Friday, November 10, 2017


Today is November 9th, for a number of reasons significant in German history – but those aside, two most prominent remain in the general memory and can be depended on to be bombarded on the public to make sure no one forgets.

So yes, I remembered November 9th without so much as glancing at a single news-rag or mainstream-TV. I remembered. On the one hand, the synagogues which burned, the glass of these and of Jewish shops which lay shattered on the street, some hundreds who were killed or had taken their own lives in despair. On the other hand, the fall of the Berlin Wall. Both instrumentalized by the Merkel-State and the press to make it look good and her opposition look bad.

And I said a Kaddish for all those who’d lost their lives to the two Socialist totalitarian regimes in the German 20th century. A Kaddish for those many, many disenfranchised Jews who’d died during the pogroms of Kristallnacht. And a Kaddish for those equally many – or more – disenfranchised East German citizens who were shot, murdered, trying to flee the realities of Socialism by climbing or tunnelling under that Wall. (A Wall which “no one had any intention of erecting” – one day before exactly that went into effect on August 12th, 1961.)

I said a Kaddish for the victims of the two Socialist Germanys: the National-Socialist which could offer a Kristallnacht, and the Communist-Socialist which could offer a Wall with a death-strip, specifically and exclusively to hold its own citizens hostage – with the doublethink logic and propagandistic doctrine that it was “to keep others out”.

I see a day when I will recite Kaddish again, adding the victims of the third Socialist totalitarian Germany – now being assiduously worked on by the very “Never-Again” Cult which Merkel and all of her lackeys and lackey offices, agencies and organizations, lobbies, media, unions, clerics, in a climate reeking of the red-green Stasi atmosphere embodied in the SPD, The Left, The Greens, and their “Anti”fa. And all of this on Merkel’s watch, with her blessing.

The party which will not be sucked into this brazen annual instrumentalization and manipulation is the AfD – for which it will get roundly slammed in the press and by all the political sluts of the mainstream established parties. Because the AfD alone knows what authentic historical memory and remembrance means.

Addendum: But wait! It appears that very little was this year for the first time in my memory broadcast on television concerning the two above mentioned events! What was yet more important, and revealingly all the more confirming of my conclusion? Ah! The November 9th “October Revolution” glorifying Lenin’s heroic struggle (Sein Kampf, of course!) and reminding us not to give up altogether on Socialism after all. Merkel & Co. are certainly taking that to heart.

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