Thursday, December 6, 2018

"No Taxation Without Representation!"

Paris is burning - and not just Paris: la pièce de Résistance

Aux armes, citoyens!
Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons! Marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!

It actually was about the high taxation of gasoline in the first place, and already untenably higher taxes and urban rent prices - in the face of poor representation of the people's demands.  That ever rising taxation however, on top of the Macron/Merkel led and EU-Brussels enforced UN Global Migration Compact and its accompanying "Refugee Compact", both of which will be signed into effect with all other coerced and compliant countries on December 11th in Marrakesh, was the last straw.

What has broken out and moreover, spread like a California wild fire - with the exception that here the thoroughly charred-to-a-shell vehicles all still had their wheels intact, if not still their tires, as these were normal grades of normal fire - is a tour de force across France, now Brussels itself and even parts of the Netherlands, in response to the tour de farce.  Just not in Germany, you still cannot move the bulk of this population, a self-condemned worm of obedient toadying compliance, cowardice and conformity.  The Germans just aren't French, even in the best sense of the word.

While the torching of vehicles and property, looting of stores, etc., can all be attributed to the French "Anti"fa which as we well know are always attracted to street confrontations like flies to shit, and can be counted on to drag any possibly good thing into their own chaos and destruction (there were "Anti"fa rioters actually seen by reporters on the scene, putting their police badges back ona s they returned to their own police ranks after their masquerade!) - and while there are here and there a few of the usual suspects from right-wing extremists also often planted there by government agencies - all this aside, the immense majority of who all has been on those streets and still defiantly are, from which societal constellation this originated:  are the angry French, now the angry Belgians and angry Dutch, middle-class civilians.  For once, this is everyone out there, not even about right vs. left, left vs. right, but in fact about sending a loud and boisterous message to the homo-erotic toyboy Macron and his honestly decadent elite ("Let zem eat taxis!"), and forcing that message onto the steps of the EU's own Tower of Babble in its very Belgian capital.

But enough about Macron, suppose any of this reaches Merkel?...
 Sorry...guess not.

There have been many injuries, there have been some deaths.  The police have been seen time and again in independent footage, holding back toward the visibly identifiable "Anti"fa - cop-haters by profession - never really going after them, looking rather cucked.  Yet the same police have been seen in independent footage using their night sticks and tear gas generously and copiously on elderly protesters out of that very middle class which had taken to the streets in the first place, on retirees, on unarmed and nonviolent civilians - who, being French and not German still remain determined to hang in there, barring the dead and seriously wounded among them, to show face and deliver Resistance.  Police snipers have been observed perched - and locking and loading - on high rooftops, people have been shot on the streets with live rounds from above, and on the ground with rubber dum-dum rounds which also do serious damage.  C'est domage - yet even this will not deter the movement we are watching.  I do not care whether Merkel "gets it" or not, she's been half removed anyway - U.S. Ambassador Grenell has made that diplomatically clear.  I am far more concerned that the German public still does not get it, and only the patriots among us here - you know, the press' "Nazis" - have linked up in solidarity with ze French at the Alsace-Lorraine border and at the last AfD demo in Berlin.

But something is shifting now, something has just occurred for which we've waited several years in vain in Germany and will find ourselves waiting even longer still:  The French police have switched sides, and the emergency paramedic services as well, the Firefighters showing up to the routine and strictly regulated appelle turned their backs toward their OIC during Formation out of solidarity with the yellow-vested protesters - this is an epic turn of events, an unheard-of breakthrough of morale - and it is not looking good for Macron's credibility as President.  The beatings are coming to a halt, the heavy water cannons, the shootings.  Because the people of this civilian population are holding out, they are seeing this through, come blood sweat and tear gas - they are not Germans.  And it is paying off, at least to a significantly symbolical extent.

Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'etendard sanglant est levé! (bis)
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes,
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Égorger nos fils, nos compagnes!

So you have the streets hopping not only in Paris, non non - but in major cities and in towns all across Frnace. As is to be expected, along comes "Anti"fa and/or other planted provocateurs, to turn the spirited civil confrontation into violent chaos and mayhem. Then you have Macron's police forces.

However: Many police have just been seen responding to the Civil, original protesters' challenge or invitation, by removing their helmets and joining cause with them - IN FACT, it has led to the entire police force and its unions nation-wide calling for a General Strike to begin this Saturday - joined in this by the paramedic services and the Firefighters - on the 8th of December and remain at this status over undetermined time! This may result in the EU bringing in its Armed Forces. After all, the Lisbon Accords actually provide for the use of deadly force by an EU-Military out of Brussels to put down any uprisings resulting from policies by that same - never elected - EU Government.  (Or it may yet surprise us with something else - no one had expected what the 1989 East-German demos would bring.)

Speaking of Brussels - and now we can throw in the Dutch Haag as well - the protests have now reached the streets there, and from what I hear and what we've seen, the Belgians when they hit the streets are known for being even more direct than the French on this. They have stormed the EU-Parliament even as the Parisians stormed the Stock Exchange, the Tuileries and the Champs-Élysées - and the Dutch as mentioned: the Haag.
Only the Germans still remain clueless.

Amour sacré de la patrie,
Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs!
Liberté, Liberté cherie,
Combats avec tes défenseurs! (bis)
Sous nos drapeaux, que la victoire
Accoure à tes mâles accents!
Que tes ennemis expirants
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire!

Aux armes, citoyens!
Formez vos bataillons!
Marchons! Marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!
 "C'est bon, ne vous inquiétez pas, tout est sous contrôle."
 (It's alright, not to worry - we've got it all under control.)

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