Thursday, November 19, 2015

"Dear Jihadi": Post for the Progeny of the Prophet

"Political Islam" is self-redundant and an obfuscation, as if there were "non-political" – much the same way "Military Intelligence" is a celebrated oxymoron.  Unlike any world-religion which can be named, "The-Religion-Of-Peace" is if anything, by its own very definition thoroughly political.

"Dear Jihadi: psychiatrically speaking, one can certainly understand your suicidal wishes and tendency.  Go ahead, please do it, please carry it out.  Just stop taking others with you – stop it.  Quietly and without further ado, put the barrel in your own mouth – make sure the damned thing’s loaded, don’t fuck this up – and just pull the trigger…….done.  You’ll have fulfilled your death wish and the rest of us can fulfill our wish to go on living our lives – without you.

"Consider the pros and cons:  you may not get that ‘paradise’ you’d so thought you’d thoroughly deserved, and sold your soul for – but you also might lighten the hell you’ll have already most certainly prepared for yourself."

The blood of all swine is cleaner than thine;
the blood of real martyrs is smeared on your hand!
The halal you bring is hell on earth,
from apologists for your kind in every land!

Phobia has nothing to do with this, indeed T.R.O.P. and its apologists display a clear phobia toward criticism, dissent, disobedience.  I haven’t got a "Jewish agenda" or a "Christian" – nor any other, nor some "axe to grind".  I’m for universal worship and for each worshipper preserving his/her own identity or growing past it and taking another without being murdered for it.

However, after 14 centuries of raids and conquests through jihad and genocide, coercion, deception, brutal practices and customs mirroring a despotic bent on world domination on the part of its founder and remaining to this day grounded in Qur’an, hadith, sunna, and shari’a law, and this "in the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful" – I’m fed up.

Because God really is Compassionate, God really is Merciful.  Islam is not.

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