Saturday, June 9, 2018

Not Even In This Have They Empathy, No Shred Of Piety...
Bundestag: Established parties disturb Minute of silence for Susanna as Claudia Roth (Greens) interrupts commemoration

The 14-year-old Susanna, found particularly brutally beaten, raped and murdered, turns out was JEWISH - picked out by her killers as victim, according to the Turkish perpetrator they have in custody (the Iraqi has just been nabbed, we're wating on a further update) - while Merkel stood by her criminal policy of flooding Germany with Muslims who don't take kindly to Christians and even less so to Jews.

As the AfD speaker in the Bundestag (video link below) went to the podium for his two minutes there, and stated that he would devote his first minute to a moment of silent reflection over Susanna, the Greens Chair, Claudia Roth, a reknowned Incompetent and Terror-Supporter, Germany-Hater, interrupted him (because he is AfD and because the victim was not Muslim, I am not joking) - and Roth was applauded for this, and for sending him from the podium! That's your Left for you - that's your Greens, that's their Chair"person", who bubbles with enthusiasm over her greater love for Turkey than for Germany (she marches with "Anti"fa), a Turkey she loves for its "violent temperament" (her own words).

THEY COULD NOT EVEN HOLD STILL FOR THIS, and they've REALLY unmasked themselves as the HYPOCRITES they are! Because the girl being Jewish puts the politically-scoring GREENS in the very POLITICALLY-INCORRECT LIGHT which they co-invented in the first place!  (The usual MSM has naturally expressed appreciation for the Grande Cretin Claudia vis-à-vis the AfD's "instrumentalisation"(!) of an unspeakable and tragically avoidable crime which they themselves refuse to address, much less name - no shitstorm there.)

MAY GOD DAMN THEM AND THE LEFT BOTH, THE SPD AS WELL - AND REMOVE THEM FOREVER, this scourge, from the German Bundestag and body politic altogether!

On the following day, during their own party convention, The Left - full of praise for the bygone SED of Honecker's GDR, and with its own nostalgic Old Guard dinosaurs among them in that room being ignored while at the podium by the laconically texting New Generation of Socialist naive hallucinators - themselves had better things to do than so much as mention Susanna.  She just does not fit into their scheme of "solidarity" (with her perpetrators) - she is either too German for them, or embarrassingly, too Jewish.  So much for "Never-Again!"...  The Kurdish Communist party HDP - the political arm of the terrorist PKK - received

Now that they've indeed caught the 20--year-old Iraqi (with six kids) and begun interrogating HIM in Iraq, German-TV's favorite Merkel-bought, formerly-competent "Criminologist", Hr. Pfeiffer, tellls the camera - with a straight face - that the perpetrator had chosen this Jewish girl and beaten, raped and murdered her over the period of an entire evening and through the night, BECAUSE HE WAS ANGRY OVER HIS SHAKY ASYLUM STATUS. "Nothing to do with" his already having a rape and violence record, or her being Jewish. THIS mentality can be explained by Merkel defending and justifying her criminal abuse-of-Office at that Special Session, June 6th, IN THE VERY MOMENT that this girl's body was being discovered after two weeks missing.

MAY GOD VISIT UPON MERKEL AND ALL OF HER SUPPORTERS, the pain which this girl's family - and the families of all of Merkel's in-land victims - have to endure. May that pain enter their heartless and soulless marrow, and drive them out of the highest windows. Amen.

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