Monday, December 3, 2018

Exerpts From Letter To Berlin Embassy

EXERPTS From My LETTER To U.S. Ambassador Richard Grenell In Berlin,
20 NOV 2018

(These are the cogent points which may interest readers - the rest of it is strictly between me and Dicko...)

...I arrived in Berlin in 1988 with the U.S. Forces and was stationed with the Berlin Brigade under then-Gen. Haddock and later BG Shacknow, in the ODCSI/JASAC, assigned to a SCIF as an Intel analyst, reporting specifically on matters of East-West German/Berlin concern, Berlin Wall events, domestic and international terrorism.

I have remained in this City and made it my second home. In fact, as a patriot and ex-Democrat Trump voter, I have been – and will remain come what may – actively involved in precisely that conservative opposition to the Merkel Administration and its entire Deep-State system, for which conservative trend you, Sir – to our great delight – expressed from early on in your appoinment and on your arrival, your intended support as the highest representative in Germany of President Trump's Administration.

As an American of Jewish heritage, what occurs in Germany as in Europe is close to my heart and a steadfast part of my makeup. In fact, once an analyst always an analyst, my West-Berlin born partner and I have practically made our modest little flat into a SCIF itself, as we are constantly researching, following events, analyzing down to the nub. She has played an invaluable role in both of us turning our backs on the socialist infiltration of our mutually long-held ideals of fairness and good faith.

We actively support AfD, and we actively participate in the patriotic movement here in its democratic form. As you well know, such as ourselves have been branded and demonized as "Nazis" and as "cold-hearted and hate-filled" by those in positions of (abuse of) power and influence, whether by politicians or the press. With my President, of whom I am unspeakably proud, we find ourselves in good company.

... It is an established fact, that when this perfidious UN Migration Compact (and its accompanying Refugee Compact) do get signed in December – and one may presume Germany will do just that – the texts of both make unmistakeably clear that all critical voices, any opposition toward the EU, toward the Compact(s) and what they entail, or toward Merkel's Adminstration, or toward the invited millions with all the expected consequences, will meet with harsh measures and penalties, including fines and imprisonment. We are likewise informed of the SPD's and Greens' plan, sooner or later to erect "re-education" facilities (if not actual concentration camps, call them by whichever euphamism one will) to lay upon critcs here, upon Germany's patriots, upon no doubt the (by then forbidden and openly persecuted) AfD itself.

My blood courses for the healing of Germany and of Jews alike, in light of history - this has been so with me going back to 1980, hardly a sudden or spontaneous reflection on my part. I recognize in the plague of Socialism, three dictatorships over Germany's last eight decades and into the present: the Brown, the Red, and the Rainbow variations, not one of them democratic in the least but despotic and despicable.

...No one wishes or glorifies being imprisoned, Sir, nor falling to a military (or other) round. But if it comes to that, I will join those patriots in any incarceration or in death, if it ever requires as much of me. I am a patriot for free speech and assembly, for direct democracy and Constitutional Law, wherever I am. I am no hero nor do I seek a hero's pyromanic demise. I am a simple God-loving, determined two-fisted fighter. Like my Good Woman here.

...Because here is where I belong, here is my proving ground and my determined destiny, come what may – and we hope and pray for the best, and for the grace to hold out and make it through. At some point this nightmare will all implode, as with all dictatorships – which oddly tend to be socialist in nature, make that frankly communist. We are hardly criminals or law-breakers – barring that free speech and the right to assembly will evidently be abolished and criminalized.

...I am merely voicing my concern – as an American citizen, living and working and representing the best of what America is and is about, in Berlin. In the Germany of 2018. A Germany under Angela Merkel - in the shadow of a(n) EU takeover, by coersion and chicanery, of every sovereign European nation and people, driven and administered by a UN gone rogue. ...


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