Thursday, November 23, 2017

Meltdown At Sony

"Anti"racists who are racist, "Anti"fascists who are as in love with fascism as it gets, communist-wannabes who've never touched Marx or Lenin but wear "Che" and are as true to the communist legacy as a jihadi or a Wahhabbi is to Islam, "feminists" who identify with the most outrageously cynical mysogeny in the form of Linda The Cockroach or Psycho Hillary The Narcissistic Loser, LGBTPs with pubescent attitude who defend Islamic Shari'a; ah, the intolerant "Tolerant" - the Anti"Deplorables" who never tire themselves of stooping to new lows in taste, in moral and ethical aptitude, but talk a lotta Attitude. As The Meltdown approaches, I rejoice in seeing actual signs of that very Meltdown reaching Merkel in Berlin, reaching her and her parade of sycophants and clowns. It will come. She will dive, shackled hand in hand with Hillary into Dante's deepest Inferno reserved for traitors.

I thought it would be a fittingly symbolic gesture, for a few of us to set up some summer folding chairs, dressed casually, with a case of beer and some packed lunches, soda, etc. - right at Berlin's tourist-laden, busy central Potsdamerplatz, right smack in front of the skyscraping Sony Center. And sitting back, looking upward at that roof, it's glossy ledges... And waiting...

People will observe this, ask what it's about - we just sip our beer and say, "Waitin' it out."
"Waiting what out?" they ask.
"The Meltdown. It's comin'."
"What's up there, what do you see up there?" they ask.
"Nothin' yet. But they'll be there, an' you'll see 'em too."
"What will we see up there - hah! - UFOs?" they smile.
"Nope - IFPs. They'll all be jumpin' from up there and landin' right at our feet."
"And what," they ask bemused, "exactly, are IFPs?"
"Identifiable Flying Politicians."

They stare at us, aghast. Then go back to looking up, just in case.
"It's The Meltdown, you see. It'll come."

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