Wednesday, April 18, 2018

We Shall Overcome

(I already sang the original with a booming melody in my lungs, a mike in my hand, and those Freedom Riders in my heart – at our Monday demo, as an homage to Vera Lengsfeld, who'd played said original and sang with it at the “Anti“fa, in their faces, lighthearted and consciously provokative, and watched their jaws drop absolutely clueless – and so I belted it out two days later, there behind the main train station at Washington Square in Berlin, albeit very few of us attending and no “Anti“fa in sight, but our police escort got to hear me warble.  Now then, having done that, I then promised to sing my version the following week – presuming there are any “Anti“fa present. In that case, and just so the police don't find grounds to arrest me for inciting any violence - I won't bellow it at all, but dulce, dulce, in a very soft sweet melodious voice.)

We shall overcome, we shall overcome,
We shall overcome some day!
Oh, deep in my heart I do believe,
We shall overcome someday!

We'll walk hand in hand, we'll walk hand in hand,
We'll walk hand in hand Mondays!
Oh, deep in my heart I do believe,
We'll walk hand in hand Mondays!

Fuck your “Anti“fa, fuck your fascist “Anti“fa,
Fuck your “Anti“fa, useful idiots!
Oh, deep in my heart I say to you,
Fuck your “SJWs“!

We are not afraid, we are not afraid of you,
We are not afraid at all!
Oh, deep in my heart I am convinced,
We are not afraid of you!

We will all defend our right, we will all defend our right,
We're prepared to stand our ground!
Oh, deep in my heart it's plain to see,
We've got spine and you have none!

We will kick your asses, we will kick your asses,
We will kick your ass to hell!
Oh, deep in my heart I do believe,
We will kick your ass to hell!

We will walk right over you, we will walk right over you,
We will walk right over your sorry-assed mob!
Oh, deep in my heart I do perceive,
We will walk right over you!

We are patriots, we are patriots,
We are real and you're all fake!
Oh, from deep in my heart I'll tell you straight,
You'll wake up when it's too late!

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