Thursday, June 7, 2018

Comrade Merkel and "Tucholsky's Rule"

Kurt Tuchosky, a celebrated name in journalism and critical satire from the 1920s, wrote then, that "in Germany the one considered a danger to society is he who calls attention to the filth that is there, rather than is the one who'd put it there in the first place."

Hitler was pristine and could commit no offense, Stalin as well.  Mao also, and likewise Erich Honecker or Nicolai Ceaucescu - until the 1989ers of the GDR non-violently but determinedly took to the streets (those who hadn't fled, illegally but thanks to Glasnost effectively, out and away over crumbling border controls) in the case of the former, and arrested and led off to a Christmas morning firing squad in the latter case - and to tell any of these tyrants of the same Grand Experiment otherwise, even to say as much, was to literally write one's own death sentence.  Point for Tucholsky, he called the "rule".  What all these names in absolute power had in common was Socialism - brown or red, just ask the dead.

Merkel's of the same despotic cloth, astoundingly untouchable as she walks over bodies (literally and figuratively) deflecting all criticism even as she - finally but insufficiently - stands questioned before her Plenum, sorry, Bundestag.  She cut her teeth under Honecker - and is his Trojan Mare (I will conform to "gender equality" on this one).  Concentration Camps are not in place, nor Gulags, one needn't look for them.  But as sure as Red mixed with Green gives us Brown, every time: State prohibition of, and incarceration for, the Opposition are already well on in planning.  As sure as the fact of Islamisation, the fact of Communisation, the fact of Globalisation - as sure as "shit rolls downhill" - to borrow a vulgarity which is nothing in obscenity by comparison to Merkel herself.

If you want to see where this leads, go to Leeds in the UK and try asking in print or on the telly, "what is happening with Tommy Robinson", and why has he drawn a 13 month prison sentence which, among other things, will have him murdered by The World's Fastest Goring Religion.  And if you want to know where Merkel is taking Germany and EUrope along with it, you need look no further than the EU itself, settled in the most Kafka-esque of faceless gray decadence in Brussels.

Merkel has broken more German Constitutional laws (the Basic Law and her oath to serve her own people in the interests of their security and well-being), more international European law (Lisbon, Maastricht, Dublin, Schergen), and some outside of the European Theater of the Absurd.  Yet even as she stood yesterday on June 6th before questioning - the only real such coming uncomfortably from the AfD of course, which minced no words about it - on the occasion of "investigating" how the current scandal over the deeply embedded corruption in the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) led all the way up to her own guiding level - she could look askance at such "affrontery" and deliver all of her prepared answers laying at her fingertips with aplomb, netting applause from all the other sitting federal parties across the board, as they went on grooming their images of being "serious" about any of this, any moreso than they are about democracy at all.  When I say "prepared answers", I mean she literally had all the questions delivered to her beforehand, just as she's always had at any press conference or any televised interview.  All staged.

With the one oppositional exception of the AfD.  Unlike some despots, Angie cannot extemporize ad hoc, she is not a States(wo)man, she has neither the color nor the depth, nor the breadth, nor the charisma...frankly, she has no personality whatsoever, she is a functionary straight out of the book, and she knows who has her back.  She should consider who writes her check and calls the shots.

Because this is the same Merkel who takes every opportunity - including yesterday's session - to give Donald Trump "ultimatums" and to lecture him about how to serve ones votership and people, to "inform" him of what goes and what doesn't, to "call him out" on breach of international law.  She might ought to watch her step, as Grenell is now in town, and Trump wants him there.

The blunt-edged-stunning question which nags every real critic of this Red-Green anti-CDU Chairperson of her own CDU party, this Communist Pretender to the Chancellery, nags every known and unknown, conservative and liberal, long- and newly-awakened oppositional voice to the point of turning and churning the stomach, day after day, month after month, year after year, is the question:  why has this still been working for her?  Why is the public still a) so devotedly, pandemically, masochistically, determined to vote for her and to praise her (what are they on, what have they received in their water?!), or b) so cowed and fearful of openly questioning and contradicting, so terrified of the truncheons of poltiical correctness and denunciation, or c) so willing to go for a third round of Socialist-State Experimentation and Dictatorship, so self-hating as Germans in a nation calling itself Germany, so nihilistically sold on arbitrary Soviet-style EU control and the "utopia" of globalisation?  Why indeed, why indeed.

Here's the deal, friends:  Merkel the person, is one of the most visibly self-conscious and insecure individuals one has ever observed holding any position or office since her grooming days in the GDR and all through Kohl's grooming of her from post to post - until she attained to Chance-Liar and wound up dumping and destroying him politically and emotionally - then showed up at his funeral, against his expressly stated wishes, and delivered a "eulogy" about "her mentor" (which was guaranteed to astound anyone for its pure chutzpah and hypocrisy).  Kohl's second wife (he'd driven his first to suicide) called the shots on the guest list, and left out Kohl's own sons, who were not even allowed to so much as enter his house following his passing.  She and Merkel understand each other admirably.

Merkel is not so much a person however, as a concept walking about over corpses, hence, "Das Merkel"; she is not really an individual so much as a collective, she has been "put together" so to speak.  She exists, indeed she does, but there is no blood in her, no soul, and no heart.  She will literally, and I do mean this, do anything to hold onto her (abuse of) Office, to remain in power.  She is realizing the very dream of the Hitler she claims to be the "antidote" to, and that's the socialist nub of the matter:  by having Germany be the very driving engine behind its own self-destruction and abolishment and therewith the empowerment and cornerstone of the EU itself, her position as Chance-Liar (retirement is out of the question, she really thinks she's looking at her fifth term, hardly one year into her fourth) is finally just another post she occupies - fifth term or no term - toward assuming control over the EU itself.  Germany - in Merkel's vision - will "cap" the Holocaust-past once and for all, by decimating the native German population and replacing it with a worldful of Muslims ranging from Afghanistan to Morocco (and half of Africa), then "guide and lead" the EU to victory and domination over all of Europe and beyond.

If you think I am hallucinating, you have not read the EU Replacement and Resettlement Plan, nor The Merkel Plan.  These exist and and are accessible to the reader to inform him- or herself.  Nor does anyone seem to have bothered leafing through The Grand Chessboard, nor The Pentagon's New Map.

We are all trying to bring about an end to Merkel's hold, according to the 1989 model.  Shall it rather come to the Christmas morning Bucharest model?  As usual, Merkel's call.

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