Monday, April 30, 2018

Jews On Warning: If You're Not LEFT - You Won't Be Left

30 April 2018 - "Walpurgisnacht"-Report:

"Heroic defenders" of the brightly enforced, colorful diversity and tolerance pogrom - sorry, program - in the EU/Merkel-State of Germany 2018

LET THERE BE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT: TOMORROW - in Berlin, in Hamburg, in Bremen, in Frankfurt, in Munich, in Cologne, in Rostock - to name but a few of the major points among (predominently West) German cities - the annual May 1st riots by the openly avowed Stalinist and Maoist "Anit"fa and its Black Bloc, its "Interventionalist Left" (all of which are still abetted by Merkel and subsidized and logistically supported by the socialist Berlin Senate and by sitting federal and state parties ranging from SPD to the Greens to The Left), will be opened with minimal effect coming from the respective cities' police forces (who are short-changed, short-staffed, and nearly cucked by those same parties). And their openly stated and escalated Theme for 2018: Jew-hatred and presumable attacks on Jewish persons, entities, businesses. Does this sound somehow familiar? Then KEEP IN MIND, it is being fomented and carried out by and "in the name of" today's "Fight-against-Nazis" and "Fight-against-rightwingers"!  (Against me, for example, a lousy American Jewish Nazi right-wing patriotic rat...)

So one would be advised "not to go out" with a Kippa, definitely not to be caught in the respective pogrom and riot areas openly wearing a Star-of-David, and above all to keep your support of Israel to yourself.

You will however be most welcome, touting ANY Hamas or PLO or Hizbolllah - or IS - paraphernalia, be sure to have your obligatory kaffiyeh around your neck, cover that face, and bring plenty of pavement stones, steel rods, bottles and petrol for the Molotovs. And "don't take no shit from the cops" (they're "all bastards", you see).

THAT is how the self-loathing German LEFT straightens out this awful, terrible culture and helps us all to "remember the Holocaust" and repeat "Never Again!" - or else.

Y'all GOT that?

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