Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sweden Weeps

SwedenâÄÖs Prime Minister Stefan Lofven and Deputy Prime Minister Asa Romson during a news conference at the government headquarters in Stockholm

Sweden is weeping, shall we weep with – or is it fake?
Europe's been sleeping, and will not awake.
When Greens weep it's dramatic, for best effect
before the cameras, standing with a Social-Democrat.

Ah, the Green-woman's the Walrus to the President's Carpenter!
Is she weeping for the shameless denial of their heritage and culture?
Or the utter neglect and decay of basic social principles,
such as protection of nation and borders, on the part of elected criminals?

I'm merely asking, for whom she breaks into tears of charity...
could it be for the massive number of rapes per capita, lies there her sincerity?
Evidently not, I'm afraid, nor for other Muslim "enrichments" brought
in unlimited numbers, with violence and domination – all this was sought

of course, by the Swedish Gutmenschen who'd literally stated
that anything "exotic" is preferable to ours (so boring and overrated),
out of pathological contempt for their own land and culture –
see with clear eyes how these are fed to the vultures!

No, this Chairwoman so Green is weeping at the news, in fact,
that the borders will actually finally be closed – she feels whacked,
and this is understandable, the poor dear's hard-fought ideology
of decadence and destruction for which she naively, narcissistically

betrayed her countrymen, and worse: countrywomen – but take heart,
O Green one, Asa Romson, there is one woman still taking your part:
Germany's Merkel will never let these borders be sealed, come what may!
She really feels your pain – which is a remarkable feat, to our dismay,

as she has proven herself characteristically incapable of feeling anything
at all toward anyone anywhere other than staged, and there's no ring
of truth or substance in all that she represents, but she is intransigent –
she is that – and will see to it that Germany follows Sweden's tragic bent.

Kanzlerin Angela Merkel CDU zur Frauenquote

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