Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Woman Unto Herself

You are all-goddess – in your very Humanness,
your own form, I see only goddess and nought else.
I see myself offering puja to her, this very goddess,
thereupon she is receiving me into her –
homage paid in the kiss,
in the armpits, the nipples, the belly,
then my face deep in this Yoni – long and slow,
controlled, disciplined, concentrated,
till she gives the signal to be entered.
You are still you, to be admired and appreciated,
ideosyncrasies synchronized mutually
in serendipitous symphony.
Not a personal fixation, and yet,
not the least bit indifferent to your person,
every hidden and open fibre of your unique embodiment
of what is drunkenly divine and manifestly set
in the eternal ecstasy of each moment's expression
of Union.
Not sharing a need but joining in mutual worship,
a statement of fulfilled desire.

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