse through the heavily Turkish/Arabic Muslim problem-district of Neukölln. And no one in the MSM had any "problem" with them doing just that, no accusations of "provocation". Meanwhile, at that very same time of day, we were attending a memorial at the very spot where a young gay Israeli passing through had just a week earlier been brutally murdered and disfigured by an Albanian (hint: not an Orthodox Christian one), in an evident hate-crime.

Conspicuously absent from the memorial gatherig were any representatives of the LGBT lobby, one of whose prominent spokesmen also held a leading position in the Jewish Community - he preferred to be with all the LGBTs in Neukölln. That was his choice. Tough call.

Now you hear in the following (reposting, all English) Swedish "Anti"fa vs. LGBT "Moment", how "far-right entities sidetrack" an LGBT "inofficial" contingent to make "an Islamophobic" statement. The visibly Communist-identified "revolutionary chica" or the nose-pierced Rainbow-"SJW"-girl are only too glad to explain their "logic" in bashing the "fake" Ls, Bs, Gs and Ts...

Antifa Side with Refugees over the LGBT

