Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Syria-sly Now! ("Pray, Seifert, Pray!")

WHAT THIS ARTICLE IS ABOUT - and a few of my own clarifications:


Ohrfeige für Außenminister - Maas gemaßregelt 
180°-Drehung: Bundesregierung ändert plötzlich ihre Syrien-Strategie
Von JEFF WINSTON // pi-news.net

Here's the gist of it, with commentary:

The "attack on Syria" (which it turns out wasn't, btw, but rather a - since Feb. planned ,and discussed with Putin and Assad - attack on Deep State facilities) goes forth. Trump Plan/Q-Anon in place, it is like mastering 4D-chess, only just graspable for us, if one has been keeping abreast with the whirlwind pace of Q-Anon.

Merkel says Germany is with everybody on board “behind the idea“ but “will not participate“ militarily – which, I dunno, may or may not have to do with those very chemicals being German manufactured and delivered in the first place. Whatever.

Alone as always, the German AfD has said from the start of this, this shit is fake and only WITH Assad (all things considered) can something effectively be reached. Everyone, without exception – the governing "Coalition", the other parties, entire Bundestag, the media – laughed their asses off at AfD.

NOW quite of a sudden, Merkel and her Dawg Seehofer have done a 180° - without blinking an eye. (Q-Anon is at work, either dismantling the Merkel-State or giving AfD backing or both.)  Merkel's press-cuck Seifert has to tap-dance like a fool: "Change of strategy"(!) Like they'd had one. In fact, they had undeniably and verifiably never had a strategy at all, Merkel has neither a brain nor a soul, one must simply grasp that. What she was only ever capable of, was opening the borders to let all the chaos flood right into EUrope and Germoney.

NOW the Merkellian (or Merkeliavellian) Think-Tank-Void has to cobble a concept of diplomacy toward Assad to arrive at a solution, as if anyone gave a shit anymore what Germoney thinks or does, so long as it pays the bills and takes on more waves of war-chaos Muslims regardless of real status. CDU is saying: "Gee, we can't solve this with Assad, but also not without him." This is a concept which shows how the world's 4th largest industrial nation so cluelessly looks for a concept, a word which I doubt this pack of dysfunctionaries can even spell.

Now we come to Heiko Maas, the little bitch who looks like Eichmann, thinks like Himmler, and tells the camera that he got into SPD politics "on account of Auschwitz"– wow, thanks – and then goes on as Justice Mini-mister to force through draft into law, giving him powers of total internet censorship. While the SPD was still refusing to do the Coalition-Cuddle with Merkel, he'd found himself out of a post – until it came to Cuddle after all on the condition that the SPD gets free pick of all the juicy govt. posts, while Martin Schulz is finally out of politics for life (thanks to Q-Anon). Heikomaus is now Merkel's Foreign Mini-mister – as inept at this as he was at Justice, or even at being a lawyer to begin with.

So the joke is on the Little-Man, no one had informed him of the switch – they let him go one shooting his mealy mouth off, bashing Bashir and talking about kicking his Assad. Oops...but: "Nope," says Seifert, "Heikomaus is okay, there is no contradiciton(!) which we can see."

And THAT means, quite simply, that a) both CDU and SPD are in equal measure clueless and reality-challenged, in any case unfit for politics at all, much less to be in the governing body: and this is what passes here for a Grand Colalition; b) Assad is in any event a figure dependent on Putin's good graces; and c) as Syria is begging all Syrians to return and help rebuild, it would behove Germoney very very much, to put its money and its resources into helping THEM return TO Syria and DO just THAT.

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