Sunday, June 10, 2018

REALITY CHECK - no kidding - once more, for the record:

If I'm seen here with a kippa, or even a modest Jewish star, for the neo-Nazis and the Muslim supremacists - I'm "a Zionist".

If I'm seen with a Federal German Republic national flag (entirely apart from soccer-mania, which no longer interests me), for the Regressive/Aggressive Left - I'm "a Nazi".

If I'm seen with either or both - by either the self-loathing "Anti"fa OR their Kufar-hostile co-antiGerman cohorts of "The-Religion-Of-Peace", for them - I'm "an Islamophobic".

Leftists (the red socialists), Islamists (the green socialists), or "Right-extremists" (the (actually-leftist) brown socialists) - all three sharing a common Jew-hatred AND a pathologically, negatively charged regard toward Germany itself or toward a healthy robust German patriotism, or toward German normality at all - I could concievably find my activist ass targeted by any one of the above.

The most likely however, is a tie between the first two, the least likely being - let it be duly noted - that third category: because one has a plethora of the first two anywhere one goes in Berlin or across Germany, particularly Westward. As for that third - who have only a marginal existence BY COMPARISON, with no power or influence on the norm, nothing they have their hands on, and no future whatsoever - I suppose I'd almost have to walk into their own livingrooms to be even noticed by them, much less "accosted".

When the ACTUAL brown-socialists, namely "The Third Way", "The Right", "Europe-Action" or even the mouldy NPD party - are even visible, the red-socialists of the "Anti"fa never EVER go there and actually try anything, or if they do, very limply and keeping a broad distance - happy that the "bastard cops" are there to keep them safe from themselves, because they KNOW they'd have their asses handed to them in a basket, possibly even get themselves killed. The ABOVE MENTIONED serious right-wing-extreme are criminally dangerous if you cross them, but irrelevant to ALL the MSM and never mentioned and never noticed (except when jacking up the "narrative" about Right-wing violence while ignoring or entirely playing down the rmapant Islamic) because THEY POSE NO DANGER to either the general society, nor to the political cadavre-System of the Merkel-Cartel, to no one in effect. The REAL DANGER to the entire establsihed Merkel Structure of power, is and remains the purely democratic, non-violent and actively patriotic face of the AfD, of Pegida, of the Identitarians, the REAL Opposition and the REAL Diversity - THIS, and no "neoNazi" is "THE THREAT" to the monopoly on power and its propaganda through the officially-sycophantic, trained and brainwashed Media which serves it and is its beneficiary.

Likewise can be said for the Berlin Jewish Community and the Central Council of Jews here, they are as cozy with Merkel as Herod was to Caesar, and their regard toward Germany is AS SUSPECT to me as is their genuine interest in the well-being of their own Jews here. I am on their shit-list as well. They have in their league still active ex-Stasis and other informants and traitors of Jewish background (in name only) who do not take kindly to Jews who publicly - and unmistakeably - speak up FOR the patriots and march with them on the streets of German cities.  (It disturbs their "narrative".)

We who are openly, identifiably, unabashedly - and UNBASHABLE - Jewish, such as myself and a couple German citizens I could mention, such as two sturdy Israelis I could mention as well, with whom I have demonstrated for German patriotic issues of present and urgent import.

THAT'S the difference between actual REALITY and the die-hard conception of Germany and Germans which still prevails and circulates.

The Leftist sympathizers of the Islamisation WILL HANG by the very hands of those for whom they'd sold-out their own country and culture - as they have been doing all this time: as had happened in Lebanon and in Iran, as is coming to the UK, as I've often loudly and clearly warned the "Anti"fa in Berlin, and as I have fully given up warning my fellow Americans. I'm done, let 'em hang.

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