Monday, April 9, 2018

More Gaslighting, More Gaslighting! Keep Everyone Docile and Compliant!

"An accident, another accident!" It appears there was "an incident of sorts" in Münster!

"Münster!  Who ever would have thought of Münster", lovely, friendly, quiet, overwhelmingly Left and Greens voting Münster, with its own friendly neighborhood "Anti"fa and less than the required 5% AfD!  Who would pick on Münster for a travel & transport van loaded with explosives and plowing into a crowd on a sunny afternoon at the city center with everyone sipping their latte, resulting in three deaths and some fifty critically, seriously, and less-seriously injured - and a fourth death being the driver "shooting himself" before the police could nab him?  Two other armed men known to have fled the vehicle and disappared, helicopters all over the city searching for them!  And groups of "Anti"fa stand idly about on various corners of that same city center, just sort of showing the flag, showing that they're there, what a comfort.  And those pesky helicopters, what are they about, why, the lone disturbed driver already offed himself!  Not only the area being evacuated, the highways are blocked with police checkpoints all the way to Holland. For a "lonewolf beind that wheel who'd shot himself"??  Where's the German news on this!  Well, that is the point.

While everywhere outside of Germany - everywhere - the TV-news could confidently speak of a dead driver: a Kurd with German citizenship.  All could speak of the two accomplices still on the loose, the cargo of explosives, combat rifles found in a related apartment.  Everywhere but the German's own news agencies, I mean the mainstream German news.  They all stick to one script, the narrative given them is "a German named Jens, a disgruntled guy who cracked up over some gripe with his last employer" - you know, the old standard Post Office Employee Model.  We saw this all coming.  Because they do this every single time, it is the Merkel Way, and all of her horses and all of her not-men put Humpty Dumpty right back together again so that everyone will buy the German TV and Far-Left mainstream printed drivel - and go back to sipping their latte.

I do mean that about the latte - a woman interviewed immediately after the attack, right there close by, told the "reporter" that she was a good 200 meters away from it, so she could go on unbothered herself, and continue having her coffee.  I don't know if it was latte or mocha, but I trust you get the point.

Why would there be three guys, and one "shoots himself"?  What are all those helicopters doing if, as the German reports all insist, there was "no terrorist attack" and "the guy was alone, he was just...disturbed".  This on the anniversary of last year's nearly identical attack in Sweden - another country lost in denial, and as deeply so as Germany will soon be if Merkel has her wish.

A video was made from a balcony overlooking exactly the spot a short minute's walk from the incident itself and a short minute after the driver was established as dead by "own" gunshot to his person.  The video shows six police officers storming a corner in the courtyard and confronting with deadly force, in English, two Arabs (or North Africans, as it were), who then hit the ground.  (The video had made the rounds among neighbors but has never since been mentioned or shown by the media.) Meanwhile, the search went on for the two others reported armed and on the loose.  This, while the news, even as I write, still insists on a "lone wolf, disgruntled native German" named "Jens".  People who had ducked into a café were told by storming police with automatic handguns to stay put, then shortly thereafter to completely evacuate the area as it was being cleared on account of the two being searched for.  Even the police reported not knowing WTF was going on, they were irritated that more people were informed over their shared cell-phone videos than they themselves were by their own superiors.  As of this writing, there has still not been a single press conference held.  Is the managed confusion becoming clear yet?

This isn't even about bad reporting.  This is about completely vapid - and incredibly transparent - lying to the entire public!  Still more incredible is that Münster above all, and much of Germany, or certainly those who only watch TV and do no thinking or researching for themselves although so many objective alternative sources of analysis and information exist and are available at one's fingertips - if one only took the trouble to question and to think - most people do not even bother themselves with the questions, take no active interest in what is being done here by whom toward what end.

They just suck it all up, time and again, until it hits oneself - and even then, rarely does anyone dare have a normal reaction of outrage, they are taught resignation by the climate of dictatorial "toelrance" and groomed for docility without their even realizing it.  Münster is one of the most fatalistically comfortable towns one can find - the very reason why many considered it off-limits, unthinkable for terrorism.  Whereas others of us, certainly this person, saw Münster as precisely the perfect soft target just waiting to be knocked out of its idyllic slumber and reality-challenged liberal-as-trend mind set.  It was, it is - and as I'd figured, it was only a question of time.  And how did Münster react?  By not reacting.

The state's Minister-President Laschet (akin to a Governor) and Merkel's castrated and de-toothed "Lion of Bavaria", the newly appointed Interior Minister Seehofer - both of whom quintessential lapdogs for Her Chance-Liarship, Angie the Apathetic - these two functionary Cucks just led a "mourning walk", much resembling a morning stroll, setting obligatory bouquets amid the obligatory votive candles and lauding the slavish Münsterites for behaving so obligatory and not letting this excite or disparage them in any manner whatsoever.

Okay, except for one woman out of the entire crowd who'd dared shout at Seehofer and voice her despair, calling them out on their sheer failure and their moral hypocrisy.  Did Seehofer stop once and even give her a moment, a nod, a glance, a word of any kind of comfort or show of understanding?  Don't bet on it, or you don't know the power of Merkel-Magic, it literally permits you the very heights of arrogance and the quiet cruelty which go with gaslighting.  With telling the people in the very midst of something as unnerving as this, that all is well and shall continue to be well, provided one trust in the Ivory Tower where these scum live in the protective shadow of Merkel's will and determination to turn her entire nation into docile zombies who will one day vote her in for her fifth term in Abuse of Office.

Everywhere but in Germany, the usual television outlets invited law enforcement experts who saw all the classical markings of Islamic terrorism at work here, while the EU/Merkel-loyal editor-in-chief of Germany's largest national tabloid goes on CNN and sticks to the very narrative which every German is only permitted to hear, and one might call this all insane, were it not for logical predecessors for this kind of lying and gaslighting, such as Goebbels' broadcasts and those later of the GDR's state-run sole television "choice", Aktuelle Kamera.  Back then, if you could get away with it you read or listened to BBC in the former case and West-German or Radio Free Europe in the latter.

Today there is the internet.  Yet before any Merkel-German or Münsterite ever figures out that one can actually inform oneself alternatively and form an own opinion, take an authentic position, question and confront this regime of functionaries, the measures put through into law by the (now ex-)Minister of Stasi-Justice Maas before he "rose" to Foreign Minister(!) escalating internet interference and censorship through Orwellian tools and fools of denunciation may just curtail and put an end to that altogether.

What the German manipulators are up to now, this we expected in short order as well - and we weren't to be disappointed or kept waiting:  the police are schooled now in knowing to call this all "rightwing" motivated - how they square that with the original narrative, when they give no details of justification, admit they have arrested no one and have no hard suspects, is anyone's guess. But where there are no scruples anyway, they'll figure something out.  (How does one explain a supposed "German right-extremist" plowing into a crowd of relaxing or shopping...Germans??  How does one sell that one to the public - an action entirely uncharacteristic of a German in anyone's memory, but exceedingly characteristic of jihadis, as one all too well knows?)

Ah, but the one important thing is: to always give as much stage to the bogus-fake "fight-against-the-right" while paying lip-service or none to combatting actual leftist violence, the carte-blanche granted "Anti"fa and its Black Bloc - by always directing the public focus toward "right-extremism" which in reality for all intents and purposes does not exist but still makes the best strawman for the guilt-ridden, self-loathing Germans to go into their six-decades of deep-schooled self-flagellation and.....obedience befitting a Volk under the latest of three socialist dictatorships over as many generations.  The other important thing is of course, always to deflect all attention away from any implications of Muslim or Islamic motivations, involvement, plans or threats known prior to the incident itself, unwaveringly predictable modus operendi, that sort of thing.

And so the Münster attack was a) no attack at all but an accident, b) an attack by a lone whacko who'd cracked, c) and will just conveniently "turn out to be" the kind of "right-wing" nut one could "only expect" something like this from.  Just thank God it wasn't a Muslim.

One is immediately reminded of "9/11", where BBC, among others, had blundered in giving air time to actual eye witnesses who gave a glaringly different version of events than the official narrative would formulate - and within a day or so ALL of these broadcast moments disappeared and were never to be referred to.  One knows anyway of some of those witnesses themselves literally disappearing, and their funerals were brushed over as well.  What the Deep State wants it gets, like Merkel:  compliance and obedience, belief and trust, a little more praise goes a long way when at the mercy of narcissists and psychopaths.

Now, the "right-wing German" narrative will not fly in the matter of the Berlin half-marathon one day later, where the police had to come out in extra force, with SWAT teams, to secure the run on account of some hot tips and the actual pre-planned, made-to-order attempt to please Allah and His Prophet with knife tips as the other jihadi favored M.O. for killing as many kufar as possible.

Six Tunesians were taken into custody, apparently it was even established that they'd been close associates of Anis Amri, the semi-truck driving Tunesian who'd plowed into the Berlin Christmas market 16 months ago before being shot by sheer chance at all, days later, in Italy, because the Germans clearly had no intention of pursuing him.  I will bet no money on the six Iraqi guys staying there for long - I mean in custody of course, they can stay in Germany on taxpayers' expenses for as long as they goddamn well please.  Berlin, this world-class capital of the Banana Republic of Germoney, is "governed" by a Red-Red-Green (i.e., SPD, The Left, The Greens) Senate after all.

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