Friday, June 8, 2018

Susanna Sleeps With The Angels - So...How Does Merkel Sleep?

Susanna Maria Feldmann, 14, had been missing for some two weeks. The first ten days, her parents had gone nuts trying to get the police to go to work on it - to no avail (It "wasn't acute enough", and it "must somehow lie with them as parents", they were told). After ten days, the distraught mother of the girl wrote an open FB letter to MERKEL, begging her for help on this matter. I can assure the reader, whoever read that letter, it wasn't Merkel (who is either illiterate herself or thoroughly cold-blooded, I'll go with the latter). I posted the content of the letter as it was being read aloud by a weeping blogger.

You see, a couple days later, MERKEL stood before a special session of the Bundestag, before all sitting parties, and "fielded" questions as to her now proven direct responsibility in the rocking scandal over the rampantly corrupt and conveyer-belt manner of processing all her refugees since Sep. 2015. She demonstrated how little she gave a goddamned shit about their questions and deflected them AND all responsibility by her answers and her usual banal, redundant and intransigent defense of her "decisions" to throw all borders open, provide absolutely no security, vetting no one, inviting ever more at an ever accelerating rate, and "being right and justified" in doing so, as well as having no intention whatsoever of ending or even changing this "policy".

On the very same day, Susanna's nearly unrecognizable body was discovered. She had been beaten senseless and brutally, horribly murdered after being raped all night long, by two fellas. These were: a 20-year-old Iraqi who got out of the country in time and is still free, he had fled with his wife and six kids - you read that right - via Turkey on to Iraq. Being now held is his accomplice, a 35-year-old Turkish Kurd, who had been with the PKK.

How had they gotten into Germoney? As Merkel's Guests. The Iraqi fella, named Ali Basha, had claimed he was escaping the Kurdish terrorist PKK, and after two strikes he got his home run - in fact, he was on record with the police for having already raped an eleven-year-old at the asylum dwelling, and for brawling with others, among other things, yet he had never had to fear deportation on Merkel's watch. The Turk had claimed he was escaping Iraqis - so how these two'd suddenly and inexplicably "befriended" each other over the rape and murder of Susanna is anyone's guess.

Susanna showed friendly interest in Basha's 13-year-old brother, who had known what had happened and wound up eventually alerting the police, once Basha was gone and no threat to him.

How it happens that you "flee" Iraq and find "refuge" here, then actually flee back without a hitch, by air - all this with false papers - begs the question. How did he manage the trip coming or leaving, the finances, the logistics, schlepping a wife and six kids in tow? I will tell you: The Criminal Left - with Soros' blessing - they manage it all, the thorough illegality of it notwithstanding, as likewise the sheer arrogant cynicism, the posturing, the manipulation and exploitation, to a large extent also using gravely negligent naiveté to their advantage, on account of all of which, Susanna is dead.

Hers is the latest, most current case in a steady, steady stream of such cases since Sep. 2015. Her blood is on MERKEL'S own hands, and MERKEL really, really does not give a flying fuck. She has NEVER visited a single German family of ANY victim of the direct consequences of her pathological thirst for power and recognition. "Empathy" really is NOT her strong suit. (And her suits make her look like a duck.)

Furthermore, there's the matter of Merkel's extended fantasy of forced pairing between the young and impressionable daughters of native German parents and the Welcomed Hordes of Muslim males ranging in age from 20 to 40, all posing as "unaccompanied minors" - and numbly accepted as such - has vast swathes of the population serving Her Pimpship like Elois walking in trance down to the Morlocks in a submissive act of resigned, poltically-correct sacrifice. It usually ends up with tragedy - ownership, or breakups with fatal consequences.

The finding of Susanna just now, confirms in its bizarre timing - either "ironically" or by God's will - the very purpose of that extraordinary session in the Bundestag, farce that it was.
Saturday is the second Women's March through Berlin's own hotbed of Leftist violence - the "Anti"fa will pull all stops to actually try to stop us, because they want their "monopoly on feminism", while caring as little as Merkel about Susanna, they will stoop to anything loud and intimidating and violent for the sake of championing #WelcomeRefugees, #OpenBorders, and #Islam itself.

But we know that. Because you see, we're all "Nazis" after all.

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