Friday, December 14, 2018

Strasbourg: It Gets Tiresome, Always Being Right On This

Jer. 31: 15-17
Eph. 6: 10-20

It's not about the fact that anyone - much less myself - is some know-it-all, just the fact that one must constantly see oneself confirmed for four years, in all that one notices, observes and remarks, having outspokenly addressed in advance, forewarned, clearly interpreted, and this without exception.  And I am getting tired of it - by I is meant we, to include Ramona, and by we is meant all the comrades-in-arms, the patriots and the critical voices.  Nobody here is playing clairevoyant or clever.  Only alert, vigilant, justifiably concerned, and above all independent of all the official propaganda and all the advertising campaigns.  We are fed up.

We were right, at the 2016 Breitscheidplatz Christmas market attack, within the very first breaking news bulletin, whilst on television in the next room the lies and denials and idiotic "reports" droned redundantly on
for hours, and we were to learn of even worse, even more bizarre confirmations over the following days, weeks, months.  Just as with the first (and the second) Cologne New Year's Eve.  Exactly as with almost any knifing, rape, manslaughter, murder or honor-murder, bomb attack, vehicle attack, dismemberment, on Merkel's account.  Just as with every deception, every "security measure", every gaslighting activity by the Merkel government.  And right now, at the attack on a Christmas market in the very EU-gem itself, Strasbourg.

I have predicted here several times, in view of the blatant, population-deceiving, sorry-assed "signals of strength" by exactly the Breitscheidplatz 2018 placement of "Merkel-bollards" and heavily armed police forces, all to now "prevent" a "second Anis Amri" in a hijacked giant Polish semi truck: that such would repeat itself is as likely as two more planes crusing into the WTC or its successor!  I even said, as ridiculous as all this staging is - adorned with concrete bollards for Christmas(!), some in the shape of cute sparrows or Christmas trees(!) - that every perpetrator of Islam only has to walk in, and (as has already in recent days in fact occurred) just go off on random visitors with a knife or an axe.  Or (as just now in Strasbourg) with a semi-automatic rifle - or was that a semi-automatic pistol - we don't even know which one, we're not even given that much.

(And don't anyone tell me about getting rid of any "2nd Ammendment" here - there is no such thing in Germany, also not in Strasbourg ... capiche?)

But the Strasbourg born Algerian Chérif Chekatt, with a long criminal record and well known to the police as a jihadist and as a still dangerous felon with 27 previous convictions to his credit - like Amri in his time, and likewise (as we've now learned - again confirming our earliest analyses) was being allowed to go unimpeded so they could "observe" him.

And in the Strasbourg Christmas market - next to Breitscheidplatz itself - the supposedly "most heavily guarded and most highly secured" Christmas market par excellence, he was able to enter and open fire without any concern of being stopped beforehand.  (How do you suppose he knew that?)  And he could immediately disappear (!) leaving three or four dead and eleven or twelve injured in his wake, depending on which figures one is quoting, because one of the twelve was soon declared brain-dead.  And still further at large, until late last night, some 36 hours ro so later - he was found a couple nights later by police forces who'd then stormed in as he'd allegedly opened fire, and that was it - shot dead.  Just as they'd staged it two years ago with Amri, who'd actually made it not only to Italy where he'd previously done time and "inexplicably" gotten an early release, but even made it to the actual starting point of that semi he'd later hijacked en route just shy of Berlin. (Amri had been released from Italian confinement and permitted free passage everywhere, under CIA orders given to all "sovereign" investigative agencies and bureaus on the pretext of "watching him" lead them to IS contacts - collateral victims be damned, literally.  So, once again here:  One perp's testimony less - as with Amri - so that he can't ever sing, because that would be fatal, for all their careers and reputations.  Can't have that.  Not only did IS call in (to claim
Chekatt as theirs, in a Tweet) just afterwards, a Strasbourg woman likewise called in, to the police, right after she'd been approached by a slightly injured Chekatt - she sounded the alarm, otherwise these Keystone cops (àla French comic Louis De Funè) still hadn't a clue, even after 24 hours or more straight and almost giving it up after having even interrogated Chekatt's parents and two brothers!  (Pity, that Fox News didn't even get that much right.)   According to the German System-news, "ISIS is no longer dominant over their formerly conquered area, but still running amok here and there..."  Oh really, enlighten us.

So: "IS is dead, long live IS...!"

This integrated Strasbourg Nafri (official police reporting term for "North African intensive criminal" since at least 2015)  finally got a lot of support from the bordering German state of  Baden-Württemberg, or from elsewhere in Germany.  Strange?  No, rather it is strange that Merkel has seen to it since 2015 that all borders be flung open and remain so - attacks, robbery, stabbing, rape, drug and child trafficking, excessive overload and backlogging of German "refugee centers" and related agencies, notwithstanding.  And yet these Merkel-obedient stupid-German cities entrench their Christmas market at Breitscheidplatz (and elsewhere) to the hilt in barracades of steel and concrete.  That is strange, very strange indeed, it is perverse.

Perverse it is as well, that the Left and the Greens and the SPD had more problems after the repeated New Year's Eve mass sexual attacks in Cologne and other cities, with the "awful, racist" police "profiling" of Nafris than they had with the attacks themselves.  Trust me, I am not exaggerating this.  When we or other critics or the AfD addressed this while the press obediently and compliantly avoided it and went on scratching their asses, it was we of course, who were the "xenophobic, Islamophobic, racist Nazis" - and then, lo and behold:  we were right, we were confirmed, we were...dare I say, vindicated?  (Nevah!)

Tommy Robinson addressed the situation Germany in Nov. 2017:

Who still believes that the "government" and all the corresponding authorities responsible for state and city security, namely the BND, the Verfassungsschutz, the BKA and the LKA, the police, SEK, whatever - that these are "merely" sooo incompetent and/or indifferent, may be reminded of Berlin's most graft-laden international airport BER, which after the better part of 15 years and billions of Euros still moves its "completion" date two years at a time into the future without finally saying, "Folks, it will never open and was never meant to" although this is as abundantly clear as it's making Berlin and Germany a world-class laughing stock.  For that would necessarily imply, if cou want to believe as much, that the Germans are not even capable of building an airport, or as in another mishappening case, a  bridge.  Or to close, to control, to guard their own borders.  Or to remove a real Nafri life-and-safety hazard like Amri or Chekatt from the public altogether, let alone to put him away for life, or better still: to deport him for good!

Either they are so incompetent, was a planned thing, or part of The Plan - because keep in mind, as of December 11th of this year, withthe signing off of the UN-Global MIgration Compact (together with the Refugee Compact) in Marrakesh, there are no longer borders, and there are no longer "asylum seeking refugees" - just "New Europeans" with all "illegal-made-legal" bennies and all civil rights befitting a German citizen, just by the act of arriivng, and this fully unimpeded, unvetted.  (The average German is still far from grasping what just went down and what the ramifications inevitably imply.)  Because if you buy "incompetence", in the case of our Nafri
Chekatt, the usual justifiably-suspicious State entities consciously and deliberately let him go about free and unimpeded (just "observed", mind you) - as cautiously profiling-shy, walking over eggshells or political landmines as they are in light of Islam affinity or appeasement coming from the dominating and viciously mental behavior of anti-German Left and Greens:  It is "better" to accept the "collateral damage" of now inevitable murders and injuries via targeted terrorism (and its resulting trauma and growing anxiety) in the "long run".  Or...even desired results.  After all, the Strasbourg "experience" results in an unmissable distraction for Macron, it comes, in view of the conditions in France today and macabrely: quite convenient.  Cynically conceived?  Yes - only not by me, and not by the many clear and critical (and for all that, maligned and despised) voices, but by the elites themselves.

Cynical and macabre, leading me to believe the elite are literally - no longer figuratively - mentally ill, is reading official statements carried on the System-news, right in the wake of Chekatt's being taken out, that "there are no reports of concrete threats to be considered at any Christmas market.  And both Strasbourg and Breitscheidplatz fenced in with concrete bollards!  Then elsewhere (in the System-news) "possibility of repeaters in Strasbourg"...  Are they sick, or am I just getting there?  As I began working on this writing, actually more of a translation of what I'd just completed in German, Nürnberg's famous Christmas market just received three knife attacks against women.  Do I need to spell out the perp's name here as well, do I need ot analyse all over again how this one slipped right through likewise heavy "security", or is this getting through now?  I assure you, his name also wasn't Sven or Adolf.

(Parable:  A felon has broken out of the high-security wing of the JVA. He is at large, armed, he proclaims the message of Religion of Peace, is (to some extent) wanted.  He is already in front of your front door, he is about to be in front of your front door.

"Keep calm, but don't make any trouble, because (as Merkel always advises) 'fear is always a bad counselor'.  Go on about your day and buy on for Christmas, everything is safe, everything will continue to run well and gladly into this country."  That is the voice of the Merkel government, that is the voice of the television media, that is the voice of the official churches, that is the voice of the organizers of the cult of tolerance.  The main thing, always in the forefront: that fight-against-rightwingism.

"Get the fuck out of the apartment, now - leave the house immediately!"  That was the voice of the so-called "Right", the last call of the so-called "Nazis"... "cold-hearted and filled with hatred", according to Merkel back in 2015 warning her brainwashed populace against joining Pegida on the streets.)

Still something to keep in mind:  Merkel is a communist.  We know from her background, her life, and from the open statements of former contemporaries that:

Merkel led an SED loyal life of privilege that as a daughter of an SED-loyal pastor she was not even obliged to enter the FDJ - she did it out of pure conviction, and served as a leader*in propaganda and agitation.  That she was registered with the Stasi as IM ("Erika").  And that she never wanted to be in the CDU, but first in the SPD, then eager to the Greens and the Left, because she wasn't "enthusiastic" about the reunification, but rather wanted to beat the GDR.  Therefore she is the Left-Greenest "Chancellor" in the history of the FRG - and the worst in this office, even worse than Schroeder (and he was bad).  She is, in the truest sense of the word, the most colorless functionary as Trojan horse par excellence - actually the Trojan mare.  Her public lying through her teeth is legend, her vassaldom to (politically) higher powers could fill volumes, her cold and calculated contempt and condescension toward her own population, as toward her oath of allegiance to the (by writ of Constitutional Law) sovereign people and to the highest Office, are frankly unsurpassed.  And she carries bucketsful, unbelievably much, blood on her hands.

And the sleeping, conformity-intimidated Germans that I have to see, hear, witness and tolerate every day will just as quickly accept Strasbourg, stick it away, superficially forget it and yet continue to repress it in their subconscious until they are hit.  And they will be - because the approximately 80 million (still) mostly ethnic Germans may now soon greet the beginning of a population jump to 192 by a majority of (still completely unvetted) Africans with automatic civil rights.  Merkel did not "only" sign that in Marrakesh on 11.12, she co-drafted and co-directed it since the beginning of this process.  The Constitution also provides that it is not only the right, but the duty, of the Germans to raise their diseent and throw a tyrant out of Office - by whatever means necessary if push comes to shove.  A united people could pull it off. But ask any German if he or she even knows of this - they don't.  Some do, but but an already PC-beleagured minority constantly fending off the underhanded blows and now censorship of free speech, by the political - and moreover, press - elite, has a long way to go.  The average, over-patient Germans have to wake up some, and first reach their actual threshhold of painThen they'll feel it.  Then...we'll see.

Yes, I am slowly - no, long since now - getting tired of always being right.

Tibetan Five Rites:

I perform my Tibetan five rites of rejuvenation daily, keeps those "wheels" turning so I won't spin my wheels. And I've been training Krav Maga regularly for over three years, so I have at least more in my hands than "just" running on the street with 50 or 15,000 fellow fighters and demonstrating (under violent aggressive pimping as "Nazi" of "Anti "fa) to make open speeches along with my Ramona and other reconnaissance fighters.  Or distribute flyers.  Finally one must be able to act, I have already participated in seminars of Israeli and French defense trainers, in real-situational military combat - whether in the restaurant, in the bus or train, even with actual armed terror attacks, or civil war circumstances.

And I'm sick and tired of hearing all the petty excuses from Germans who have no outrage in their stomach that the program is now just "carrying on with business" under Merkel's new Party-successor, Mini-Merkel, whose close-margin internal vote had Merkel pulling her ususal strings and wires to see that her girl - equally vacuous and equally verifiably communist - got in there.

I will be just as right tomorrow, and in 2019. But: I have also been right in one other matter.  I voted for Trump, against all my earlier, inadequate convictions - havnig reflected anew.  I voted, not "right" but the right one - and he is Merkel's worst nightmare, the EU's, and all the globalists' together.  Because we've had...our bellies full of it.

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