Monday, December 17, 2018

The Yellow Vest Confronts EU-West in Its Own Deep-State Nest

"Mon Dieu, qu'ai-je déchaîner!...Oh merde!"

Here's the plain factual point about the Yellow Vest, for my American co-patriots – just to lay certain rumors to rest, I'll give you the gist:

1.) Some bunch of yellow traffic safety vests didn't "suspiciously and mysteriously appear as if available in truckloads", so to speak. These were precisely an available commodity to apply as a brilliant protest tactic in what initally was about higher fuel taxes. All Europeans – certainly all West-Europeans – are requried by law (since at least the '70s by my reckoning) to have in the trunk space of all vehicles, to break out in the event of any roadway emergencies: a First-Aid packet, a warning triangle (in certain cases even a small fire-extinguisher), and – that yellow vest. This is no more unreasonable than the required installation and use of seat-belts, proper use of baby seats, that sort of thing. No one is going to be arrested or hauled before court for "not having these", but even in the States a cop might at least remind you to fasten your seat-belt.
So, since gas prices began to soar and were the initiating issue behind the protests, the safety vest which all motorists, driving private or company vehicles (or even many bike riders I've observed) has anyway lent itself symbolically as a natural tactic to “show the flag" which really became the Flag of Resistance. Note: I'll come back to flags in a moment, stay with me.

2.) No one "organized" any of this – no person or figurehead, no leader or personaltiy, no actual group whatsoever, no secret services: it was bona fide spontaneous grassroots demonstration from the start, and no State can yet control it, and so far has not killed it, notwithstanding the looming threat of deadly force. Let me remind, Pegida began likewise so, as did the 1989 street protests which embodied the final popular confrontation of the communist GDR. The real demonstrators here are working people, retirees, citizens, patriots. And it is genuinely spreading – being genuine. It comes at a time when the December 11th European Treason – a day which really will "live in infamy" – the signing off on the Global Migration Compact (and the Refugee Compact) in Marrakesh, was fast approaching and is now a done "deal" whereby Europe is now perhaps irreparably done-for. This factored in further, as the protests mounted. It was far more than "just" gas taxes, as was evidence by Macron's attempt to assuage the very public wrath (his public standing is now at 18%, which tells you something...) with promises of postponing the new taxes and other such measures he suddenly finds "negotiable if that'll help" – they are not buying it, they are fed-up, and the shit really is hitting the fan.

3.) The actual violence was initiated by two or three factors, depending on how one counts: a.) the French riot-police (who did not beat up any "Anti"fa, just some cat-and-mouse – and moreover, the decidedly NOT-French EU-PoliceState forces (watch for those red armbands in the footage, worn by plainclothed goons-with-nightsticks among the unformed cops, and notice the armored vehicles with “EuGenFor” insignia circled with the EU-stars); b.) the left-extreme ("Anti"fa, curiously left unharmed with no broken skulls by the police), which – with or without donning the yellow vest, to mix in and undermine and discredit the actual protest for the TV cameras – are always identifiable if you know the "Anti"fa – and we do indeed; c.) the "right"-extreme elements likewise looking for a good riot for the sake of it and doing the protest no favors – I place right in quotes ("...") because they're just another variation of the same aggression which drives their leftist counterparts of the “Anti”fa; either one doesn't like to hear that BOTH are equally Fascist-Left, both being socialist, whether national- or international- …but you'll find no nationalists among such, and certainly no patriots.

4.) Now, back to that "flag". In the international maritime signal flags alphabet (Google this), yellow figures in the representation of seven of those 26 letters, sharing space with one or two other colors, respectively. There is one exception in the entire alphabet, where one color indicates one certain letter out of the 26. That color is yellow. That letter: is Q. . . . Capisce?

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